Fantasy/Supernatural (FS) Drama (Dr) (1)Fantasy/Supernatural (FS) (7)Ghost and horror stories (GH) (1)Mystery/Crime/Detective (My) (1)Picture books (PB) (2) The Odious Ogre Juster, Norton & Feiffer, Jules New York: Michael di Capua Books / Scholastic 2010 The Dragonsitter to the Rescue Lacey, Josh & Parsons, Garry Stuttgart: Klett 2018 The Crowstarver Jamieson, Daniel Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes 2013 Dracula Stoker, Bram New York: Bantam Books 1981 Gamer Bradford, Chris Edinburgh: Barrington Stoke 2015 Ms Wiz Mayhem Blacker, Terence London: Macmillan 2006 Skellig Almond, David London: Hachette 2009