Launching the STS discussion group

Science and Technology Studies (STS) has been an important source of inspiration for many scholars at the Goethe University, but so far there have been hardly any opportunities to meet and discuss what it is that sociologists, social anthropologists, human geographers, historians of science and others find so inspiring about this heterogeneous field, and how they relate to it in their own works. This is why we – Susanne Bauer, Endre Dányi and Tino Plümecke – decided to set up a discussion group dedicated to STS. The idea is to meet once a month during term time to discuss such central themes to science studies as the performativity of writing, diverse engagements with theory, unusual field sites and methods, and the politicisation of seemingly scientific and/or technical issues.

If you are interested in attending, please send us a short email with your name, affiliation and research interests. there’s also an email list you can subscribe to – more information is available here:

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