Sex, gender and diversity in research focuses on those dimensions as an aspect of the research content and the impact of sex, gender and/or diversity on the research process, questions, design, data, analysis and/or findings.
This is connected but not same as diversity and gender equity in acadmia and science, adressing the context of the research project and how to create equal opportunities in scientific groups, institutions and communities.
That being said, diversity in a research team can offer a broader range of perspectives through different backgrounds and experiences of the scientists – thus, helping with the consideration of sex, gender and diversity in the research itself.

Equal opportunities in research projects?
Equal opportunities in academia and research are an integral part of excellent science. They are an important tool to unfold potentials and foster talents, leading to more perspectives and innovation.
To what extent equal opportunities are part of the proposal and review of research project, differs through the different funding programs. In some cases, there is also extra support for gender equity, diversity, inclusion and the reconciliation of family and science such as dedicated funds.
In different funding lines DFG offers dedicated funds for equal opportunities and gender equality measures.
In addition there are other support options by DFG, e.g. gender inculsion funds for project managers and spokespeople that are underrepresented in their field by their gender.
For coordinated programs like CRCs and RTGs a chapter on equal opportunities within the research group is also part of the proposal and review of the project.
In order to apply for funds in Horizon Europe, a Gender Equality Plan by and for the institution is mandatory. Goethe University meets this requirements with the University’s „Aktionsplan Chancengleichheit 2019 – 2024“.
Furthermore, gender balance within the research team is a ranking criterion in Horizon Europe:
„Gender balance is the balance between women and men in research teams who will implement a project. Horizon Europe projects should aim to have an even, 50/50 participation rate of both men and women amongst teams and leading roles. In Horizon Europe, gender balance among researchers is a ranking criterion for proposals with the same evaluation scores.“ (Tackling gender equality in Research and Innovation)