Picture books (PB) Adventure/Survival (AS) (1)Biography (Bi) (2)Fantasy/Supernatural (FS) (2)Friendship (Fr) (1)Mystery/Crime/Detective (My) (1)Picture books (PB) (13)Poetry (P) (1) Town Is by the Sea Schwartz, Joanne & Smith, Sydney London: Walker Books 2017 Neville Juster, Norton & Karas, G. Brian New York: schwartz & wade books 2011 The Odious Ogre Juster, Norton & Feiffer, Jules New York: Michael di Capua Books / Scholastic 2010 Drummer Boy of John John Greenwood, Mark & Lessac, Frané New York: Lee & Low Books 2012 A Song for Gwendolyn Brooks Duncan, Alice Faye & Gordon, Xia New York: Sterling Children's Books 2019 Mercy Watson Fights Crime DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris Somerville: Candlewick Press 2010 Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken DiCamillo, Kate & Bliss, Harry New York: HarperCollins 2008 First Day Jitters Danneberg, Julie & Love, Judy Watertown: Charlesbridge 2000 The Roots of Rap – 16 Bars on the 4 Pillars of Hip-Hop Boston Weatherford, Carole & Morrison, Frank New York: little bee books 2019 Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa Chambers, Veronica & Maren, Julie New York: Penguin Books 2005 1 2 nächste Seite »