An dieser Stelle wie immer akademische Stellen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik, für die zweite Oktoberhälfte.
Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:
Deadline: 24.11.2013
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Ihre Aufgaben:
- Vertretung der Migrationspolitik in Forschung und Lehre
- Mitwirkung bei Einwerbung von Drittmitteln
- Mitarbeit an interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten
- Lehre in Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen (u. a. Lehramt)
- Mitarbeit bei der Entwicklung eines neuen Studiengangs
- Mitarbeit in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung
Ihre Voraussetzungen:
- In der Regel herausragend abgeschlossene Promotion im Bereich der Integrations- oder der Partizipationsforschung
- Interdisziplinäre Orientierung
- Erfahrung in der empirischen Forschung
- Erfahrungen in Projektarbeit und der Lehre
Deadline: 18.11.2013
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Deadline: 04.11.2013
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Das Stipendium ist angesiedelt im Forschungsfeld „Die Pluralität normativer Ordnungen" innerhalb des Exzellenzclusters „Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen" (EXC 243). Die Stipendiatin/der Stipendiat soll sich in einer empirisch-analytisch angelegten Dissertation mit dem Einfluss internationaler Organisationen auf die Herausbildung einer transnationalen Zivilgesellschaft (insbesondere NGOs) beschäftigen. Die genaue Themenstellung des Dissertationsprojekts ist noch offen und wird zwischen Betreuer und Kandidat/in festgelegt.
Voraussetzung ist ein einschlägiger, weit überdurchschnittlicher Studienabschluss in Politikwissenschaft oder Soziologie mit einem Schwerpunkt im Bereich der internationalen bzw. transnationalen Beziehungen. Gute englische Sprachkenntnisse sind notwendig.
Bewerbungen mit Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf und ggf. Dissertationsvorhaben bitte per e-mail an Prof. Dr. Jens Steffek, .
Deadline: 01.12.2013
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Die Professur für Governance in Mehrebenensystemen sucht eine/n MitarbeiterIn zur Promotion (halbtags). Start, je nach Absprache entweder Januar, Februar oder März 2014
Ihre Aufgaben umfassen:
- eigenständiges Durchführen von Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich Governance in Mehrebenensystemen (2 Semesterwochenstunden)
- Unterstützung der Professur in Selbstverwaltung, Lehre und Forschung
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The positions are in principle open to all disciplines that can contribute to the EIF’s research programme. They could be of particular interest for e.g. lawyers, historians, and economists with a strong European integration focus in empirical research and with interdisciplinary interests. Candidates should have a research focus in one or more EU policy area, ideally in ones not yet covered at the EIF, and participate in comparative studies and in the Institute’s manifold, often inter-departmental, activities.
The positions include independent teaching, in English and, if possible, also in German. The teaching load is four "Semesterwochenstunden" which is roughly equivalent to teaching two courses a term. Both jobs are fulltime and are now offered for a fixed-term period of 2 years (1 January 2014 to the end of 2015). Continuous presence in Vienna is indispensable. Remuneration is according to the University’s collective agreement, §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) plus corresponding, relevant job experience acquired previously.
The University of Vienna intends to increase the number of women on its faculty, particularly in high-level positions, and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration.
Deadline: 20.11.2013
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Research Project:
The project will explore the relationship between corruption, conflict and political transformations in urban contexts. Based on qualitative, interpretive and comparative methodology, the fieldwork will be undertaken in Côte d’Ivoire (Bouaké and Korhogo) and Kenya (Eldoret and Kisumu). Each PhD project will focus on one of these countries, in ongoing collaboration with the full research team.
Deadline: 15.11.2013
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Deadline: 13.11.2013
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Deadline: 13.11.2013
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Deadline: 8.11.2013
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The successful applicant will join a friendly and intellectually stimulating programme, which is part of a cosmopolitan and interdisciplinary school.
Deadline: 26.11.2013
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The successful applicant will possess sufficient breadth or depth of specialist and core knowledge in the discipline, demonstrated by a PhD or equivalent in academic area to develop teaching programmes, and teach and support learning in this academic area. They will use a range of delivery techniques to enthuse and engage students. They will participate in and develop external networks, for example to contribute to student recruitment, secure student placements, facilitate outreach work, generate income, obtain consultancy projects, or build relationships for future activities.
Deadline: 22.11.2013
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Deadline: 25.11.2013
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Job assignments
The aim of the PHD program is for the PHD student to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to conduct research autonomously within the field of peace and development and to contribute to the development of knowledge within the discipline through the production of a scholarly thesis. Another aim is for the PHD student to develop an ability to later apply the acquired knowledge and skills within post-degree research or other professional work. The position is limited to 4 years in duration and is carried out on a full-time basis unless there are acceptable reasons to the contrary (minimum 50%). The position may include departmental duties corresponding to up to 20% of a full-time post over the course of study. If such tasks are required, the duration of the appointment will be extended accordingly.
Deadline: 27.11.2013
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At its core, this programme will reflect on the disarmingly simple question, do we need growth and can we learn to live without it? The task is to consider how we start to think beyond growth and what might this entail practically. Central to this is the core question, rarely directly posed, of whether environmentally sustainable growth is actually possible. The question, we contend, haunts progressive political economy which, for the most part, would like to think of itself as both green and yet at the same time seems decidedly (if often implicitly) pro-growth. We tend to assume (conveniently) that we can have environmentally sustainable growth and (even more conveniently), that when we talk of growth (and of the strategies to attain or restore it), this is the kind of growth that we have in mind. But this surely will not do, certainly before it has been established clearly and definitively that environmentally-sustainable growth is not in fact an oxymoron. This research project will be an important contribution to that assessment.
Deadline: 18.11.2013
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The UvA faculties of Law, Humanities, Economics and Business, and Social and Behavioural Sciences, and the VUA faculties of Law, Humanities, Economics and Business Administration, and Social Sciences participate.
Starting January 2014, ACCESS EUROPE offers three Postdoctoral research positions for the duration of one year. The selected candidates will be working in one of the participating faculties of the UvA or the VUA.
Deadline: 15.11.2013
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Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Economics, Political Science, Sociology or any applied management field at the start of employment and already have had teaching experience to qualify for the mid or senior level position. Candidates must have strong research skills in global markets, political economy or international economics. A range of approaches, perspectives, methods, and disciplines are welcome as long as the individual is interested in broad global issues. Candidates with an expertise on a specific country or region are also encouraged to apply. The Global Economics and Management Group includes faculty with interests in international economics, political economy, economic history, and international and business.
Deadline: 05.11.2013
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Consultancy to refine co-operative based, sustainable, agricultural livelihood programme around Beni town, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
$4200 plus reasonable travel costs.
1. Introduction
Peace Direct is an international NGO that supports local peacebuilding in conflict zones worldwide. We have affiliates in the UK, USA and Germany, and programmes in 11 countries.
Peace Direct has been working with Centre Resolution Conflits (CRC) for the last 7years. Much of CRC's work has related to coordinating DDR programmes, and the successful reintegration of ex-combatants into communities in North Kivu. As part of this expanding reintegration programme, a livelihood model is currently being developed. A livelihood framework has been developed and is supported by some market research and community engagement.
2. Objectives
2.1 Agricultural expertise
Peace Direct and CRC are not agricultural experts and require a thorough review of the practicalities of growing certain products in the region, implications for sustainability, storage, seasonality etc. The consultant will have to refine the existing agricultural models proposed (where feasible) or suggest alternative crops or processes as relevant - the end result being a robust business plan supported by a strong market analysis.
2.2 Market research
The consultant will have to work with CRC to coordinate relevant market research to ascertain the market viability of crop production. This will include understanding demand, value vers cost of crop production and price fluctuations of crops.
2.3 Risk analysis
Create a risk analysis of the programme as a whole and make necessary recommendations for mitigating risk where feasible.
3. Outputs
We require the following output:
3.1 A refined agricultural business plan supported by a strong market analysis (maximum 30 pages in length) incorporating:
- Relevant references and contextual documentation
- Succinct summary of market analysis including statistically accurate, summarised, quantitative findings.
- Succinct risk analysis.
4. Timeline
Deadline for expressions of interest: 5 November 2013
Appointment of consultant: 15 November 2013
Travel to Beni / North Kivu: 7 days to be completed by 15 January 2013 at a mutually convenient time (Peace Direct staff will overlap with part of your trip).
Submission of reports for comment: as agreed
Return of comments: as agreed
Final report due: no later than 31 January 2014
5. Management and Supervision
The consultant will be appointed by Peace Direct and will engage directly with Tom Gillhespy (|Head of Africa Programmes) and Mathew van Lierop (Head of Operations).
6. Required Qualifications
6.1 Peace Direct strongly favours the use of local skills and resources. Candidates located in the Great Lakes region are strongly encouraged to apply.
6.2 Experience in designing sustainable livelihood strategies, particularly in complex and/or conflict environment desired.
6.3 Ability to collect, analyse and present data effectively and accurately.
6.4 Practical experience in geographically relevant agricultural projects / programmes.
6.5 Ability to speak French would be useful, though not crucial
6.6 Interpersonal skills, computer literacy, ability to stick to deadlines and fluency in English are all required.
7. Application process
All applications must be received by 5 November 2013. If you are interested in applying for this role please send an expression of interest no longer than two pages accompanied by your CV, proposed budget, examples of previous work, and contactable references preferably via email to:
Mathew van Lierop
Head of Operations and Finance
Peace Direct
56-64 Leonard Street
8. For more information
On Peace Direct please visit: