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Now HiringUnd noch ein zweiter Schwung Stellenanzeigen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik aus dem Juli 2013.


Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Consultant mit dem Arbeitsschwerpunkt Erneuerbare Energien (m/w)

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Als Consultant mit dem Arbeitsschwerpunkt „Erneuerbare Energien“ beraten Sie Ministerien und Verbände zu energiepolitischen Themen. Sie sind an der Durchführung von Beratungs- und angewandten Forschungsprojekten zum Thema Energie- und Klimapolitik beteiligt, wirken mit an der Angebotserstellung für öffentliche und private Ausschreibungen und entwickeln damit unsere Unternehmensaktivitäten im Bereich der Politik für Erneuerbare Energien kontinuierlich weiter.

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in am CEval, Saarbrücken
Deadline: 06.09.2013

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Bearbeitung von Drittmittelprojekten im Bereich Evaluation, primär im Feld der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Zur Bearbeitung weiterer Aufgaben ist ggf. eine Aufstockung der Stelle auf 100 % möglich. Die Gelegenheit zur Promotion ist gegeben.

Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in 75% FernUni Hagen
Deadline: 09.08.2013

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Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung und Überarbeitung von Fernstudienmaterial und Einsendeaufgaben
Mitwirkung bei der Durchführung von Fernstudienkursen und Präsenzveranstaltungen (Seminare/Praktika)
Mitwirkung bei der Betreuung von Seminar-, Diplom-, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
Mitwirkung bei Verwaltungsaufgaben des Lehrgebietes
Mitwirkung bei Forschungsvorhaben des Lehrgebietes

Universitätsassistent/in (Postdoc) für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck
Deadline: 07.08.2013

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Mitarbeit Lehre: Studienprogramme BA und MA
Selbst. wissensch. Forschung, Mitarbeit am Forschungszentrum
Studierendenbetreuung, Verwaltung und Tätigkeit im Rahmen der akadem. Selbstverwaltung

PostDoc Vergleichende/Transnationale Soziologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Deadline: 31.07.2013

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Die Universität Duisburg-Essen sucht am Campus Duisburg in der Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften, am Institut für Soziologie für den neuberufenen Lehrstuhl „Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Vergleichende Soziologie“, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Quack), eine wiss. Mitarbeiterin / einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (Postdoc)
in Vergleichender und transnationaler Soziologie (Vollzeit, E 13 TV-L)

Ihre Aufgabenschwerpunkte:

  • Mitarbeit in Forschung und Lehre im thematischen Arbeitsbereich der Professur (Gesellschaftsvergleich und Transnationalisierung)
  • Entwicklung und Durchführung eigener Forschungsarbeiten zur Weiterqualifikation (Habilitation) auf dem Forschungsgebiet der Professur
  • Mitarbeit an Forschungsanträgen zur Einwerbung von Drittmitteln
  • Durchführung von zwei Lehrveranstaltungen pro Semester (4 SWS, in Deutsch und möglicherweise Englisch), einschließlich der Betreuung von Studierenden und der Beteiligung an

Ihr Profil:

  • mit überdurchschnittlichem Erfolg abgeschlossene soziologische oder sozialwissenschaftliche Dissertation im Bereich der vergleichenden Gesellschafts- und Transnationalisierungsforschung
  • idealerweise mit thematischer Spezialisierung auf transnationale Governance und soziale Mobilisierung in spezifischen Politikfeldern (z.B. Internet und kulturelle Produktion, Gesundheit, Arbeitsrechte, Umweltschutz, Handel), oder transnationale NGOs und professionelle Organisationen
  • Erfahrungen mit vergleichenden Fallstudien, Netzwerkanalysen, Mehrebenenanalysen und/oder „multi-site ethnography“
  • sehr gute schriftliche und mündliche Englischkenntnisse
  • Fähigkeit zur Teamarbeit und selbständigen Strukturierung von Aufgaben



Researcher on climate law/policy, Belgien
Deadline: 07.09.2013

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The Institute for European Studies is hiring a researcher who is expected to work on issues of international and European climate law and policy. Financing of the post is ensured through external funding for two years (pending final project approval). A prolongation is possible depending on successful acquisition of further external projects in the subject area.

The researcher will work under the supervision of IES Academic Director Prof. Dr. Sebastian Oberthür. Tasks will include:

  • Research on an international climate change agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (2015 Agreement) in the context of externally funded projects (especially regarding the codification of ideas and concepts in legal text);
  • Research on other aspects of international and European climate policy and law;
  • Assistance in related teaching and training activities;
  • Assistance in the preparation of relevant project tenders.
Senior Researcher in European Migration and Asylum Law
Deadline: 31.07.2013

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The main tasks of the successful candidate consist of:

  • Conducting excellent research on the indicated research area within the IES Cluster on Migration, Diversity, and Justice;
  • Help develop outreach activities such as Policy Forums and other events;
  • Contribute to teaching relating to the indicated theme within the IES Advanced Master programmes, Summer Schools, teaching modules and/or Study Abroad programmes;
  • Act as promoter or member of the doctoral committee of relevant IES PhD students;
  • Search for external finances to advance the indicated research area, and, subsequently, prepare and manage externally financed research and academic service projects;
  • Enhance the cluster’s capacity to draw in external research funding and cooperate with other institutions
Lecturer in Politics and International Studies (POLIS), Milton Keynes
Deadline: 08.08.2013

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We are seeking to appoint a Lecturer to contribute to the development of Politics and International Studies at the Open University. You will have - or will very shortly receive - a PhD (or equivalent) in political science or a related subject, and possess a developing record of excellence in research and publication in politics. We are particularly interested in making an appointment in the field of comparative politics or the study of political ideologies. You will be expected to make a significant contribution to our introductory politics teaching. Interviews will take place beginning of September 2013.

We promote diversity in employment and welcome applications from all sections of the community.

Conspiracy & Democracy Visiting Fellowships, Cambridge University
Deadline: 30.09.2013

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A research project based at CRASSH, University of Cambridge funded by a £1.58m Leverhulme Trust Programme Grant 2013-2017

Conspiracy and Democracy Visiting Fellowships are designed to support active researchers in the field to take part in an ongoing research programme funded by the Leverhulme Trust and based at CRASSH, University of Cambridge. Visiting Fellowships will be awarded for individuals to spend one term at CRASSH (for this competition, applicants can apply for Michaelmas Term 2014; Lent Term 2014 or 2015; Easter Term 2014 or 2015), during which Fellows are expected to be in residence in Cambridge.

Visiting Fellows participate in the regular Tuesday evening lectures, Wednesday reading group meetings and other events, present their work in progress to an open seminar, and deliver one public lecture during their stay.

Teaching Fellow in International Relations / International Security, University of Warwick
Deadline: 13.08.2013

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Fixed Term Contract (Post 1 - 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2015) (Post 2 - 1 September 2013 to 31 December 2016)

Applications are invited for the post of Teaching Fellow in the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS). You will undertake teaching duties within the Department of PAIS in the areas of International Relations and International Security in order to support the work of the Department and develop and enhance its teaching reputation, both internally and externally. You will have an honours degree or equivalent and a PhD or equivalent (awarded or near completion) in a relevant discipline and a Research profile in International Relations / International Security. You will be committed to interdisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in International Relations and International Security and have experience of teaching at an undergraduate level.

We would particularly welcome applications from female candidates, as they are currently under represented within the department

Project Manager in Higher Education @ ASEF, Singapore
Deadline: 11.08.2013

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ASEF’s Education Department seeks to engage a motivated Project Manager. The Education Department facilitates the development of educational policies and exchanges of practices across Asia and Europe for the benefit of the next generation of leaders. It also builds strong partnerships and supports greater mobility and networking among the youth.
The successful candidate will be assisting the Director and Deputy Director in developing strategies for the further development of the ASEF Higher Education Programme (AHEP), ASEF’s programme that facilitates and promotes cooperation among higher education stakeholders in Asia and Europe. Under the supervision of the Director and Deputy Director, the candidate will also provide support in coordinating the Education Department’s activities with a particular focus on communication.
Applicants should have a good understanding and demonstrable professional experience in the field of higher education and in the related working areas of the Education Department. An email application is preferred. Please direct the application to by 11 August 2013.

Associate Professor in International and Asian Studies, Singapur
Deadline: from 15.08.2013 until position is filled

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The candidate will teach an IAS core course on Exploring Asian Identities and other Asian Studies courses in the areas of his/her expertise. More details about the IAS program can be found at:

The administrative responsibilities of the position include coordinating the IAS Second Major, developing curriculum, liaising with overseas partners and external stakeholders, mentoring junior faculty, and advising undergraduate students.

Development Director NY (DC possible), Peace Direct
Deadline: until filled

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Peace Direct is looking for an alchemist to turn interest into support and support into committed givers. You need to be an entrepreneurial results-driven self-starter, able formulate a fundraising plan working closely with Carolyn Hayman, UK based Peace Direct CEO, and the US Board, and execute it with energy, commitment and professionalism, all the while learning from experience to refine your approach. You need to be passionate about the ability of local people to find their own solutions, and convey this to people who may be more interested in local empowerment than peace. And you need to understand the need, in a start-up culture, to turn your hand to many tasks, from the high-level to the mundane.

Your primary focus to begin with will be to recruit individual and high net worth supporters, for both core and project funding, through social media, direct marketing, events and corporate partnerships, building on our existing supporter base of 95 active supporters, an extensive mailing list and a series of events and partnerships planned for the second half of 2013. You will be supported by the UK based social media and fundraising team, and will be able to speak regularly to our overseas peacebuilding partners.

JPO, Associate Professional Officer, Expert Climate Change Mitigation, Washington
Deadline: 24.08.2013

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Junior Professional Officer (JPO), Associate Professional Officer, Climate Change Mitigation, Washington D.C.
Sector: Climate Change and Sustainability Division
Duration: 1 year with the possibility of extension for another year

Main duties and responsibilities:

  • Contribute to the identification of investment opportunities on climate change mitigation in the energy, transport and urban planning sectors.
  • Support the development of loans, guarantees and technical cooperation operation providing technical inputs to the design, execution and evaluation of activities related to climate change mitigation in the energy, transport and urban planning areas.
  • Support the Bank in the preparation of investment proposals that are eligible for funding under international climate finance mechanisms.
  • Contribute to the supervision of operations.
  • Support the development of knowledge products.
  • Travel frequently to the LAC region.

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