Stellenanzeigen Februar 2/2

Now HiringAn dieser Stelle wie immer akademische Stellenanzeigen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik, für die zweite Februarhälfte.



Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aller Fachgebiete; Bielefeld
Deadline: 06.04.2014
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Das Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF) der Universität Bielefeld lädt junge Wis-
senschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aller Fachgebiete ein, sich für das ZiF-Nachwuchsnetzwerk zu bewerben. Das ZiF ist ein international orientiertes Institute for Advanced Study, das wissenschaftlich innovative Projekte fördert und Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler über die disziplinären Grenzen hinweg in Kontakt bringt.

Mit dem jungen ZiF unterhält das ZiF ein eigenes Förderprogramm für herausragende Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler aller Fächer. Die Mitgliedschaft beträgt fünf Jahre und ist mit einem vierwöchigen Fellowship verbunden. Darüber hinaus ist es den Mitgliedern möglich, interdisziplinäre Workshops durchzuführen. Außerdem treffen sie sich dreimal jährlich, um ein gemeinsam gewähltes, interdisziplinäres Thema zu bearbeiten. Arbeitssprache der Treffen ist Deutsch.

5 PhD Anschubstipendien; Basel
Deadline: 15.04.2014
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Die Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) stellt die Dachstruktur für die Dok­to­rats­aus­bildung im Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Basel dar. Die Unterrichtssprachen der Graduiertenschule sind Englisch und Deutsch. Zum 1. Ok­to­ber 2014 schreibt die G3S insgesamt fünf Startstipendien (25'000 CHF/12 Monate) aus. Die An­schub­sti­pendien sind für Nachwuchsforschende gedacht, die am Beginn ihres Dok­to­rats stehen, ihr Promotionsvorhaben ausarbeiten und für die weitere Durchführung Drittmittel akquirieren möchten, z.B. beim Schweizerischen Nationalfonds. Pro­mo­vier­en­de in der G3S sollten entweder einen disziplinären Hintergrund im Bereich einer der Ge­sell­schafts­wis­sen­schaf­ten des Departements haben (z.B. Ethnologie, Kul­tur­an­thro­po­logie, Nahoststudien, Pädagogik, Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie, siehe:, oder aber in interdisziplinären Feldern und Bereichen ausgebildet sein, die als Teil­pro­gramme ebenfalls in der G3S vertreten sind:

  • Graduiertenkolleg Gender Studies:
  • Centre for African Studies:
  • MUBIT: Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies:
  • Doktoratsprogramm Religionswissenschaft:
  • International Graduate School North-South:
  • Nachhaltigkeitsforschung:
  • Promotionsprogramme Kulturanthropologie:
Akademische/-r Mitarbeiter/-in im Projekt "Towards a European Internal Security Order? Exploring the Redefinition of Functional und Geographical Borders in EU Security Cooperation"; Frankfurt/Oder
Deadline: 07.03.2014
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Die Einstellung erfolgt befristet für 12 Monate (31.3.2015), eine Verlängerung ist abhängig von Drittmittelentwicklung möglich.

Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören:

  • Verfassen und technische Redaktion von wissenschaftlichen Texten
  • Literaturauswertungen und -verwaltung
  • Veranstaltungsmanagement
  • Beteiligung an Forschungsanträgen

Ihr Profil umfasst:

  • Abgeschlossenes Masterstudium in einer sozial- oder politikwissenschaftlichen Disziplin oder entsprechende Qualifikation in Rechtswissenschaften
  • Kenntnisse der EU Sicherheitspolitik oder entsprechender Gesetzgebung, insbesondere im Bereich der polizeilichen und justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen und/oder Grenz- und Migrationspolitik
  • Idealerweise ein eigenes Forschungsinteresse in diesen Themenbereichen
  • Erfahrungen mit wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen von Vorteil
  • Sehr gute Ausdrucksfähigkeit in Wort und Schrift (Deutsch, Englisch)

Wir bieten Ihnen:

  • Arbeiten und Leben an einer lebendigen Universität mit internationalem Profil
  • Einen stetigen interdisziplinären Austausch, vor allem im osteuropäischen Raum
  • Eine familienfreundliche Hochschule mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten
  • Gesundheitsmanagement (Gesundheitskurse oder physiotherapeutische Behandlungen unter Freistellung der Arbeitszeit)
  • Zusätzliche Altersvorsorge über die VBL
  • Angebote der fachlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung
Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Politisches und Soziales System Deutschlands/Vergleich politischer Systeme; Gießen
Deadline: 14.03.2014
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Erwartet werden im Rahmen der Professur wissenschaftliche Leistungen im ausgeschriebenen Schwerpunkt in seiner ganzen Breite. Langjährige Erfahrungen in der selbstständigen Drittmitteleinwerbung auch im Bereich koordinierter Programme und die Bereitschaft zur aktiven Mitarbeit am Zentrum für Medien und Interaktivität (ZMI) sowie dem International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) werden erwartet. Sie lehren in allen Studiengängen, an denen das Institut für Politikwissenschaft beteiligt ist. Das sind der BA Sozialwissenschaften, der Master-Studiengang „Demokratie und Kooperation“, der internationale Master „Transition Management“, das Nebenfach Politikwissenschaft im Bachelor- und im Master-Studiengang „Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften“ sowie in weiteren Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen, das Unterrichtsfach Politik und Wirtschaft in den Lehramtsstudiengängen L2 mit L5 und L3 sowie die Grundwissenschaft Politologie in allen Lehramtsstudiengängen. Bereitschaft zur englischsprachigen Lehre ist erwünscht. Nachgewiesene einschlägige didaktische Erfahrungen und Konzepte sowie die aktive Mitwirkung an der akademischen Selbstverwaltung werden vorausgesetzt. Eine Integration von Genderaspekten als Querschnittsperspektive ist vorgesehen.

Promovierter Mitarbeiter, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin
Deadline: 14.03.2014

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Wir möchten zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt und zunächst auf zwei Jahre befristet die Stelle eines/r promovierten wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters/in mit dem Aufgabengebiet Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen Nordamerikas besetzen.

Das Aufgabengebiet beinhaltet die politikorientierte Forschung zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung und zur Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik Nordamerikas, insbesondere der USA.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (50%), Universität Duisburg
Deadline: 04.04.2014

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Der Jean-Monnet Lehrstuhl am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Duisburg-Essen (Campus Duisburg) suche eine/n wissenschaftliche itarbeiterin/wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter an Universitäten (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 50%).

Von der erfolgreichen Bewerberin/dem erfolgreichen Bewerber wird eine eigenständige empirische Untersuchung in einem der thematischen Schwerpunkte des Lehrstuhls erwartet:

  • Mikromanagement europäischer Institutionen (Europäische Zentralbank, Europäische Investitionsbank, Europäischer Rechnungshof),
  • Umsetzung von EU-Recht in den Mitgliedsstaaten (europäische economic governance),
  • klassische und alternative Formen europäischer Entscheidungsfindung,
  • Europäisierung politischer Systeme (europäische Parteien, euroskeptische Parteien),
  • die EU auf der internationalen Bühne (Freihandelsabkommen).

Von der erfolgreichen Bewerberin/dem erfolgreichen Bewerber wird eine aktive Teilnahme an den Kolloquien und Treffen des Lehrstuhls sowie eine Unterstützung in der Organisation und Durchführung von Workshops und Konferenzen erwartet. Eine Lehrverpflichtung besteht im Umfang von 2 Semesterwochenstunden pro Semester. Die erfolgreiche Bewerberin/der erfolgreiche Bewerber erhält Gelegenheit zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung.


Chair in Political Science; Birmingham
Deadline: 25.03.2014
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The purpose of this post is to provide academic and intellectual leadership in Political Science broadly defined. The successful candidate will have a proven track record of research grant capture and peer-review publication commensurate with the academic reputation of the School. S/he will also be able to demonstrate tangible and sustained achievements in the development, design and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and supervision as well as significant and sustained experience of managing large research projects and institutional structures of research activity.

Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: International Studies; Bandar Seri Begawan
Deadline: 12.03.2014
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Applicants must have a PhD in a field closely related to International Studies or International Relations. Research area is open but a candidate whose expertise is in Asia- and/or Europe-focused aspects of diplomatic and international history, international law, political economy, security and conflict studies, regionalism, and globalization, among other possibilities. Preference will be given to candidates who are able to teach a broad range of historically and theoretically-informed International Studies modules. A track record of research and publications, or a demonstrated ability to establish such a track record, in addition to experience in teaching and supervision at tertiary level, is highly desirable.

PhD Studentships 2014/15: E-Government and Public Service Collaboration; Oxford
Deadline: 01.04.2014
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The Faculty of Business at Oxford Brookes University is offering studentships to exceptional candidates seeking to study for a full time PhD starting in September 2014.

These full-time studentships, which include a commitment of seminar teaching to undergraduate students, will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 per annum, plus student fees.

Applicants should have a good Honours degree as well as a good Master’s degree at merit level or above that includes a thesis component.

Associate/Assistant Professor in International Relations, International Development or Asian Studies; Semenyih
Deadline: 21.04.2014
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The School is seeking staff to provide teaching and research activities in the field of International Relations, International Development or Asian Studies. The appointment committee defines the fields broadly, and are prepared to consider strong applications from scholars working in any area of them. We particularly encourage applications from those who approach these fields from the perspective of gendered analysis or transnational history. Applications are also encouraged from those with evidence of having built, or the potential to build, local and regional networks.

Successful applicants will have a proven record of teaching and publication relative to stage of career. They will be expected to teach 3-4 modules a year, pursue an active research strategy and take on administrative responsibilities.

LSE Fellow in Comparative Politics (with special reference to Democratization); London
Deadline: 19.03.2014
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The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is one of the foremost social science universities in the world and its Department of Government is one of the largest political science departments in the United Kingdom. Its activities cover a comprehensive range of approaches to the study of politics. Its undergraduate, masters and research students come from all corners of the globe, as do its academic visitors and faculty.

Applications are invited for a one-term LSE Fellowship in Comparative Politics (with special reference to Democratization), based in the Department of Government to commence on 2 September 2014. You will contribute to the teaching of the MSc Comparative Politics with sole responsibility for the core course of one pathway, Comparative Democratization in a Global Age. Expertise in the field of democratization is thus an essential requirement. You should have a developing track record of high quality publications, or emerging research profile in comparative politics, and relevant teaching experience in the field of comparative politics and or democratization studies. A completed PhD in political science or a related discipline is essential.

In addition to a good salary the benefits that come with this job include a defined benefits pension scheme and excellent training and development opportunities.

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)/Associate Professor in Social Science and International Politics; Ningbo
Deadline: 31.03.2014
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Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 6,000 in just 8 years.

Applications are invited from academics with broad social science knowledge, especially regarding political and international institutions. Candidates must have a PhD (for appointment at Lecturer level, they may be close to completion), in anthropology, history, political science or sociology. Comparative and theoretical interests especially sought, though regional specialists are also welcome to apply. Some demonstrable interest in Asia and/or the Pacific would be an added benefit, as would teaching and administrative experience. It is envisaged that the successful candidate will contribute to collaborative research projects with colleagues at UNNC, on Nottingham’s other two campuses, including the tri-campus Institute for Asia and Pacific Studies (IAPS) and the Centre for the Study of Political Ideologies (CSPI). The successful candidate must be a passionate and well-spoken teacher ready to teach flexibly in a range of existing and new modules on themes such as comparative politics, global issues, diplomacy, etc., to both undergraduate and graduate students. Experience of working with primary-source research collections and an ability to guide students in their use for research purposes, would be an advantage.

Senior Lecturer in Peace Studies; Leeds
Deadline: 18.03.2014
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The Politics and Applied Global Ethics (PAGE) group at Leeds Metropolitan University is investing in its academic provision and is seeking to appoint a Senior Lecturer in the subject area of Peace Studies. We are looking for an inspiring and enthusiastic academic to make a key contribution to our academic provision through teaching, research and enterprise.

Applicants will have completed a relevant PhD and ideally have research and teaching interests in the following areas:

  • Peace Studies
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Project management
  • Community development and local engagement

In addition to the above, we would also welcome applications from those with experience of working with NGO and community organisations and who could contribute to our employability and voluntary placement agenda within our courses.

Master’s Scholarships, International Development; Norwich
Deadline: 31.07.2014
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The School is a globally renowned department for teaching, research and consultancy on international development. It is committed to making a difference and is involved in advising on policy for major global challenges such as poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. With students from over 40 countries, it is a friendly, thriving and cosmopolitan department. The School was recently awarded the prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for research on global development in recognition of four decades of work in some of the world’s poorest countries.

PhD studentships: Women in Global Leadership; Portsmouth
Deadline: 14.04.2014
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Project Description: Women remain under represented in leaderships roles. There is increasing interest is what challenges women face to develop their careers. Authors have identified the gendered nature of work and both formal and informal practices that exist. There is also recognition that external factors such as caring responsibilities and work-life balance can be challenging. Additionally, support mechanisms, sponsorship arrangements, mentoring, as well as individual psychological factors can be important.

Studies have focussed on specific industry sectors where women are known to be under represented, in particular Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths as well as other areas of business. While not industry specific this study aims to address the challenges women face in an international context.

With organisations operating in global contexts there is growing recognition that they need employees that are able to operate effectively in complex global environments. Individuals need to perform within multiple cultures and in different geographical and cultural settings. To become a leader in a global environment, individuals need to manage under conditions of uncertainty, be willing to embrace new ideas and be culturally sensitive.

While we have some knowledge about the challenges faced by women to achieve leadership roles in industry and in national contexts, there is less understanding about what are the barriers and enablers women face in gaining global leadership roles. How do the challenges compare and contrast to those they face at a national level?. What support do women receive to attain leadership in a global context? A greater understanding of the barriers and support mechanisms would extend our current knowledge of women leadership.

The case of women leadership provides and opportunity to extend the University of Portsmouth’s current work on women leadership and to continue developing the faculty’s international profile in this area. A programme of Doctoral research would generate research findings that are capable of contributing to the broader academic debates. We hope to make theoretical contributions to the following areas;

  • Challenges women face in gaining senior posts; internal and external.
  • The significance of Social Capital in ‘career-making’; the importance of networks as part of career development

The topic has both scope and scale. There is plenty of scope for the Doctoral student to develop research with these areas and align the topic to their individual interests. The topic also allows for the study to embrace the global nature of leadership and therefore has scope to address the issues on an international scale.

From a knowledge transfer perspective, the project provides a rigorous research base which can be used to inform practice. With organisations looking to develop their global talent and many under pressure to look at the gender inequity that exists at senior levels, the study provides a platform to further enhance the faculty’s reputation in this area.

In particular we aim to explore three main areas:

  • What are the challenges women face in gaining global leadership positions?
  • What are the perceived enablers women gaining global leadership positions?
  • To what extent are organisations addressing the challenge of the under –representation of women leaders in a global context?
Senior Researcher/ Post Doc Position in the Rule of Law Program, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, Netherlands
Deadline: Open until filled

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Job title: Senior Researcher, Rule of Law Program, The Hague Institute for Global Justice

Location: The Hague, the Netherlands

Job Purpose: Research and management of projects in the Rule of Law program.

Reporting to: Head of Rule of Law Program

Organizational Background

The Hague Institute for Global Justice is an independent, nonpartisan institution established to undertake high-quality interdisciplinary policy relevant research, training and facilitation activities on issues at the intersection of peace, security and global justice. The Institute uses a combination of internal and external experts to conduct research, implement practical projects, and convene a range of topical workshops, conferences, and seminars that bring together practitioners and scholars. The institute’s research, analysis and programming are of use to the Dutch government, multilateral institutions, and NGOs.
The program of The Hague Institute is divided along three thematic focus areas: 1) Conflict Prevention; 2) Rule of Law; 3) Global Governance.

The Rule of Law Program

The rule of law is crucial for creating sustainable peace in societies making the difficult transition from war or conflict. Without it, insecurity, corruption, impunity, and criminality undermine stability and democracy and threaten a return to violence and chaos. The Rule of Law program aims to contribute to creating sustainable peace in such contexts by first, engaging in grounded, multidisciplinary, empirical research; and second, fostering dialogue between governments of conflict-affected countries, multilateral and bilateral donors, civil society organizations, academia, and private enterprises. The Hague Institute is well-situated in the international city of peace and justice to bring the expertise of The Hague to the field, while also ensuring that international legal institutions respond to local concerns.

The multidirectional links and dynamics that run between local and larger-scale conflicts constitute the central theme for the program’s analysis. By adopting this perspective, the program seeks to effectively promote the rule of law in fragile states to help manage conflicts and mitigate the factors that drive them. The program looks at conflict management and mitigation through the lenses of transitional justice processes; the enforcement of national and international criminal law; enhanced access to justice and legal empowerment, especially for vulnerable groups; and engagement with customary justice systems.

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