Stellenanzeigen Juni 1/2

Now HiringDer erste Teil unserer Sammlung an relevanten akademischen Stellenanzeigen der Bereiche Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik aus dem Juni 2013.


Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (50%), Internationale Beziehungen/ Polenstudien; Jena
Deadline: 24.06.2013

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Zum 1. Oktober 2013 ist am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen der Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena die Stelle einer/s Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/s (50%) zu besetzen.

Die Stelle ist zunächst befristet für 2 Jahre; eine Verlängerung auf bis zu 5 Jahren ist vorgesehen. Es handelt sich um eine halbe Stelle. Die Vergütung richtet sich nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den persönlichen Voraussetzungen bis zur Entgeltgruppe TV-L 13.

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (50-70%) SWP; Berlin
Deadline: 21.06.2013

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Wir suchen ab September 2013einen/eine Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/inin Teilzeit (50-70%) für zwei bis drei Jahre in der Forschungsgruppe Asien Ihre Aufgabenfelder: Analyse der innen- und sicherheitspolitischen Entwicklungen in Afghanistan.

Ihr Profil:

  • Studium der Politikwissenschaft bzw. vergleichbarer Abschluss
  • Einschlägige innen- und sicherheitspolitische Erfahrung, möglichst in der Region gewonnene Expertise
  • Fließende Englischkenntnisse und (wünschenswert) Kenntnisse einer Regionalsprache
  • Erfahrungen in der Politikberatung
  • Sehr gute schriftliche und mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit

Vergütung nach E13 TVöD Bund; Leistungen des öffentlichen Dienstes. Die SWP fördert die Gleichstellung und begrüßt daher besonders die Bewerbung von Frauen.

Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung senden Sie bitte bis zum 21.06.2013 an die: SWP, Personalreferat, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, 10719 Berlin, Bewerbungen per E-Mail bitte an

Zwei Junior Research Fellows, ein Senior Research Fellow und eine Assistenz der Geschäftsführung am BIGS; Potsdam
Deadline: 15.06.2013

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Das Brandenburgische Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit (BIGS) gGmbH ist ein unabhängiges, überparteiliches und nicht-gewinnorientiertes wissenschaftliches Institut, das zu gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fragen ziviler Sicherheit forscht. Das BIGS publiziert seine Forschungsergebnisse und vermittelt diese in Veranstaltungen an eine interessierte Öffentlichkeit. Aufgrund des gestiegenen Drittmittelaufkommens und einiger neuer Forschungsprojekte suchen wir ab Juli 2013 sowohl im wissenschaftlichen als auch im administrativen Bereich eine Verstärkung unseres Teams:

  • zwei Junior Research Fellows
  • ein Senior Research Fellow und
  • eine Assistenz der Geschäftsführung
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in am CEval (75%); Saarbrücken
Deadline: 07.06.2013

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Am Centrum für Evaluation (CEval) der Universität des Saarlandes ist folgender Arbeitsplatz zu besetzen: Gesucht wird eine/ ein: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / ein wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter.
Dienstort: Saarbrücken
Einstellung möglichst ab: Sofort
Beschäftigungsumfang: 75 % der tariflichen Arbeitszeit
Beschäftigungsdauer: 3 Jahre, Verlängerung möglich

Aufgaben am Lehrstuhl für Soziologie in 50% der Arbeitszeit, insbesondere die Betreuung der Hochschulkooperation mit der Universidad de Costa Rica und Mitarbeit im Studiengang Master of Evaluation (Durchführung von Seminaren, Betreuung von Studierenden etc.).
Bearbeitung von Drittmittelprojekten im Bereich Evaluation in 25% der Arbeitszeit. Zur Bearbeitung weiterer Aufgaben ist ggf. eine spätere Aufstockung der Stelle um 25% möglich.

Postdoc am German Institute of Global and Area Studies (65%); Leibnitz
Deadline: Unbekannt (Auswahlverfahren beginnt am 08.07.2013)

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Das GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibnitz Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien sucht zum 01.10.2013 oder später eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter im von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) finanzierten Forschungsprojekt "Zivilgesellschaftsorganisationen als Unterstützer autoritärer Herrschaft? Ein regionenübergreifender Vergleich (Vietnam, Algerien, Mosambik)". Es handelt sich um eine Postdoktorandenstelle, 65%, befristet auf zwei Jahre, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-AVH/ TVöD.

Projektkoordinator/in, Themenschwerpunkt "Energiewende"; Berlin
Deadline: 16.06.2013

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Die HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Projektkoordinator/in.
Als Lehr- und Forschungsstätte wie als Politische Plattform vermittelt die HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance zwischen verschiedenen Perspektiven einzelner wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Bereiche. Dadurch stärkt sie die Zusammenarbeit von Politik, Wirtschaft und organisierter Zivilgesellschaft und verbessert demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse. Dieses Vorhaben wird von zwei der traditionsreichsten deutschen Hochschulen, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) unterstützt.

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben für vergleichende und internationale Politikwissenschaft; Kassel
Deadline: 21.06.2013

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Im Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften - Fachgebiet Internationale und Intergesellschaftliche Beziehungen (Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt) ist zum 01.07.2013 folgende Stelle zu besetzen: Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (EG 13 TV-H) für vergleichende und internationale Politikwissenschaft, Vollzeit; die Beschäftigung erfolgt im Rahmen des Hochschulpakts 2020 und ist zunächst befristet bis zum 31.08.2015 gem. § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG.

Projektmanager/in Qualitätssicherung & Evaluierung (50%); Berlin
Deadline: 23.06.2013

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Die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission sucht für ihre Außenstelle in Berlin im Bereich internationaler kultureller Freiwilligendienst »kulturweit« zum 15. Juli 2013 eine/n Projektkoordinator/in im Bereich Qualitätssicherung und Evaluierung (50%).
Monitoring/Evaluierung des gesamten Freiwilligendienstzyklus mit angemessenen Instrumenten
Auswertung und Aufbereitung der Daten und Formulierung von Handlungsvorschlägen

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter Politik-, Verwaltungs- oder Sozialwissenschaften (50%); Wuppertal
Deadline: 19.06.2013

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Fachliche und persönliche Einstellungsvoraussetzungen:

  • Guter bis sehr guter Universitätsabschluss in Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft oder Sozialwissenschaften
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse der quantitativen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
  • Praktische Erfahrungen mit dem Statistikprogramm R
  • Grundlegende Erfahrungen in Webprogrammierung (z. B. PHP) und mit Content Management Systemen (z. B. Typo 3)

Aufgaben und Anforderungen:

  • Mitarbeit im Projekt „Direktdemokratische Institutionen in der Konkordanz- und Konkurrenzdemokratie“
  • Entwicklung von Fragebögen für Kommunen, die Datenaufbereitung sowie die Datenauswertung mit multivariaten Verfahren und die Mitarbeit an Publikationen sowie Endbericht
  • Projektdaten und Auswertungen sollen in Form von HTML-Dokumenten für die übrigen Projektteilnehmer aufbereitet werden
  • Erwartet wird die eigenständige Projektkoordination

Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion ist gegeben.

Zwei Promotionsstellen im Rahmen der Nachwuchsgruppe "Revolten als Kommunikationsereignisse in der Frühen Neuzeit" (50-70%); Konstanz
Deadline: 10.07.2013

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Die interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe untersucht sowohl Kommunikation in Revolten, als auch Kommunikation über Revolten und fragt nach dem Einfluss dieser Revolten-Kommunikation auf Legitimationen von Herrschaft, Begründungen von Widerstandsrecht und längerfristige obrigkeitliche Präventionspolitiken im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Revolten wurden in den unterschiedlichsten Wissenssparten und Ländern thematisiert. Dementsprechend ist die eng vernetzte Forschungsarbeit interdisziplinär ausgerichtet. Bewerbungen aus allen relevanten Disziplinen sind willkommen.

Referentin / Referent für die Mitarbeit bei Auswahl und Betreuung der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten; Bonn
Deadline: 16.06.2013

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Visiting Professor position – Junior level; Budapest
Deadline: Unbekannt

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The Political Science Department at Central European University, Budapest, is looking for a political economist interested in a junior visiting faculty position for one academic year (September 2013-June 2014). We are looking for someone who can teach core courses in the field on the MA level. The normal teaching load at CEU is three classes (each class meets twice a week for 100 minutes, during 12 weeks) per academic year, plus MA thesis supervision.

Research Fellow, Centre for Governance and Public Policy; Queensland
Deadline: 09.07.2013

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Griffith University is looking to appoint up to four Research Fellows in International Relations/Comparative Politics. Each fellowship is for a fixed period of four years. The fellowship positions are research-only for the first year, with a one course per year equivalent teaching load in each of the second, third and fourth years.

These are fixed term (4 years), full time positions based at the Nathan campus, Queensland, Australia.

Two Teaching Fellow in International Relations Politics; Bath
Deadline: 16.06.2013

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The Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath seeks to appoint two Teaching Fellows in International Relations from 1 September 2013.

A degree in a relevant discipline and postgraduate training in the field of International Relations is essential.

You will be able to cover a range of core IR topics, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, which may include European security, conflict and international security, international political economy, international terrorism, international organisations and IR methodologies.

The successful candidates will be flexible individuals who can adapt to the needs of the department’s programmes and students, delivering high quality teaching and student support. The appointees will also be asked to supervise undergraduate dissertations in International Relations and provide pastoral support for students in the role of personal tutor.

Lecturer in International Relations with a focus on Post-conflict Reconstruction (80%); London
Deadline: 20.06.2013

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The Department of War Studies seeks to recruit a Lecturer in International Relations with a focus on post-conflict reconstruction for a period of three years. The Department is looking for a distinguished scholar who already has an outstanding profile in the field of International Relations with a general focus on Conflict, Security and Development. It seeks applicants who have a publication list that includes both monographs and peer-reviewed articles in leading scientific journals. The successful candidate will be expected to strengthen the War Studies Department's teaching and research capacity in relation to one or more of the following crosscutting themes.

  • The Political Economy of Civil War and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
  • Post-Conflict Democracy Promotion
  • Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Aid
  • State Failure and Fragility
  • Politics, Conflict and War in Africa
  • The UN and its specialised agencies, programmes and funds
  • Regional organisations with a special focus on Africa
  • Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of combatants (DDR) and Security Sector Reform (SSR)
  • Natural Resources, Scarcity and conflict
  • Development and Aid during and after Violent Conflict
  • The Bretton Woods institutions and Post-conflict reconstruction
  • Donor Politics
  • NGOs and Private Sector Involvement in Reconstruction
PhD studentship "What Constitutes Violence? Victims, Survivors and Trauma"; Brighton
Deadline: 27.06.2013

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Recent scholarship has reconceptualised violence taking in to account two aspects unrecognised in the liberal/empiricist paradigm. First, scholars have extended analysis to the different forms of violence - psychological, structural and physical (in for example Zizek’s work). Second, scholars have investigated how the different ‘experiences’ of violence might find adequate forms of representation, without doing to damage to these traumatic experiences. And what might be the implications of this for an understanding of violence more generally? You will engage with this body of critical theoretical scholarship, seeking to refine both the conceptualisation of violence, and the relationships between this conceptualisation and an ethics of violence.

This is one of three doctoral scholarships available within the University of Brighton’s newly established interdisciplinary research cluster, Understanding Conflict: Forms and Legacies of Violence. Based jointly in the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics and the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, the cluster builds a usable understanding of violent conflict and its human legacies, developing two areas of interdisciplinary investigation rooted in the recent work of the two research centres. One area is concerned with ethical and political justifications of violence, based on the principle that the philosophical study and practical implementation of an ethics of suffering have to take on board people's experiences of living with, through and after violent conflict. The other area investigates cultural and historical constructions of past, present and future as experienced, understood and negotiated in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies, with a particular interest in the intersection between temporal dynamics and spatial locations. By developing dialogue between historically and geographically situated studies and more abstract philosophical approaches, and through collaboration with external partners from outside the academy with lived experience and/or practical knowledge of conflict and its transformation, the cluster aims to develop over a number of years a valuable interdisciplinary synthesis for understanding and engaging with the forms and legacies of recent and contemporary violent conflict.

Led by Professor Bob Brecher (applied philosophy) and Professor Graham Dawson (historical cultural studies), the cluster brings together established expertise in humanities and social sciences from across the university. Contributing disciplines and areas include: applied philosophy, critical theory, cultural geography, cultural and social history, literature, material culture, politics, psycho-social studies and social anthropology. With a commitment to developing interdisciplinary understandings, you will be part of a wider group (currently nine) of PhD students working on related topics and helping to further both the cluster's scholarly reputation and its public impact. This will include contributing to our wider activities, including conferences, workshops, public participation and dissemination.

PhD studentship "Memorial Landscapes: Negotiating Post-conflict Spaces"; Brighton
Deadline: 27.06.2013

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This scholarship will investigate the temporal, cultural, material and experiential dimensions of ‘post-conflict’ spaces, understood as spaces where legacies of war and conflict may endure in memory, practice, unrest and community relations, and where meanings about past and present are created, lived, contested and negotiated. Working with and developing a range of conceptual approaches utilised by the ‘spatial turn’ within historical, cultural and memory studies, you will focus on a specific memorial landscape or heritage site as a means of investigating and widening our knowledge of how the continuing legacies of war and conflict are engaged in ‘post-conflict’ spaces. Both the case chosen for analysis and the particular mix of approaches will be proposed by applicants and the successful candidate will negotiate the latter with their supervisors.

This is one of three doctoral scholarships available within the University of Brighton’s newly established interdisciplinary research cluster, Understanding Conflict: Forms and Legacies of Violence. Based jointly in the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics and the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, the cluster builds a usable understanding of violent conflict and its human legacies, developing two areas of interdisciplinary investigation rooted in the recent work of the two research centres. One area is concerned with ethical and political justifications of violence, based on the principle that the philosophical study and practical implementation of an ethics of suffering have to take on board people's experiences of living with, through and after violent conflict. The other area investigates cultural and historical constructions of past, present and future as experienced, understood and negotiated in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies, with a particular interest in the intersection between temporal dynamics and spatial locations. By developing dialogue between historically and geographically situated studies and more abstract philosophical approaches, and through collaboration with external partners from outside the academy with lived experience and/or practical knowledge of conflict and its transformation, the cluster aims to develop over a number of years a valuable interdisciplinary synthesis for understanding and engaging with the forms and legacies of recent and contemporary violent conflict.

Led by Professor Bob Brecher (applied philosophy) and Professor Graham Dawson (historical cultural studies), the cluster brings together established expertise in humanities and social sciences from across the university. Contributing disciplines and areas include: applied philosophy, critical theory, cultural geography, cultural and social history, literature, material culture, politics, psycho-social studies and social anthropology. With a commitment to developing interdisciplinary understandings, you will be part of a wider group (currently nine) of PhD students working on related topics and helping to further both the cluster's scholarly reputation and its public impact. This will include contributing to our wider activities, including conferences, workshops, public participation and dissemination.

Senior Researcher, House of Commons; London
Deadline: 18.06.2013

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The Commons Library includes subject and statistics specialists who produce research briefings on Bills progressing through Parliament and subjects of interest to Members of Parliament and their staff. The Commons Library maintains a wide range of reference books, online resources and databases. The post holder will provide accurate, impartial, clear, fit-for-purpose responses, orally and in writing, to requests for information and analysis. They will also prepare briefings and talks on legislation and topical issues in response to, or in anticipation of, Members’ needs.

The candidate will have a good knowledge of human rights law and good knowledge of at least two of the following areas: Criminal Law (including terrorism and extradition), Civil Law or Administrative Law. A good knowledge of current affairs and UK public policy and an understanding of the work of Parliament and Government, political processes and issues are also necessary. This should include an understanding of the role of MPs and how they work.

The candidate will have the ability to collate complex, technical material from a wide range of information sources, and will be able to interpret and present it clearly for oral and written briefings for all audiences.

The successful candidate will be highly organised and have a flexible approach to ensure critical deadlines are met, for a changing portfolio of work. The candidate will contribute to the work of others and will work co-operatively with others across the organisation, by building effective working relationships and by sharing skills, knowledge and learning.

Lectureships in Politics/International Relations; York
Deadline: 27.06.2013

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The University of York wishes to appoint to two lectureships in the Department of Politics. The new appointments will undertake research of the highest international standards in their specialist fields, and make a major positive contribution to the research standing and culture of the Department. You will contribute to Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching, and research supervision, in the Politics Department. The posts are open as to sub-field, but we will seek to appoint outstanding candidates with teaching and research expertise in one or more of our core research sub-fields of conflict, security and development, comparative politics, political economy, public policy, and political philosophy.

The posts are available from 1 September 2013, and are on open contracts. You are encouraged to contact Professor Matthew Festenstein, Head of Department, for a confidential informal discussion (email: tel: 01904 323573).

PhD studentship "Justice, Memory and Experience in Reconciliation after Conflict"; Brighton
Deadline: 27.06.2013

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This scholarship is predicated on the understanding that reconciliation after conflict involves questions of justice rooted in and informed by the experience of those directly affected. You will explore theoretical accounts of transitional justice considered in relation both to theories of the psycho-social after-effects of violence and to the narratives and memories of violence offered by victims/survivors of conflict, with the aim of building an account of reconciliatory practice that is sensitive to the interplay between these issues. In exploring different ways of representing traumatic experiences and memories of violent conflict in relation both to theory and to the practical understandings of victims/survivors, you will engage with the work of victims’/survivors’ groups in developing both the direction of your research and a specific case study. The successful candidate will demonstrate awareness of the ethical implications of collaborative research involving traumatic experiences of this kind.

This is one of three doctoral scholarships available within the University of Brighton’s newly established interdisciplinary research cluster, Understanding Conflict: Forms and Legacies of Violence. Based jointly in the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics and the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, the cluster builds a usable understanding of violent conflict and its human legacies, developing two areas of interdisciplinary investigation rooted in the recent work of the two research centres. One area is concerned with ethical and political justifications of violence, based on the principle that the philosophical study and practical implementation of an ethics of suffering have to take on board people's experiences of living with, through and after violent conflict. The other area investigates cultural and historical constructions of past, present and future as experienced, understood and negotiated in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies, with a particular interest in the intersection between temporal dynamics and spatial locations. By developing dialogue between historically and geographically situated studies and more abstract philosophical approaches, and through collaboration with external partners from outside the academy with lived experience and/or practical knowledge of conflict and its transformation, the cluster aims to develop over a number of years a valuable interdisciplinary synthesis for understanding and engaging with the forms and legacies of recent and contemporary violent conflict.

Led by Professor Bob Brecher (applied philosophy) and Professor Graham Dawson (historical cultural studies), the cluster brings together established expertise in humanities and social sciences from across the university. Contributing disciplines and areas include: applied philosophy, critical theory, cultural geography, cultural and social history, literature, material culture, politics, psycho-social studies and social anthropology. With a commitment to developing interdisciplinary understandings, you will be part of a wider group (currently nine) of PhD students working on related topics and helping to further both the cluster's scholarly reputation and its public impact.

Fully funded PhD Studentship "The Big Society: Does Voluntary Work Build Stronger Communities?"; Loughborough
Deadline: 19.06.2013

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Since 2010 the UK government have promoted voluntary work as a necessary ingredient of the success of the ‘The Big Society’ policy. Under this initiative voluntary work is promoted to support community integration, well-being, and prosperity. This project seeks to examine the challenges and potential of these efforts. Contributing to debates in the sociologies of work, communities and organisations, as well as social policy and human geography, the research will explore whether this recent state-directed push for voluntary work is building stronger communities, or is it a symptom, even cause, of ever-greater social exclusion and injustice? Through a range of qualitative research methodologies, including ethnography, the project will consider how individuals, social groups, and a range of organisations, are responding to, and being shaped by, the recent prioritization, even quasi-professionalization, of voluntarism within social policy.

Research Grant in the field of Political Science "Beyond European Exceptionalism: the European Union in Comparative Perspective"; Rome
Deadline: 20.06.2013

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The Department of Political Science and the School of Government of LUISS Guido Carli of Rome, Italy are pleased to announce a two-year research grant (Assegno di Ricerca) in the field of Political Science (SPS04) to work on a project titled "Beyond European Exceptionalism: the European Union in Comparative Perspective" led by Prof. Sergio Fabbrini, Director of the LUISS School of Government and Full Professor of Political Science and International Relations, LUISS Guido Carli. Both organizations are experiencing a continuous academic and research growth and are looking for top international talent to support this expansion. The successful candidate is expected to contribute original research within the project and coordinate associated activities.

The ideal candidate is expected to have a doctorate or equivalent awarded in Italy or abroad and some research experience by appropriate publishing record in leading international journals.

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