
A reflection on the relevance of sex, gender and diversity for the research is an important aspect of ensuring research quality in many fields. Depending on the funding agency it might also be mandatory in the application process.


DFG requests a chapter on the reflection of the „Relevance of sex, gender and/or diversity“ for research projects of the following funding lines:

  • Research Units (Forschungsgruppen)
  • Collaborative Research Centres (Sonderforschungsbereiche)
  • Research Training Groups (Graduiertenkollegs)
  • Research Grants Programme (Sachbeihilfe)
  • Research Units (Forschungsgruppen)
  • Emmy Noether Programme (Emmy Noether-Programm)
  • Walter Benjamin Programme (Walter Benjamin-Programm)

The reflection is part of the review of DFG proposals and might be addressed in the on-sight-review.

In Horizon Europe

In EUs grant programme Horizon Europe a reflection on the dimension of sex and/or gender for the research content is part of methodology.
This is mandatory for RIA (Research and Innovation Action) and IA (Innovation Action) projects as long as it is not stated otherwise.

The „integration of the gender dimension into research and innovation content is a requirement by default“ is a criterion for excellence in the review of Horizon Europe proposals.

In the DFG proposal templates
Please refer to DFGs forms and guidelines on each funding line for further information.

For example in the proposal template for CRCs:
“Where applicable, please describe whether and to what extent the sex and/or gender

  • of researchers
  • of persons under study
  • of individuals affected by the implementation of research results
  • of animals under study
  • with regard to samples taken from humans or animals
  • in other respects
is relevant to the research project (methods, work programme, objectives, etc.).
Where applicable, please also describe whether and to what extent diversity in terms of, for example, the state of health, ethnic background or culture of
  • researchers
  • persons under study
  • individuals affected by the implementation of research results
  • or diversity in other respects
may be significant for the research project (methods, work programme, objectives, etc.). Please explain to what extent these or similar considerations may also be relevant to animals under study or samples taken from humans or animals.”


In Horizon Europe’s application form
Please refer to the Horizon Europe Standard Application Form (HE RIA, IA) for further information:

“Describe how the gender dimension (i.e. sex and/or gender analysis) is taken into account in the project’s research and innovation content [e.g. 1 page].
If you do not consider such a gender dimension to be relevant in your project, please provide a justification.
  • Note: This section is mandatory except for topics which have been identified in the work programme as not requiring the integration of the gender dimension into R&I content.
  • Remember that that this question relates to the content of the planned research and innovation activities, and not to gender balance in the teams in charge of carrying out the project.
  • Sex and gender analysis refers to biological characteristics and social/cultural factors respectively. For guidance on methods of sex / gender analysis and the issues to be taken into account, please
    refer to

DFG asks for a chapter on the „Relevance of sex, gender and/or diversity“ as part of the research project description in most DFG funding lines.
EU Horizon asks for the consideration of the sex/gender dimension in the research and innovation content.

And if it‘s not relevant?

In many cases, the significance of sex, gender and/or diversity for the research content shouldn‘t be dismissed too early. To ensure the quality of the research and to meet the requirements of the funding agency, a thorough inspection of every step (from the collection of data to a possible transfer of the findings) might be needed as the relevance of those aspects is not always obvious.

If sex, gender and diversity are irrelevant to the research topic, depending on the funding program a statement might still be required. In any case, the reflection might be part of the review process so applicants should prepare themselves to answer questions on their assessment.

If you do not consider sex, gender and/or diversity relevant to the research content, you do not have to include the chapter in their proposal.
However, we suggest to write a short statement nevertheless to document that those dimensions have been taken into account.
In Horizon Europe
A (short) statement is mandatory even if you do not consider sex and gender relevant for the content of your research project.

DFG provides a checklist for the evaluation of the relevance