

Adventure/Survival (AS)
Adventure/Survival (AS)

Biography (Bi)
Biography (Bi)

Comics (Co)
Comics (Co)

Drama (Dr)
Drama (Dr)

Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)
Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)

Friendship (Fr)
Friendship (Fr)

Ghost and horror stories (GH)
Ghost and horror stories (GH)

Graphic novels (GN)
Graphic novels (GN)

Historical fiction (HF)
Historical fiction (HF)

Humor (Hu)
Humor (Hu)

Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)
Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)

Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)
Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)

Picture books (PB)
Picture books (PB)

Poetry (P)
Poetry (P)

Problem novels (Pr)
Problem novels (Pr)

Short stories (ShS)
Short stories (ShS)

Superhero stories (Su)
Superhero stories (Su)


Morpurgo, Michael & Foreman, Michael London: HarperCollins 2002

Town Is by the Sea
Town Is by the Sea

Schwartz, Joanne & Smith, Sydney London: Walker Books 2017


Juster, Norton & Karas, G. Brian New York: schwartz & wade books 2011

The Odious Ogre
The Odious Ogre

Juster, Norton & Feiffer, Jules New York: Michael di Capua Books / Scholastic 2010

Drummer Boy of John John
Drummer Boy of John John

Greenwood, Mark & Lessac, Frané New York: Lee & Low Books 2012

A Song for Gwendolyn Brooks
A Song for Gwendolyn Brooks

Duncan, Alice Faye & Gordon, Xia New York: Sterling Children's Books 2019

Mercy Watson Fights Crime
Mercy Watson Fights Crime

DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris Somerville: Candlewick Press 2010

Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken
Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken

DiCamillo, Kate & Bliss, Harry New York: HarperCollins 2008

First Day Jitters
First Day Jitters

Danneberg, Julie & Love, Judy Watertown: Charlesbridge 2000

The Roots of Rap – 16 Bars on the 4 Pillars of Hip-Hop
The Roots of Rap – 16 Bars on the 4 Pillars of Hip-Hop

Boston Weatherford, Carole & Morrison, Frank New York: little bee books 2019


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