Der erste Teil unserer Sammlung an relevanten akademischen Stellenanzeigen der Bereiche Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik aus dem Juni 2013.
Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:
Deadline: 24.06.2013
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Die Stelle ist zunächst befristet für 2 Jahre; eine Verlängerung auf bis zu 5 Jahren ist vorgesehen. Es handelt sich um eine halbe Stelle. Die Vergütung richtet sich nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den persönlichen Voraussetzungen bis zur Entgeltgruppe TV-L 13.
Deadline: 21.06.2013
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Ihr Profil:
- Studium der Politikwissenschaft bzw. vergleichbarer Abschluss
- Einschlägige innen- und sicherheitspolitische Erfahrung, möglichst in der Region gewonnene Expertise
- Fließende Englischkenntnisse und (wünschenswert) Kenntnisse einer Regionalsprache
- Erfahrungen in der Politikberatung
- Sehr gute schriftliche und mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit
Vergütung nach E13 TVöD Bund; Leistungen des öffentlichen Dienstes. Die SWP fördert die Gleichstellung und begrüßt daher besonders die Bewerbung von Frauen.
Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung senden Sie bitte bis zum 21.06.2013 an die: SWP, Personalreferat, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, 10719 Berlin, Bewerbungen per E-Mail bitte an
Deadline: 15.06.2013
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- zwei Junior Research Fellows
- ein Senior Research Fellow und
- eine Assistenz der Geschäftsführung
Deadline: 07.06.2013
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Dienstort: Saarbrücken
Einstellung möglichst ab: Sofort
Beschäftigungsumfang: 75 % der tariflichen Arbeitszeit
Beschäftigungsdauer: 3 Jahre, Verlängerung möglich
Aufgaben am Lehrstuhl für Soziologie in 50% der Arbeitszeit, insbesondere die Betreuung der Hochschulkooperation mit der Universidad de Costa Rica und Mitarbeit im Studiengang Master of Evaluation (Durchführung von Seminaren, Betreuung von Studierenden etc.).
Bearbeitung von Drittmittelprojekten im Bereich Evaluation in 25% der Arbeitszeit. Zur Bearbeitung weiterer Aufgaben ist ggf. eine spätere Aufstockung der Stelle um 25% möglich.
Deadline: Unbekannt (Auswahlverfahren beginnt am 08.07.2013)
Zur Webseite des Angebots (PDF)
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Deadline: 16.06.2013
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Als Lehr- und Forschungsstätte wie als Politische Plattform vermittelt die HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance zwischen verschiedenen Perspektiven einzelner wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Bereiche. Dadurch stärkt sie die Zusammenarbeit von Politik, Wirtschaft und organisierter Zivilgesellschaft und verbessert demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse. Dieses Vorhaben wird von zwei der traditionsreichsten deutschen Hochschulen, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) unterstützt.
Deadline: 21.06.2013
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Deadline: 23.06.2013
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Monitoring/Evaluierung des gesamten Freiwilligendienstzyklus mit angemessenen Instrumenten
Auswertung und Aufbereitung der Daten und Formulierung von Handlungsvorschlägen
Deadline: 19.06.2013
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- Guter bis sehr guter Universitätsabschluss in Politikwissenschaft, Verwaltungswissenschaft oder Sozialwissenschaften
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse der quantitativen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
- Praktische Erfahrungen mit dem Statistikprogramm R
- Grundlegende Erfahrungen in Webprogrammierung (z. B. PHP) und mit Content Management Systemen (z. B. Typo 3)
Aufgaben und Anforderungen:
- Mitarbeit im Projekt „Direktdemokratische Institutionen in der Konkordanz- und Konkurrenzdemokratie“
- Entwicklung von Fragebögen für Kommunen, die Datenaufbereitung sowie die Datenauswertung mit multivariaten Verfahren und die Mitarbeit an Publikationen sowie Endbericht
- Projektdaten und Auswertungen sollen in Form von HTML-Dokumenten für die übrigen Projektteilnehmer aufbereitet werden
- Erwartet wird die eigenständige Projektkoordination
Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion ist gegeben.
Deadline: 10.07.2013
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Deadline: 16.06.2013
Deadline: Unbekannt
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Deadline: 09.07.2013
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These are fixed term (4 years), full time positions based at the Nathan campus, Queensland, Australia.
Deadline: 16.06.2013
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A degree in a relevant discipline and postgraduate training in the field of International Relations is essential.
You will be able to cover a range of core IR topics, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, which may include European security, conflict and international security, international political economy, international terrorism, international organisations and IR methodologies.
The successful candidates will be flexible individuals who can adapt to the needs of the department’s programmes and students, delivering high quality teaching and student support. The appointees will also be asked to supervise undergraduate dissertations in International Relations and provide pastoral support for students in the role of personal tutor.
Deadline: 20.06.2013
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- The Political Economy of Civil War and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
- Post-Conflict Democracy Promotion
- Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Aid
- State Failure and Fragility
- Politics, Conflict and War in Africa
- The UN and its specialised agencies, programmes and funds
- Regional organisations with a special focus on Africa
- Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of combatants (DDR) and Security Sector Reform (SSR)
- Natural Resources, Scarcity and conflict
- Development and Aid during and after Violent Conflict
- The Bretton Woods institutions and Post-conflict reconstruction
- Donor Politics
- NGOs and Private Sector Involvement in Reconstruction
Deadline: 27.06.2013
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This is one of three doctoral scholarships available within the University of Brighton’s newly established interdisciplinary research cluster, Understanding Conflict: Forms and Legacies of Violence. Based jointly in the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics and the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, the cluster builds a usable understanding of violent conflict and its human legacies, developing two areas of interdisciplinary investigation rooted in the recent work of the two research centres. One area is concerned with ethical and political justifications of violence, based on the principle that the philosophical study and practical implementation of an ethics of suffering have to take on board people's experiences of living with, through and after violent conflict. The other area investigates cultural and historical constructions of past, present and future as experienced, understood and negotiated in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies, with a particular interest in the intersection between temporal dynamics and spatial locations. By developing dialogue between historically and geographically situated studies and more abstract philosophical approaches, and through collaboration with external partners from outside the academy with lived experience and/or practical knowledge of conflict and its transformation, the cluster aims to develop over a number of years a valuable interdisciplinary synthesis for understanding and engaging with the forms and legacies of recent and contemporary violent conflict.
Led by Professor Bob Brecher (applied philosophy) and Professor Graham Dawson (historical cultural studies), the cluster brings together established expertise in humanities and social sciences from across the university. Contributing disciplines and areas include: applied philosophy, critical theory, cultural geography, cultural and social history, literature, material culture, politics, psycho-social studies and social anthropology. With a commitment to developing interdisciplinary understandings, you will be part of a wider group (currently nine) of PhD students working on related topics and helping to further both the cluster's scholarly reputation and its public impact. This will include contributing to our wider activities, including conferences, workshops, public participation and dissemination.
Deadline: 27.06.2013
Mehr Informationen
This is one of three doctoral scholarships available within the University of Brighton’s newly established interdisciplinary research cluster, Understanding Conflict: Forms and Legacies of Violence. Based jointly in the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics and the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, the cluster builds a usable understanding of violent conflict and its human legacies, developing two areas of interdisciplinary investigation rooted in the recent work of the two research centres. One area is concerned with ethical and political justifications of violence, based on the principle that the philosophical study and practical implementation of an ethics of suffering have to take on board people's experiences of living with, through and after violent conflict. The other area investigates cultural and historical constructions of past, present and future as experienced, understood and negotiated in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies, with a particular interest in the intersection between temporal dynamics and spatial locations. By developing dialogue between historically and geographically situated studies and more abstract philosophical approaches, and through collaboration with external partners from outside the academy with lived experience and/or practical knowledge of conflict and its transformation, the cluster aims to develop over a number of years a valuable interdisciplinary synthesis for understanding and engaging with the forms and legacies of recent and contemporary violent conflict.
Led by Professor Bob Brecher (applied philosophy) and Professor Graham Dawson (historical cultural studies), the cluster brings together established expertise in humanities and social sciences from across the university. Contributing disciplines and areas include: applied philosophy, critical theory, cultural geography, cultural and social history, literature, material culture, politics, psycho-social studies and social anthropology. With a commitment to developing interdisciplinary understandings, you will be part of a wider group (currently nine) of PhD students working on related topics and helping to further both the cluster's scholarly reputation and its public impact. This will include contributing to our wider activities, including conferences, workshops, public participation and dissemination.
Deadline: 18.06.2013
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The candidate will have a good knowledge of human rights law and good knowledge of at least two of the following areas: Criminal Law (including terrorism and extradition), Civil Law or Administrative Law. A good knowledge of current affairs and UK public policy and an understanding of the work of Parliament and Government, political processes and issues are also necessary. This should include an understanding of the role of MPs and how they work.
The candidate will have the ability to collate complex, technical material from a wide range of information sources, and will be able to interpret and present it clearly for oral and written briefings for all audiences.
The successful candidate will be highly organised and have a flexible approach to ensure critical deadlines are met, for a changing portfolio of work. The candidate will contribute to the work of others and will work co-operatively with others across the organisation, by building effective working relationships and by sharing skills, knowledge and learning.
Deadline: 27.06.2013
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The posts are available from 1 September 2013, and are on open contracts. You are encouraged to contact Professor Matthew Festenstein, Head of Department, for a confidential informal discussion (email: tel: 01904 323573).
Deadline: 27.06.2013
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This is one of three doctoral scholarships available within the University of Brighton’s newly established interdisciplinary research cluster, Understanding Conflict: Forms and Legacies of Violence. Based jointly in the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics and the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, the cluster builds a usable understanding of violent conflict and its human legacies, developing two areas of interdisciplinary investigation rooted in the recent work of the two research centres. One area is concerned with ethical and political justifications of violence, based on the principle that the philosophical study and practical implementation of an ethics of suffering have to take on board people's experiences of living with, through and after violent conflict. The other area investigates cultural and historical constructions of past, present and future as experienced, understood and negotiated in cultures and societies undergoing violent conflict or dealing with ‘post-conflict’ legacies, with a particular interest in the intersection between temporal dynamics and spatial locations. By developing dialogue between historically and geographically situated studies and more abstract philosophical approaches, and through collaboration with external partners from outside the academy with lived experience and/or practical knowledge of conflict and its transformation, the cluster aims to develop over a number of years a valuable interdisciplinary synthesis for understanding and engaging with the forms and legacies of recent and contemporary violent conflict.
Led by Professor Bob Brecher (applied philosophy) and Professor Graham Dawson (historical cultural studies), the cluster brings together established expertise in humanities and social sciences from across the university. Contributing disciplines and areas include: applied philosophy, critical theory, cultural geography, cultural and social history, literature, material culture, politics, psycho-social studies and social anthropology. With a commitment to developing interdisciplinary understandings, you will be part of a wider group (currently nine) of PhD students working on related topics and helping to further both the cluster's scholarly reputation and its public impact.
Deadline: 19.06.2013
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Deadline: 20.06.2013
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The ideal candidate is expected to have a doctorate or equivalent awarded in Italy or abroad and some research experience by appropriate publishing record in leading international journals.