This month, our regular kitchen STS meeting will be replaced by an exciting outward event. On Wednesday, June 19th at 10 a.m., Gay Hawkins is here to discuss with us her recent work on plastic and material politics in a colloquium at the Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE) in Bockenheim. The event is organized by the PlastX research group and is an accompanying event to their lecture series “Living in the Plastic Age“.
On the same day, Gay Hawkins also gives a public talk on “Plastic as a Political Material” as part of this lecture series. It takes place at Campus Westend in room HZ 3 (Hörsaalzentrum) at 4 p.m.
If you’re interested in participating in the colloquium, please send an email to Josef or me in advance, so that we can inform the organizers about the number of participants from the kitchen STS discussion group.