Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University

November 2021 – February 2022

In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Darrel Moellendorf

The fellowship is part of Working group 1 (Democracy) and Working Group 4 (Knowledge) of the Research Initiative „ConTrust: Trust in Conflict – Political Life under Conditions of Uncertainty“.

Sally J. Scholz is Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University: Her research is in social and political philosophy and feminist theory. She has published extensively on solidarity, violence, oppression, just war theory, and related topics. She won the prestigious Lindback award.for Teaching Excellence in 2006, the Gallen Award for Faculty Service in 2011, and the Outstanding Faculty Research Award in 2014. Her books include On de Beauvoir, On Rousseau, Political Solidarity, and Feminism: A Beginner’s Guide. She co-edited Peacemaking: Lessons from the Past, Vision for the Future (with Judith Presler); The Contradictions of Freedom: Philosophical Essays on Simone de Beauvoir’s ‚Les Mandarins‘ (with Shannon Mussett); and Philosophica/ Perspectives on Democracy in the 21st Century (with Anh Cudd). Scholz is a former editor of the APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, former co-editor of the Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, and former editor of Hypatia. She is also a leader in the profession, serving as chair of the American Philosophical Association Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research (2011-2014), as well as the APA Committee on the Status and Future of the Profession (2015-2018). She was President of the North American Society for Social Philosophy (2015-2019).

Research project title:
Inclusive Trust

Research abstract:
Political societies facing a so-called crisis often turn to security measures to exert state dominance, police borders, and defend the parameters of citizenship in an effort to maintain the trust of citizens. In doing so, they frame the crisis using the terms of conflict and appeal to an exclusive form of solidarity with identity-based membership criteria for citizenship status. My research examines the appeal to exclusive solidarities and contrasts itwith a model of inclusive solidarity that privileges equity, inclusivity, and diversity. Using the history and practice of sanctuary – an idea with roots in the history of war and tied to the principle of civilian immunity in conflict situations – I demonstrate the potential of practices of belonging that extend beyond the narrow confines of political citizenship to develop new models of epistemic trust. These practices create a space for engagement that fosters democratic trust both within and across borders. Replacing security-focused citizenship political discourse with sanctuary-based civilian discourse expands the sources of knowledge for participatioh in civil society and reveals how the social conflict issuing from a so-called crisis can instead issue or foster positive social ties in solidarity.


19 November 2021

The Meaning(s) of Solidarity

4 November 2021
Roundtable at the First Annual Conference of the Research Initiative „ConTrust: Trust in Conflict – Political Life under Conditions of Uncertainty“
With: Prof. Dr. Jan Delhey (Magdeburg), Prof. Dr. Sally J. Scholz (Villanova), Dr. Clara Weinhardt (Maastricht), Prof. Dr. Thomas Biebricher (PI ConTrust)
Moderation: Dr. Tobias Wille (Forschungskoordinator ConTrust)