Stellenanzeigen Mai 2/2

Now HiringAn dieser Stelle wie immer akademische Stellenanzeigen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik, für die zweite Maihälfte.



Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Post-doctoral Researcher in Peace, Conflict and Security Studies; Bonn

Deadline: 15.06.2014

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As an independent, non-profit organization, BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion) deals with a wide range of global topics in the field of peace and conflict research centering on Conversion Studies. Our vision is a more peaceful world. Our mission is to conduct critical, problem-oriented, policy relevant research in response to the problems posed by organized violence.

To strengthen our conceptual work we are seeking a Post-doctoral Researcher in Peace, Conflict and Security Studies. Full-time position: TV-L E 13 / Initial contract period: 2 years / Starting date: at the earliest possible date

Key responsibilities:

Research at BICC provides the framework for academic self-actualization and builds on the personal responsibility of the researchers. The candidate will be pro-actively involved in the design and implementation of the research agenda of BICC in line with its new concept (BICC Concept Paper). The researcher will thus be in the position to further develop one or several of BICCs key research topics.

The tasks of the researcher will include the writing of academic publications, the development of research proposals, and conducting research projects. He/she should be ready to provide guidance to younger colleagues and to work in research teams.

Wiss. Mitarbeiter (65%): Legitimation internationaler Organisationen; St. Gallen

Deadline: 01.07.2014

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The School of Economics and Political Science (SEPS) of the University of St.Gallen (HSG) is currently seeking a Research Associate (65%).
You will be part of the research project "Changing Norms of Global Governance directed by Professor Klaus Dingwerth. The project investigates how and with what consequences the legitimation norms that underpin evaluations of international organizations have changed overt the past four decades. As a part of the project, you will contribute to ongoing research activities and engage in your own research on the legitimation of international organizations, on norm dynamics in global governance and/or on transnational democracy and justice. In addition, you will present your research at academic conferences and workshops and support the project team in organizational matters as well as in the communication of research findings. As the research project of which this position is a part will be terminated on 30 September 2015, this position is also limited until that date.

  • An excellent master's degree in a field relevant to the research project, including the social sciences (e.g. political science, sociology), law and humanities (e.g. history of or cultural studies), combined with a thematic focus on international and/or transnational relations;
  • Sound knowledge of social science research methods;
  • Genuine interest in research and in working in a research team;
  • Ability to work independently and in a structured manner and high level of motivation;
  • Excellent command of English (written and spoken);
  • Some experience in scientific work is an asset.

Please send your application (including CV, writing sample and contact details of two academics who are familiar with your work) until 01 July in electronic form. Please also indicate the earliest starting date for you to take up the position.

Zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen / Mitarbeiter, empirische Sozialforschung; Berlin

Deadline: 15.06.2014

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Für die Mitarbeit in den Projekten des iFQ suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt und für die Dauer von zunächst zwei Jahren zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen / Mitarbeiter mit nachgewiesener wissenschaftlicher Qualifikation auf dem Gebiet der empirischen Wissenschaftsforschung und hoher theoretischer und methodischer Kompetenz. Vorzugsweise sollte der Arbeitsschwerpunkt in einem der folgenden Forschungsgebiete liegen: Karriere- und Lebenslaufforschung, insbesondere mit Fokus auf Karrieren in der Wissenschaft, Governance der Forschung, Wissenschaftsindikatorik / Bibliometrie oder Evaluation und Evaluationsverfahren.

Voraussetzung ist ein einschlägiger, überdurchschnittlicher Studien- und / oder Promotionsabschluss. Sehr gute Kenntnisse quantitativer Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung sowie Erfahrungen in der wissenschaftlichen Projektarbeit und im Projektmanagement sind von Vorteil. Gesucht werden engagierte Persönlichkeiten mit sehr gutem Organisationsvermögen sowie hoher Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit. Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift setzen wir voraus.

Wir bieten die Mitarbeit in einem engagierten und hoch motivierten Team, eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit und spannende, entwicklungsfähige Themen. Anstellung, Vergütung und Sozialleistungen richten sich nach dem Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst (TVöD Bund 13/14). Die Beachtung der Schwerbehindertenrichtlinien sowie der Vorschriften des Gesetzes über Teilzeitarbeit ist gewährleistet.

Stiftungsprofessur für Israel- und Nahoststudien; Heidelberg

Deadline: 11.07.2014

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Die Stelleninhaberin/der Stelleninhaber soll das Teilgebiet „Israel- und Nahoststudien“ in seiner gesamten Breite in Forschung und Lehre an der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg und in Verbindung mit der Ruprecht Karls-Universität Heidelberg im Rahmen einer Brückenprofessur vertreten. Neben der Geschichte und den politischen Verhältnissen des Nahen Ostens und Israels soll die Stelleninhaberin/der Stelleninhaber auch affine interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen in ihre/seine Arbeit einbringen können und in der Lage sein, in Forschung und Lehre entsprechende Kooperationen, insbesondere zwischen der Hochschule und der Universität sowie deren jeweiligen Partnern, einzugehen. Ferner ist der Stelleninhaberin/dem Stelleninhaber die Mitwirkung an Lehre und Weiterentwicklung des gemeinsamen englischsprachigen Joint Degree Master- Studiengangs „Israel Studies“ der HfJS und der Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel, aufgegeben, der ab dem WS 2014/15 an der HfJS neu angeboten wird.

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind neben den allgemeinen dienstrechtlichen Voraussetzungen ein ab­ge­schlos­se­nes Hochschulstudium mit nachgewiesenem Schwerpunkt in Israel- und Nahoststudien, pädagogische Eignung und die besondere Befähigung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, die durch die herausragende Qualifikation mindestens einer qualifizierten Promotion nachgewiesen ist sowie für eine W 3-Professur zusätzlich die Habilitation nach § 47 Abs. 2 des Landeshochschulgesetz oder eine damit vergleichbare Qualifikation oder eine erfolgreich evaluierte Ju­nior­pro­fessur. Darüber hinaus werden fundierte Sprachkenntnisse im Englischen und Hebräischen vorausgesetzt; Ara­bisch­kennt­nisse sind wünschenswert.

Erwartet wird neben der Befähigung zum englischsprachigen Unterricht eine hohe Präsenz der Stel­len­in­ha­berin/des Stelleninhabers an der Hochschule, insbesondere die Mitarbeit in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung, die Zu­sam­men­arbeit mit der Universität Heidelberg, ferner die Bereitschaft zur aktiven Ausgestaltung des For­schungsfeldes Israel- und Nahoststudien sowie die Einwerbung von Drittmitteln für einschlägige For­schungs­pro­jekte.

Professur für Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens; Erlangen-Nürnberg

Deadline: 04.07.2014

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Zu den Aufgaben gehört, das Fachgebiet in Forschung und Lehre mit einem politikwissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkt angemessen zu vertreten. Fundierte Sprachkompetenz im Arabischen wird vorausgesetzt, eine weitere Sprache des Nahen Ostens (Türkisch oder Persisch) ist wünschenswert. Eine Mitwirkung im Studiengang M.A. Nahoststudien sowie im Rahmen der Sektion Vorderer Orient des Erlanger Zentralinstituts für Regionenforschung wird erwartet. Dabei betrifft die Brückenfunktion nicht nur die institutionelle Einbindung, sondern auch die fachliche Kompetenz: Sie verbindet wesentlich zeitgeschichtliche, kulturwissenschaftliche, sprachwissenschaftliche und religionsspezifische Aspekte der Nahostforschung innerhalb eines politik- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Rahmens.

Thematische Schwerpunkte sind vor allem der Vergleich politischer Systeme des Nahen Ostens, Internationale Beziehungen des Nahes Ostens sowie Politische Kultur und Ideengeschichte des Nahen Ostens.

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium, pädagogische Eignung, Promotion und zusätzliche wissenschaftliche Leistungen. Letztere werden durch Habilitation oder gleichwertige wissenschaftliche Leistungen nachgewiesen, die auch in einer Tätigkeit außerhalb des Hochschulbereichs oder im Rahmen einer Juniorprofessur erbracht sein können.


Research Fellow in Trust and Cooperation in Cyberspace; Birmingham

Deadline: 29.06.2014

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The Institute for Conflict, Cooperation and Security (ICCS) is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow in Trust and Cooperation in Cyberspace. This exciting opportunity will contribute to advancing the work of the ICCS in establishing the University of Birmingham as one of Europe’s leading centres for interdisciplinary security expertise.

The post-holder will undertake a specified range of activities within a new multidisciplinary research programme exploring the interconnection between Psychology, International Relations and Security. The post-holder will play a critical role in the research activities of ICCS, including research design, planning, implementation, analysis, communication and dissemination. The role will also have a remit to support the development and delivery of grant applications and related professional development and training activities.

Applicants should hold a PhD in the broad area of International Relations and Security. Special consideration will be given to candidates with a demonstrable interest in trust and cooperation and/ or cybersecurity. A strong commitment to inter-disciplinary research is essential. Candidates should also have experience of grant capture.

Lecturer in International Conflict Analysis; Kent

Deadline: 18.06.2014

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You will hold a first degree or equivalent in a relevant subject area, together with a PhD or equivalent in a relevant discipline. You will also have a relevant teaching qulaification (PGCHE or ATAP).

You will have relevant high-quality teaching experience at degree level as well as relevant high quality teaching experience in the area of international conflict analysis at undergraduate level.

The ability to supervise research activities of undergraduate and postgraduate students effectively and have successfully supervised postgraduate research students are essential to this post.

Lecturer in South Asia and International Relations; London

Deadline: 26.06.2014

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The Department of War Studies seeks to recruit a Lecturer in South Asia and International Relations. We are looking for a scholar with outstanding potential, who is able to teach modules on the regional politics of South Asia and more broadly in the field of International Relations. We especially welcome applications from candidates who are able to contribute to the research profile of the King’s India Institute, which currently seeks to build strength in Indian and regional economy and public policy. We seek applicants who have a promising publication list (including a monograph in print or accepted for publication and peer-reviewed articles in leading scientific journals) and the potential to secure external funding to support their future research projects.
Lecturer in War and Society; Swansea

Deadline: 18.06.2014

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The successful candidate will support and extend the continued development of teaching, postgraduate supervision and research in War and Society at Swansea. He/she will join the politics and international studies REF unit, based in the Department of Political and Cultural Studies, and be able to develop their research in the context of the Department's International Studies, Conflict and Security research group (which focuses on, amongst other things, war studies, international security, international relations, and area studies). This research activity is organised through the Research Institute for Arts and Humanities (RIAH).
There will be opportunities to contribute to the development of further modules and programmes. The College would welcome candidates who can develop links with scholars and students overseas: there may be opportunities to travel and possibly teach for short periods overseas.
Applicants should have a PhD relevant to War and Society or a closely related subject and should have a record of published outputs and/or a set of planned outputs which can contribute to the projected (2020) University REF return. Experience of developing research objectives and proposals for individual or joint research, and the potential to develop these into research funding proposals, are essential. An awareness of the REF impact agenda and its potential relevance to research activity is also required.
Professor/Associate Professor Global Governance, Policy Analysis, Policy Writing for Decision Makers; Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei)

Deadline: 21.06.2014

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Applicant must have a Ph.D. in Policy Studies or related field from a recognized university, and demonstrated outstanding record of research productivity and teaching excellence particularly in the areas of Global Governance, Policy Analysis and Policy Writing for Decision Makers. Preference will be given to postgraduate teaching experiences. The ability to teach other functional areas in public policy and management would be an added advantage. The successful applicant should be able to design and teach modules in the areas of Global Governance, Policy Analysis and Policy Writing for Decision Makers, in the Institute of Policy Studies as well as related course(s) in other Faculties in Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Active participation in the activities of the Institute of Policy Studies including research, seminar and administration is also expected.
Professor in European Politics; Coventry

Deadline: 04.06.2014

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You will be an outstanding scholar with an international reputation in the field of European Politics and you will help coordinate bids amongst the department’s European Politics team and to represent the bids with the European Commission.

You will possess an honours degree or equivalent and a PhD or equivalent in a relevant discipline, and will have a record of outstanding international publications in European Politics. You will have evidence of an innovative research agenda supported by a considerable knowledge of the workings of European Institutions and a strong set of networks in the European research areas. Experience of successful bidding and leading teams for European Commission framework programmes is essential with a willingness to lead Horizon 2020 bids in the future. You will also possess experience in three areas; Policy Coherence in Global Development, Comparing the Effectiveness of EU Development Diplomacy with the USA and China in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diplomacy and Values in a Changing World Order.

Fellow in Critical International Relations Theory; London

Deadline: 22.06.2014

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You will contribute to core and specialist teaching on the MSc International Relations Theory programme.

Candidates should have completed a PhD. You should have a broad background in International Relations and specialist expertise in critical International Relations Theory. You should have relevant teaching experience and a promising research profile.

The other criteria that will be used when shortlisting for this post can be found on the person specification which is attached to this vacancy on the LSE’s online recruitment system.

In addition to a good salary the benefits that come with this job include a defined benefits pension scheme, generous annual leave and excellent training and development opportunities.

Lecturer in German Foreign Policy; London

Deadline: 11.06.2014

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King’s College London is offering a permanent Lectureship in German Foreign Policy hosted by the Department of European & International Studies to start from 1 September 2014. Detail The successful candidate will have research interests in the field of German foreign policy widely defined and a proven record or potential as an outstanding researcher in this area. He or she will have a completed or nearly completed their PhD in Politics, International Relations or a closely related discipline. They will have the ability to teach to the highest professional standards in foreign policy analysis, German and European foreign policy and German politics at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. They will contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, especially the BA in International Relations, the German pathway of the BA in European Studies and the BA in European Politics. They will have pastoral duties as a tutor for students on the BA in International Relations and the German pathway of the BA in European Studies. The job will be located at the Strand campus.

The appointment will be made, dependent on relevant qualifications, either within the Grade 6 scale, currently £31,644 to £37,756, or within the Grade 7 scale, currently £38,907 to £46,400 plus £2,323 per annum London Allowance. Interviews will be held on 10 July 2014. Permanent contract.

For an informal discussion about this post please contact Professor Christoph Meyer by email or by telephone on 020 7848 2053.

8 PhD positions in the field of Regional Powers in World Politics; International

Deadline: 15.06.2014

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PRIMO (Power and Region in a Multipolar Order), a Marie Curie Initial Training Network, invites applications for several positions as Early Stage Researcher (PhD student). PRIMO is funded by the European Commission and involves universities in Germany, the UK, Turkey, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and Portugal as well as non-academic institutional participants. It develops innovative research training in the field of International Relations, in particular with respect to the growing importance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in international politics and the global economy. The programme combines integrated training workshops and internship opportunities across the network with career opportunities in academia or the private sector.

PRIMO offers¦

  • Three year contracts with a competitive salary plus mobility allowance;
  • The opportunity to register for a PhD with excellent universities worldwide;
  • Training in state-of-the-art social sciences methods, academic and transferable skills;
  • The possibility to travel to other partners locations for workshops and conferences;
  • Secondments and internships with other networks partners.
Assistant Professor, International Relations; Rio de Janeiro

Deadline: Position is open until filled

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The International Relations Institute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, invites applications for assistant professor in the field of International Relations, with specialization in International Political Economy with an emphasis in the areas of Development Studies and/or International Cooperation.
The candidate will join one of the highest ranked IR programs in Brazil, with a record of more than 25 years of advanced research and teaching in the field. IRI has also distinguished itself by the strong internationalization of its programs, projects and faculty. We expect the candidate to contribute substantively to the development and consolidation of research and teaching in globalization, global governance and development, one of the three major thematic areas of the Institute. The candidate should be capable of teaching courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in the fundamental areas of IPE, as well as in more specific topics associated to his/her research.
We welcome applications by candidates with a good publication record, basic teaching experience and the willingness to engage in a dynamic environment of intense collaboration in research and a dense network of local and international activities with the academic community in IR.
Rio is the gateway of international connections between Brazil and the world, a vibrant and cosmopolitan city constantly at the center of major global events.
Salaries are competitive and complemented by research grants, funding for travel and publication bonuses. The contract has a three year probation period with the possibility of becoming a permanent position according to performance.
Applications should be sent, via e-mail, to The position is open until filled. Documentation should include: a cover letter, CV, sample publication, 2 letters of recommendation and graduate transcripts. Candidates are expected to have concluded their PhD by September 2014. Work is expected to begin in March 2015, if the selection process is concluded in time.
Candidates are expected to speak or learn Portuguese within a timeframe of 2 years. PUC-Rio will provide opportunities for learning in the Universitys language program for foreign students.
Informal inquiries may be made to the selection committee facilitator, Prof. Joao Nogueira at Further details about IRI can be found in its webpage:
Lecturer in the International Relations of the Middle East; Durham

Deadline: 21.06.2014

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As part of its research and teaching provision in the Politics of the Muslim World, the School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA) at Durham University invites applications from outstanding candidates to a Lectureship in the International Relations of the Middle East. This full-time, non-fixed term position is available from 1 September 2014.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in the University.

The School of Government and International Affairs was formed in August 2004 by the merging of the Department of Politics and the Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. The School currently has 30 full-time academic members of staff with several other fractional appointments. The School is international in character in terms of its work and the background of its staff and students.

The School experienced a significant increase in funding as a result of the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise and has grown rapidly since. All members of staff were entered into RAE 2008, when the School had fifty per cent of its research rated as world leading and internationally excellent. Its current Research Strategy has identified the Politics of the Muslim World as one of its two ‘research peaks’ – that is, an area in which the University aims to establish itself as world-leading in research, teaching, and impact on public debate.

The School is housed in two locations, along the same Elvet Hill Road, close to the University Library. The Al Qasimi Building is a multi-million pound purpose-built facility, opened in 2002. It offers superb teaching and office facilities. It is home to the Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and is the base for many of the School’s activities. Several School staff are also housed in South End House, close to Van Mildert College.

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