Stellenanzeigen November 2/2

Now HiringAn dieser Stelle wie immer akademische Stellen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik, für die zweite Novemberhälfte.



Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Akademische/r Mitarbeiter/in am Institut für Politikwissenschaft; Karlsruhe
Deadline: 20.12.2013
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  • Mitwirkung in den politikdidaktischen Forschungsprojekten (Politische Urteilsfähigkeit; Qualitätsvoller Unterricht) des Teams
  • Mitarbeit bei der Publikation von Forschungsergebnissen
  • Lehre im Bereich Politikwissenschaft und ihre Didaktik

Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion im Forschungsprojekt „Politische Urteilsfähigkeit von Schülern/-innen“ wird geboten und nachdrücklich unterstützt. Die Wahrnehmung dieser Möglichkeit ist zudem ausdrücklich erwünscht. Die Lehrverpflichtung beträgt 4 SWS zuzüglich der Betreuung der schulpraktischen Studien.


  • abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit sehr gutem Abschluss in Politikwissenschaft (Staatsexamen/Magister/Master/Diplom)
  • gute Kenntnisse vor allem in quantitativen Forschungsmethoden
  • sicherer Umgang mit Statistik-Software (z. B. SPSS, Mplus, R) oder eine hohe Bereitschaft, die Anwendung komplexer statistischer Verfahren schnell zu erlernen

Langzeitdozentinnen/Langzeitdozenten für Chile, Peru, Kambodscha, Libanon, VR China
Deadline: 06.01.2013
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Aufgaben: Die vermittelte wissenschaftliche Lehrkraft hat die Aufgabe, an der Gasthochschule ihr Fach in Lehre und Forschung zu vertreten; als Mitglied des Lehrkörpers hat sie in der Regel alle mit diesem Status verbundenen Rechte und Pflichten. Darüber hinaus ist sie ein Ansprechpartner für die Hochschulangehörigen aller Fachrichtungen, soweit es sich um Kontakte zu wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, um Studien- und Forschungsmöglichkeiten sowie um Stipendien- und Förderprogramme deutscher wissenschaftsfördernder Institutionen handelt. Sie sollte insbesondere im Rahmen der DAAD-Programme beratend und vermittelnd tätig werden.

Voraussetzungen: Staatszugehörigkeit zu einem EU-Mitgliedstaat; fachliche Qualifikation (in der Regel die Qualifikation für eine Lehrtätigkeit an einer deutschen Hochschule und einschlägige Lehrerfahrungen); gute Kenntnisse der Unterrichtssprache; Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sollen in der Regel während der letzten beiden Jahre vor der Bewerbung ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehabt haben. Enge Kontakte zu einer deutschen Hochschule sind auch während der Tätigkeit im Ausland unverzichtbar.

Studentische Hilfskraft; Karlsruhe
Deadline: Unbekannt
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Mitarbeit im Projekt Consider am ITAS, KIT Campus Nord (Standort: Karlstraße 11, Karlsruhe)
Wir suchen ab sofort für ca. 6 Monate eine studentische Hilfskraft für mind. 15 bis max. 30 Std/Monat zur Mitarbeit im Projekt Consider am Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse siehe unter:

Ideal wäre ein Englischstudium oder ein Studium im Bereich der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften am Ende des Bachelor bzw. Beginn des Masterstudiums. Die Aufgabengebiete betreffen hautsächlich Literaturrecherche und Korrektur von Forschungsberichten und anderen Veröffentlichungen. Bitte richten Sie bei Interesse Ihre Bewerbung an Herrn Simon Pfersdorf (Projektleitung) unter oder melden sich telefonisch unter 0721 608 2 4841. E-Mail:

Akademischer Mitarbeiter (m/w); Furtwangen
Deadline: 06.12.2013
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Der Aufgabenbereich umfasst u. a.:

  • Begleitung der Umsetzung des Strategieprozesses zur Internationalisierung
  • Aktive Mitarbeit in der Projektgruppe Internationales und in den jeweiligen Arbeitsgruppen
  • Mitarbeit bei der Integrierung des ERASMUS-Programms gemäß der Ergebnisse des Strategieprozesses
  • Generierung von Drittmitteln für Internationalisierungsprozesse

Wir erwarten:
Ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium vorzugsweise im Bereich Sozial- oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften bzw. Geisteswissenschaften, sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen und englischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift, Kenntnisse und Erfahrung im Bereich internationale (Hochschul-)Beziehungen, gute Kenntnisse der modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, Interkulturelle Kompetenz, i.d.R. durch eigene Auslandserfahrung nachzuweisen, Organisations- und ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit, wünschenswert sind Erfahrungen bei Drittmittelanträgen und im Projekmanagement. Bereitschaft zum Pendeln zwischen den drei Standorten.

Assistant Professor in European Global Studies; Basel
Deadline: 15.01.2013
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The Institute for European Global Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute at Switzerland’s oldest university, the University of Basel. With an established study program on the MA level and a planned doctoral program, the Institute focuses on European Global Studies and develops concepts and methods to reveal the close interconnectedness between Europe, Asia and Africa across cultural, geographic, and linguistic borders and the consequences of such entanglements on the global and the local level.

We are looking for a scholar based in law, economics or social sciences with a strong record in interdisciplinary research connected to European Global Studies.

Applicants are expected to hold a PhD degree and have a strong publication record in interdisciplinary research with an advanced second book project. A research focus on the relations and exchange between Europe and Asian and/or African regions is desirable. Fluency in English is required, fluency in German appreciated.

The successful candidate will teach in MA and doctoral programs and supervise MA and PhD students.

Professorship in Political Sciences; Basel
Deadline: 15.01.2013
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The newly established professorship will address the challenge of planning and implementing new expertise and study programs in political sciences at the University of Basel.

We are seeking a candidate who will represent political sciences in its widest interpretation in research and teaching and who is particularly qualified in the areas of Political Theory, Global Governance, Processes of Integration and Desintegration as well as in the problems of Failed Statehood.

The successful candidate will be involved in national and international research collaborations. Experience in the planning and execution of interdisciplinary projects is expected. The presentation of future research and teaching plans will be an important part of the selection process.

The University of Basel is an equal opportunity employer. Women are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.

Leitung (m/w) Marketing, Kommunikation & Presse – Vollzeit zum 01. Januar 2014 (Humboldt Viadrina School of Governance)
Deadline: 09.12.2013

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Als Lehr- und Forschungsstätte sowie als Politische Plattform entwickelt die HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance in diesem Spannungsfeld neue Führungsstile und trägt zur Weiterbildung von politisch und sozial verantwortlichen bei. Sie vermittelt zwischen verschiedenen Perspektiven einzelner wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Bereiche. Dadurch stärkt sie die Zusammenarbeit von Politik, Wirtschaft und organisierter Zivilgesellschaft und verbessert demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse. Bei diesem Vorhaben wird sie von zwei der traditionsreichsten deutschen Hochschulen, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) getragen.

Wir garantieren ein innovatives Umfeld mit spannenden Akteuren. Dich erwartet ein hohes Maß an Verantwortung, verbunden mit einem hohen Gestaltungsfreiraum, flexible Arbeitszeiten und ein offener Zugang zu einem Netzwerk in den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und den Medien.

Uni Mannheim: Professor in Political Science, Conflict Studies (W2)
Deadline: 19.12.2013

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The School of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science at the University of Mannheim, invites applications for the position of Professor in Political Science, Conflict Studies (W2) The position is temporary until 31 January 2019.
The University of Mannheim is looking for an established scholar in the field of em- pirical conflict studies. The successful candidate must have a university and doctoral degree, commitment to excellence in teaching, and documented excellence in research. The candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the field of conflict studies, e.g. in the area of political violence, armed conflict, human rights, or terrorism.

Transatlantic Post-Doc Fellowship for International Relations and Security (TAPIR)
Deadline: 03.02.2014

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The Transatlantic Post-Doc Fellowship for International Relations and Security (TAPIR) is open to candidates who have recently received their doctorate in social and political sciences or economics and whose research focuses on topics of international relations and/or international peace and security issues. Fellowships are granted for a duration of 24 months to prepare Fellows for a career in policy-oriented and international research at renowned think tanks and political consulting research institutes. Fellows spend three eight-month stays at research institutions or think tanks participating in the program - at least one on the Eastern, and one on the Western side of the Atlantic.

Participating institutes include: Center for International Relations (CIR), Warsaw; Center for a New American Security (CNAS), Washington D.C.; Center for Security Studies (CSS), Zurich; Chatham House, London; European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Paris; Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), Helsinki; Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), Paris; Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS), Oslo; Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Warsaw; RAND Corporation (RAND), Washington, D.C.; SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS), Washington, D.C.; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Stockholm AND Washington, D.C.; United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Washington, D.C.; and German Institute for International and Security Affairs/Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin AND Brussels.

Fellows will be supervised by a researcher at each host institute, while being integrated into the relevant research units or projects. Fellows will have the opportunity to work on issues of major and immediate political significance, and to publish their work in journals or paper series that will be read by decision-makers at national and international levels. The Fellowship aims to involve participants actively in the work and research of leading international think tanks. It is not intended to primarily fund the completion of major individual publications or of academic peer-reviewed journal articles.

The fellowship consists of:

  • a monthly stipend of Euro 1.800,00
  • a monthly allowance for health insurance of Euro 200,00
  • and a one-time travel allowance of Euro 3.500,00 for travel to and from the host institutions.

Fees for residence permits are not included.

Scholarships for the PhD program "Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business" (Wittenberg)
Deadline: 15.01.2014

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The Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) and the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ) will award up to 6 scholarships for the new PhD program "Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business", starting in March 2014 (or earlier in exceptional cases).

Funded by the German Karl Schlecht Foundation, WCGE and LEIZ will jointly launch a PhD program in the beginning of 2014. The program is open to outstanding PhD students whose research interest touches the field of responsible leadership in business in a global context. Besides providing the students with subject-specific qualifications, it is the aim of the program to integrate the research proposals into a greater theoretical and sociopolitical framework. The program will therefore be part of an innovative platform format, bringing together scientific expertise of leading professors of business ethics, the know-how of internationally operating companies, and the perspectives of societal stakeholder groups. The program intents to promote research that is theoretically well informed and at the same time offers real-life solutions for doing responsible business in the context of global competition. PhD proposals shall therefore be able to contribute to the discourse in research, on company level and to the public debate at the same time.

Junior Projektmanager (m/w) Betriebliches Umweltmanagement (VZ) (Adelphi, Berlin)
Deadline: 06.12.2013

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Ab sofort suchen wir an unserem Standort in Berlin im Bereich Unternehmen/Finanzen und zunächst befristet für 1 Jahr, bei erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit Chancen auf Übernahme in eine Festanstellung, einen engagierten Junior Projektmanager (m/w) Betriebliches Umweltmanagement (VZ)

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Betreuung des EMAS Helpdesks im Auftrag der Europäischen Kommission (gemeinsam mit dem verantwortlichen Projektmanager)
  • Unterstützung bei der Erstellung und Umsetzung von Kommunikationsstrategien und Kampagnen im Rahmen des Helpdesks
  • Recherche und Analysen zu aktuellen Fragen rund um das betriebliche Umweltmanagement (CSR, Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung, Footprinting-Methoden)
  • Kommunikation mit EMAS-Anspruchsgruppen (u. a. Unternehmen, Umweltgutachter) und Beantwortung von (technischen) Fragen rund um EMAS
  • Unterstützung beim Projektmanagement (u. a. Kontakt mit Auftraggeber und Projektpartnern, Ressourcen- und Budgetplanung)
  • Unterstützung bei der Akquise von Vorhaben im Bereich Unternehmen/Finanzen

Das bringen Sie mit:

  • Ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (betriebliches Umweltmanagement, Sozialwissenschaften, Umweltwissenschaften, o. Ä.)
  • Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift auf allerhöchstem Niveau
  • Kenntnisse des Betrieblichen Umweltmanagements von Vorteil
  • Sehr guter Schreibstil in Deutsch und Englisch sowie Spaß am Formulieren
  • Kreativität
  • Ausgeprägte konzeptionelle und analytische Fähigkeiten
  • Sehr gute Recherchekenntnisse
  • Strukturierte und selbstständige Arbeitsweise bei ausgeprägter Teamfähigkeit
  • Sehr gute Word- und PowerPoint-Kenntnisse
Berater (m/w) im Sektorvorhaben Menschenrechte umsetzen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Deadline: 10.12.2013

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Das Sektorprogramm Menschenrechte berät das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung bei der Verankerung und Umsetzung eines Menschenrechtsansatzes in der bi- und multilateralen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Ziel ist es, menschenrechtliche Standards und Prinzipien systematisch in allen Handlungsfeldern der Entwicklungspolitik und -praxis umzusetzen und damit wirkungsvoll zum Abbau struktureller Ursachen von Armut in den Kooperationsländern beizutragen.

Ihre Aufgaben
Ihre Aufgaben umfassen die Unterstützung des für Menschenrechte zuständigen BMZ Referates bei der Erstellung menschenrechtlicher Stellungnahmen, Konzeptionen und Instrumente, die Organisation und Durchführung von Fach- und Trainingsveranstaltungen zum Thema Menschenrechte und Entwicklung sowie die Beratung von Fach- und Länderstrukturen der staatlichen Durchführungsorganisationen bei der Verankerung und Umsetzung eines Menschenrechtsansatzes in der Praxis.

Ihr Profil
Sie haben ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium als Volljurist/in oder Sozialwissenschaftler/in. Sie verfügen über mindestens vier Jahre Berufserfahrung im Fachgebiet Menschenrechte und Good Governance und haben praktische Erfahrungen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit gesammelt. Sie bringen Kenntnisse in der Umsetzung des Menschenrechtsansatzes in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, insbesondere der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Menschenrechte, mit. Sie weisen sehr gute Beratungskompetenzen auf, verfügen über sehr gute Fähigkeiten der schriftlichen und mündlichen Kommunikation. Sie sind ein(e) gute Teamarbeiter/in und auch in Stresssituationen belastbar. Fließende Englisch- und Deutschkenntnisse und sehr gute Kenntnisse in Spanisch oder Französisch ergänzen Ihre Qualifikation.

Einsatzzeitraum Februar 2014 - Oktober 2014 mit Option auf Verlängerung.

Unser Angebot
Unser Auftrag ist international, unsere Arbeitsatmosphäre multikulturell und der interdisziplinäre Austausch macht uns erfolgreich. Ihre berufliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung ist uns ein Anliegen. Ob es die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und -spielräume in Ihrer Arbeit sind oder das Jobticket und die hauseigene Kindertagesstätte in Eschborn – es gibt Gründe genug, unser motiviertes Team zu verstärken.

Call for Application, BIGSSS, Bremen, PhD + Post-Doc
Deadline: 15.02.2014

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The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Ph.D. program. BIGSSS is an inter-university institute of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen and is funded by the German Excellence Initiative. The program provides close supervision of dissertation work within a demand-tailored education and research framework. Fellows are expected to choose Bremen as their place of residence. BIGSSS is part of an international network of highly acknowledged graduate programs. It supports its doctoral and postdoctoral fellows in achieving early scientific independence and provides funds for the conduct, presentation, and publishing of their research. The language of instruction is English.

Successful applicants will pursue a topic in one of BIGSSS’ three Thematic Fields:

  • Global Governance and Regional Integration
  • Welfare State, Inequality, and Quality of Life
  • Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts

15 - 18 Ph.D. Stipends/Fellowships
BIGSSS seeks candidates with strong academic abilities and a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in political science, sociology, or psychology. Applicants with a degree in law, economics, or other social science disciplines are also welcome. We offer Ph.D. stipends of € 1300/month for 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year.

2-3 Postdoctoral Positions
We seek candidates pursuing English-language publication projects based either on their dissertations (by making findings available to an international audience through a book or journal articles) or new research. Postdoctoral Positions are paid in line with TVL E13 and may be taken up for a period between 6 and 24 months. The competition is open to candidates who have received a doctorate in political science, sociology, psychology, law, economics or other social science disciplines within the last 3 years and to those who have finished prior to commencing their postdoctoral stay.

1-2 Predoctoral Fellowships for BA Graduates
Additionally, BIGSSS offers 2 stipends of € 800/month for particularly talented BA graduates. After fulfilling some course requirements and having their proposals accepted within the first year, candidates can switch into the regular three year program.

More information as well as lists of required application materials can be found at For additional inquiries, please check the online FAQ and feel free to contact our admissions officer at

Ph.D. fellowships will start on September 1, 2014. Non-German students are strongly encouraged to apply. BIGSSS strives to increase the share of women in the university and hence also strongly encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities who are equally qualified will be favored. Applications must be submitted online under “Admissions” at until February 15, 2014.

Assistant Professor in Political Economy, University of Salzburg
Deadline: 11.12.2013

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The Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS) was established in 2005 as an interdisciplinary centre of research at the University of Salzburg and is now a priority programme of the University. Research and teaching at the Centre focus on the dynamics of European integration with a special emphasis on the European economic and monetary integration.

Against this background the SCEUS is looking for a Post-doctoral researcher (assistant professor) in the area of Political Economy to support the research and teaching activities of the Centre. We especially invite applications from political scientists (or related social sciences) with a research focus on the European Economic and Monetary Union and Comparative Political Economy.

The successful candidate will get a 4-year appointment, which will be altered to a permanent position (Associated Professor) after the successful completion of the habilitation thesis as a monography or an equivalent number of papers published in high-ranking peer review journals.


  • Doctoral degree in Political Science (or related disciplines like economics)
  • Fluency in English
  • Willingness to contribute to interdisciplinary research agenda

Documents can be submitted in English or German, the letter of motivation in English only.

Applications and references should be sent no later than December 11th, 2013 by regular postal service and by indicating the reference number GZ A 0167/1-2013 to

University of Salzburg
The Rector Prof. Heinrich Schmidinger
Kapitelgasse 4-6
A-5020 Salzburg/Austria

An electronic copy of the application should be sent to:


Associate Professorships in Welfare State Research; Denmark
Deadline: 16.12.2013
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The positions are attached to the Centre for Welfare State Research, which is a cross-disciplinary research centre focussing on comparative welfare research and the development of welfare states. We have an international and vibrant research environment and high ambitions. For more information see this website.

The Department of Political Science and Public Management offers a full study programme within political science and a major in social science as well as an international master in Comparative Public Policy and Welfare Studies. For a detailed description of the department’s profile and activities, please see the department website. For information about the Comparative Public Policy and Welfare Studies programme, please visit this homepage.

To qualify for the positions, the applicants must have a degree in political science and a PhD in Comparative Welfare State Research, and must document research qualifications and expertise in comparative political economy with a strong research profile on either 1) the impact of labour market developments and inequality or 2) on welfare state reforms in Europe. Furthermore, the candidates must document teaching experience in Political Science and Comparative Welfare Studies. The perfect candidates also have a solid grasp of quantitative or qualitative methods.

The applicants are expected to have a well-documented international research profile with emphasis on innovative research contributions in peer-reviewed publications. Applicants must also demonstrate the ability to cooperate and contribute to the development of a proliferating research environment. The applicants are expected to have experience with national and, preferably, international research collaboration.

Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Political Science; Brisbane
Deadline: 20.01.2013
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Griffith University is looking to appoint a tenure-track (continuing) position in political science (including international relations and all other sub-fields) at the Senior Lecturer / Lecturer level (equivalent to Assistant Professor). The position will be research-intensive for the first five years of the appointment, i.e. the successful candidate will be required to convene and teach one course per annum at either the undergraduate or postgraduate level. After five years it will then revert to a standard academic profile which includes teaching, research and service.

This is a continuing, full time position based at the Nathan campus, Brisbane, Australia.

Griffith University is located in South-East Queensland and is one of Australia's largest multi-campus universities, home to 43,000 students and 3,500 staff. These positions are based at the Nathan campus, Brisbane. Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland and is Australia's third largest city.

The role:
The successful candidate will be expected to publish with the leading journals and/or book presses in the field, to teach in areas related to their specialisations in accord with the requirements of the School of Government and International Relations, and perform service roles with the School and the University.

The successful candidate will be located jointly at the Griffith Asia Institute and the Centre for Governance and Public Policy and the School of Government and International Relations. In 2012 political science at Griffith University received the highest possible rating in the Australian government's research assessment exercise.

PhD Studentships in Politics and International Studies; Kingston upon Hull
Deadline: 03.02.2013
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In order to qualify for this scholarship you will require a 2.1 in a relevant subject and be studying for a Masters.

Full-time UK/EU PhD Scholarship will include fees at the ‘home/EU' student rate and maintenance (£13,726 in 2013/14) for three years, depending on satisfactory progress.

Full-time International Fee PhD Studentships will include full fees at the International student rate for three years, dependant on satisfactory progress.

PhD students at the University of Hull follow modules for research and transferable skills development and gain a Masters level Certificate, or Diploma, in Research Training, in addition to their research degree.

Lecturer in Political Science; London
Deadline: 06.01.2013
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UCL wishes to appoint a Lecturer to contribute to research and teaching within the Department of Political Science/School of Public Policy. S/he will teach on the Masters and within the School’s other programmes and supervise PhD students.

The new appointment can be in any area of political science but will be expected to make a major contribution to the teaching and administration on a number of our Masters and undergraduate programmes. We are interested in applications from candidates with research and teaching interests in all fields of Political Science, Public Policy, Political Theory, International Relations and International Political Economy. We are particularly interested in candidates from any relevant subfield that we feel will complement and contribute to our existing programmes. The post holder would be expected to offer three courses from existing courses and/or develop new courses that complement existing offerings.

In addition to contributing to the teaching requirements of the department, the new appointment will be expected to undertake research of the highest international standards within their own specialist field which will add to the research standing and culture of the Department and School.

The appointment is available from 1 September 2014.

Candidates must have a PhD in political science or a public policy-related area, a proven track record of publications in leading journals and/or major university presses and a demonstrated ability to win grant-funding. Experience of conducting research that feeds into policy-making is desirable. Candidates seeking to be appointed at Grade 8 will need to fulfil the additional criteria within the Further Particulars of the vacancy.

Lecturer in Development Policy; Melbourne
Deadline: 06.01.2013
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The School of Social & Political Sciences is at the forefront of teaching and research in the social sciences in Australia. We have a team of dedicated academic and professional staff in the disciplines of Political Science, Criminology, Anthropology and Sociology as well as our allied research centres providing a dynamic and rewarding environment. The School offers a wide range of courses and programs in areas including criminology, development studies, gender studies, international studies, political science, public and social policy, social theory, socio-legal studies, sociology and anthropology.

The position is for a specialist in Development Policy to work in the University of Melbourne's Development Studies program. The successful applicant will be expected to research, teach and administer at levels commensurate with the level of the position. The person must be a proven and successful teacher and must have a good record of research in Development Studies. The person appointed will be expected to teach a new subject on Development Policy. Applications will be welcomed from scholars working on development policy in any research field and within any area of regional expertise in the developing world. However, the program has various needs and priorities that will be taken into account when making the appointment. These may include teaching in one or more of the following areas: disaster management and response, conflict, security and humanitarian relief, policies and politics of development aid, poverty, livelihoods and rural/urban development.

Lecturer in International Relations; Melbourne
Deadline: 08.12.2013
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The discipline of Political Science in the School of Social & Political Sciences teaches a broad suite of undergraduate and postgraduate subjects and courses has a strong research higher degree culture, and an internationally-recognised research profile. The discipline has particular strength in International Relations, especially at the postgraduate coursework level in the highly successful Master of International Relations. The School now seeks a Lecturer to meet the rapidly growing demand in the master's program, and to further develop the discipline's teaching and research programs in International Relations.

Assistant Professor in Latin American Politics or Economy; Seoul
Deadline: 30.11.2013
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The Graduate School of International and Area Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, is seeking to fill one position, effective March 1, 2014, to teach graduate students in English. The assistant professor level is preferred, but associate and full professor levels will also be considered according to qualifications. Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. degree in the related area and preferably a few years of relevant experience.

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) is the most globalized institution of higher education in Korea. The university is known for its dynamic academic community with great cultural diversity, bolstered by its 45 foreign language departments. Many faculty members and students are from various foreign countries.

Research Fellow, School of Government and Society; Birmingham
Deadline: 15.12.2013
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The department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow to explore the issues of democracy and security in the Caucasus with a view to developing an in-depth and systematic understanding of interdependencies between democratisation and security in the region. This research is to be carried out for an FP7 project entitled ‘Exploring the Security-Democracy Nexus in the Caucasus’, funded by the European Commission. The Research Fellow will be working on _ Work Package 2 entitled: ‘Reconceptualising Democracy and Security in the Caucasus’ for which the University of Birmingham is a lead partner.

Applicants should hold a PhD in International Relations, Political Sciences, Security Studies or a closely related subject and should have high level analytical capability as well as the ability to plan his-her own research and to write in an accessible manner about social sciences concepts, theories and approaches. Working within a diverse multidisciplinary, international team, the postholder may be required to travel overseas on occasion.

Khalid bin Abdullah al Saud Professorship of the Contemporary Arab World; Oxford
Deadline: 09.12.2013
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The University is seeking an exceptional scholar to take up the position of Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professor of the Contemporary Arab World with effect from September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Al Saud Professorship, established in 1985, is one of the leading international academic positions concerned with the study of the contemporary Arab world. The professor plays a pivotal role in the University’s teaching in, and research of, the modern Arab world and in the further development of Arab-world studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The preferred candidate will be a scholar of the highest international calibre, with outstanding research and publications in an academic discipline within the study of the contemporary Arab world.

The Professor will provide research leadership in the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the wider academic community across the University, undertaking and publishing research at an international level of excellence. She or he will teach, supervise and inspire students at all levels from undergraduate to doctoral, and must be able to contribute to taught courses currently provided in the Faculty. Fluent command of Arabic is an essential requirement for the holder of the post.

Assistant Professor 2014 in Political Science/International Relations; Barcelona
Deadline: 10.01.2013
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The Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) invites applications for one fulltime tenure-track position in Political Science/International Relations, with a special interest in International Security, at the Assistant Professor level. This position is part of IBEI’s ambition to raise its international research profile. The position should begin September 15, 2014. A five-year contract will be offered. At the end of the fourth year, the Assistant Professor’s performance will be reviewed. A performance review for tenure will normally be undertaken at the end of the fourth your, or potentially earlier for candidates who already have a strong publication record.

Lectureship in IPE, University College London
Deadline: 03.01.2014

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UCL wishes to appoint a Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) to contribute to research and teaching within the Department. We desire applications from candidates with research and teaching interests in all areas of International Political Economy. We are particularly interested in candidates that will complement and contribute to our existing research clusters and programmes in the areas of global trade governance, international organisations, financial markets, economic development, or regional political economy.

The new lecturer will contribute to teaching and supervision on the Department’s affiliate undergraduate, MSc and PhD programmes. S/he will be expected to undertake research of the highest international standards within his or her own specialist field, which will contribute to the research standing of the Department.

The appointment is available from 1 September 2014.

Key Account Manager/Program Manager (German Speaker)-Sustainability (Paris)
Deadline: ASAP

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Are you looking for an exciting truly international job opportunity in an innovative and dynamic environment? Join the award winning, fastest growing startup in the Sustainability Supply Chain space, to help a great team of 17+ nationalities who really makes an impact on companies’ environmental and social practices.

EcoVadis aims at improving environmental and social practices of companies by leveraging the influence of global supply chains. EcoVadis operates the 1st collaborative network enabling companies to manage the Sustainability performance of their suppliers, across 150 sectors and 95 countries. EcoVadis reliable ratings and easy to use monitoring tools allow companies to manage risks and drive eco-innovations in their global supply chains.

More than 90 Global Multinational companies have selected the EcoVadis solution, including Fortune 500 such as as Alstom, Axa, Bayer, BASF, Coca Cola Enterprises, Deutsche Telekom, Heineken, Henkel, Orange, Johnson & Johnson, Lafarge, Renault-Nissan, Schneider Electric and Vodafone.

Assistant Professor/Postdoc Positions (University of Copenhagen)
Deadline: 15.12.2013

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The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor and/or a position as Postdoc within the Project “When does Government Listen to the Public? The Contingent Impact of Organized Interests”. The positions are financed jointly by the Department of Political Science and a grant from the ‘Sapere Aude’ program of the Danish Council for Independent Research awarded to Anne Rasmussen (see

The aim of the project is to examine whether and how interest groups affect the ability of political decision-makers to respond to the demands of the public. In a multi-level design, the project derives and tests conditions under which interest group involvement can be expected to have a positive or negative effect on the linkage between public opinion and policies. In order to do so, the project will gather large-scale datasets on interest group activity, public opinion and policy outcomes on a large number of issues in several countries, including Denmark, Germany the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The project runs from October 2013 for a period of four years.

The successful applicants will be part of a research team involving Anne Rasmussen (Project manager, University of Copenhagen/Leiden University), Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz (University of Aarhus), Heike Klüver (University of Bamberg), and Dimiter Toshkov (University of Leiden) as well as David Lowery (Pennsylvania State University/Leiden University) & Christopher Wlezien (University of Texas at Austin) as advisory members. The new hires will be based in Copenhagen but also have the opportunity to spend time at other institutions involved in the project.

The Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen is one of Europe's largest political science departments, with a research and teaching faculty of about 60, 1800 students at the BSc and MSc levels and approximately 40 PhD students. The Department of Political Science has a strong international research profile and a pluralistic, vibrant and dynamic research and teaching environment.

Qualifications (both positions):

Both the Assistant Professor and Postdoc positions require qualifications at the PhD level. The project particularly encourages applications from candidates with strong expertise in cross-sectional and/or time-series analysis and experience with automated text coding. A substantive interest in political responsiveness, interest groups, public policy and/or public opinion research would also be an advantage.

Since the working language of both the project team and the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen is English, command of the Danish language is not a prerequisite for applying.

The deadline for applications including enclosures is December 15, 2013 (at 12 PM Danish Time).

(Click on the Apply button below for further particulars) 

Research Fellow Position in IB/Diplomatie an der Andrássy Universität Budapest
Deadline: 12.12.2013

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Die Andrássy Universität Budapest, als University of National Excellence schreibt hiermit Research Fellow Positionen (Senior und Junior) in den Fachbereichen Geschichte/Kulturwissenschaft Mitteleuropas, Internationale Beziehungen/Diplomatie, Vergleichende Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften sowie Wirtschaftswissenschaften aus.
Die Andrássy Universität Budapest, als University of National Excellence schreibt hiermit folgende Research Fellow Positionen für die Zeitdauer vom 1. Januar 2014 bis 30. Juni 2014 mit einer Entlohnung:

  • Brutto 150.000 HUF/ Monat für "Junior Fellow",
  • Brutto 250.000 HUF/ Monat bei "Senior Fellow"

in den folgenden Fachbereichen (die detaillierte Ausschreibung finden Sie als PDF unter dem jeweiligen Fachbereich) aus:

  • Geschichte/Kulturwissenschaft Mitteleuropas
  • Internationale Beziehungen/Diplomatie
  • Vergleichende Staats-und Rechtswissenschaften
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
International Relations Officer (GIZ, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabien)
Deadline: 04.12.2013

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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH ( manages the first Technical Trainers College (TTC) on behalf of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The TTC is a non-university higher education institution, combining high-level theoretical, technical, practical and pedagogical study programs leading to a Bachelor Degree in Engineering Technology. With a target capacity of 1200 trainees, TTC is a large institution with more than 80 faculty members and a total of about 180 staff members from 26 countries. Typical students who study at this “Training of Trainers” institution towards a vocational trainer qualification are young people of Saudi Arabian nationality, between the ages of 20 and 28 years. For additional information please visit TTC-Homepage:

Senior Associate and Head of Office - International Center for Transitional Justice (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Deadline: 10.12.2013

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The senior associate and head of office, based in Kinshasa, will manage all aspects of ICTJ’s DRC program and provide the leadership that ensures the achievement of our organizational goals in the DRC. The ideal candidate will have significant transitional justice expertise, as well as demonstrated program management, team building, and communication skills. The position will require insight, sensitivity, and experience in working in a politically and socially-complex context. The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that the office produces high quality and timely political analysis; for developing and maintaining relationships with all sectors relevant to ICTJ’s work; for ensuring impact as a result of ICTJ’s technical and policy advice; and for coordinating the development of work plans with Program Office and thematic directors.

Postgraduate Funding Opportunities 2014/2015 (University of Manchester)
Deadline: 17.01.2014 (21.02. for Philosophy only)

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The School of Social Sciences has various funding opportunities available for 2014/2015 entry.

Funding is available in the following Discipline Areas:

  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Sociology
  • Social Anthropology
  • Social Change
  • Social Statistics
  • Philosophy

Full details on the funding available can be found via the School’s funding web-page.

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