Stellenanzeigen Mai 2016

Now HiringAn dieser Stelle veröffentlichen wir aktuelle Stellenangebote im Bereich Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik.




Assistant Professor of Governance of Digitalization and Energy Policy; Berlin
Deadline: 22.05.2016

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The Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
A European Professional School for Public Policy is recruiting an
Assistant Professor of Governance of Digitalization and Energy Policy

Funded by Karl Schlecht Stiftung

The Hertie School of Governance is an international teaching and research center of excellence that prepares students for leadership positions in government, business, and civil society. An internationally recruited faculty, interdisciplinary in outlook, research, and teaching, offers analytically challenging and practice-oriented courses on governance, policy analysis, management, and leadership. As a professional school, Hertie School faculty has a strong commitment to high-quality teaching. Our goal is to help students grow intellectually in a professional, research-intensive environment, characterized by public debate and engagement.

The Hertie School is recruiting a junior scholar for a position in the emerging field of governance in the areas of digitalization and energy policy, understood in a broad way. The professorship is dedicated to digitalization with a focus on energy policy, considering both opportunities and risks digital changes entail for modern energy and mobility systems, including smart cities and similar infrastructure developments. The recruitment committee will consider profiles combining a disciplinary background in social science (e.g. political science, public administration, sociology, management, and economics) with expertise in the governance of digitalization and the energy / digitalization interface. In addition, the candidate is expected to engage with other professorships established by the Karl Schlecht Stiftung in Germany, as appropriate. The candidate will also contribute to public debates on digitalization and energy policies in Germany and beyond. The position is full-time, for up to six years, with a mid-term evaluation, and may be extended. The expected start date is 1 January 2017.

Applicants should hold or expect to receive a doctoral degree before the position begins. We are interested in candidates who demonstrate the capacity for independent research at the highest levels in their discipline, either through an established record of publication in top outlets or, for very junior candidates, unpublished writing samples. The Hertie School seeks faculty with a commitment to intensive, high-quality teaching and innovative research of potential interest to the international scholarly community and policy-makers. Candidates are expected to show full commitment to working in an interdisciplinary, international environment with English as the language of instruction and operation. The successful candidate will teach courses in the School's Master, Executive, and PhD programmes.

We offer an internationally competitive salary in line with the candidate's qualifications, excellent working conditions, a vibrant research environment, and a lively community of policy debate in the political heart of Germany.

The Hertie School particularly encourages applications from female scholars and from candidates with international backgrounds.

The deadline for submission of applications is 22 May 2016. The Hertie School will review applications that include a letter of motivation and a current curriculum vitae (publication list, degrees earned, if applicable: positions held, teaching experience, research projects, awards received), two writing samples and, if applicable, teaching evaluations or any other evidence of teaching. Candidates should include three letters of recommendation from professors who are familiar with their work. The job talks and interviews will take place between 6 and 8 July 2016 in Berlin. Invited candidates will be asked to submit a research and teaching plan as well as to prepare a presentation based on a current research paper.

Please send your application to, indicating where you found the advertisement.

For information about the Hertie School visit

For questions about the position, please contact the President/Dean Professor Helmut K. Anheier, PhD (

Strict confidentiality in the application process is assured. The Hertie School is an equal opportunity employer.

Studentische Hilfskraft (m/w), „Markets in the Making of Multilateral Military Interventions (4MI): International Organizations and Private Military and Security Companies“; Witten/Herdecke
Deadline: 13.05.2016

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Der Lehrstuhl für International Political Studies der Universität Witten/Herdecke unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Elke Krahmann sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine studentische Hilfskraft für 12,5h/Woche. Die Hilfskraft unterstützt das ESRC-Projekt “Markets in the Making of Multilateral Military Interventions (4MI): International Organizations and Private Military and Security Companies” in Forschung und Organisation. Die Stelle ist bis zum 31. August 2016 befristet (max. 50 Arbeitstage/Kalenderjahr).


  • Recherchetätigkeiten und Literaturauswertung
  • Planung und Transkription von Interviews
  • Dokumentation von Forschungsaktivitäten und -ergebnissen
  • Verwaltung und Aktualisierung der Projektwebsite
  • (Unterstützung bei der) Organisationen eines Projektabschluss-Workshops
  • Mitarbeit an Publikationen


  • Starkes politikwissenschaftliches Profil, ausgeprägtes Interesse an Fragestellungen der internationalen Politik
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse (Kenntnisse einer weiteren Fremdsprache sind vorteilhaft)
  • Erste Kenntnisse in den Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung sind erwünscht
  • Hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative, Engagement und Verantwortung
  • Sehr gute MS Office-Kenntnisse (insbesondere Word und Excel)

Falls wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, richten Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Notenübersicht/Transcript of Records und ggf. weitere Zeugnisse) in elektronischer Form (PDF) an Einsendeschluss der Bewerbungsunterlagen ist der 13. Mai 2016.

MitarbeiterIn zur Promotion (50%), „Towards an Increasing Regionalization of International Politics? Comparing the Development of External Competencies of Regional Organizations over Time“; Freiburg
Deadline: 30.05.2016

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Mitarbeiterstelle zur Promotion in einem Forschungsprojekt am Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik der Universität Freiburg

Projekttitel: Towards an Increasing Regionalization of International Politics? Comparing the Development of External Competencies of Regional Organizations over Time
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Diana Panke
Projektbeginn: 1. August 2016 oder 1. September 2016
Förderungsdauer: Zwei Jahre (Anschlussfinanzierung für weitere zwei Jahre am Lehrstuhl besteht)
Besoldung: TVL 0,5 E13 (mehr Informationen unter

Für ein von der Fritz-Thyssen Stiftung gefördertes Projekt „Towards an Increasing Regionalization of International Politics? Comparing the Development of External Competencies of Regional Organizations over Time“ sucht die Professur für Governance in Mehrebenensystemen zum 1. August 2016 oder zum 1. September 2016 eine/n MitarbeiterIn zur Promotion (0,50 TVL E13 Stelle, befristet für zwei Jahre im Projekt; anschließend besteht die Möglichkeit auf eine 0,50 TVL E13 Mitarbeiterstelle am Lehrstuhl für weitere zwei Jahre zu wechseln). Eine ausführlichere Projektbeschreibung kann abgerufen werden unter:

Ihre Aufgaben umfassen:

  • Mitarbeit beim Aufbau einer Datenbank (UVs, AVs zur Entwicklung externer Politikkompetenzen von Regionalorganisationen) und eines Codebooks
  • Koordination der Hilfskräfte
  • Selbstständige Durchführung von quantitativen Analysen
  • Mitarbeit an den Projektpublikationen

Erforderliche Qualifikationen:

  • Abgeschlossenes MA-Studium mit politikwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in quantitativen Methoden der Daten- und Textanalyse
  • Fundierte Kenntnisse über Theorie und Praxis regionaler Integration, des vergleichenden Regionalismus oder der internationalen Beziehungen
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, weitere Fremdsprachenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil
  • Teamfähigkeit und Interesse an der Mitarbeit in einem Forschungsprojekt
  • Interesse an einer Promotion

Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert ausdrücklich entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen zur Bewerbung auf. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf (einschließlich Ihrer Telefonnummer), Zeugnissen und einem einseitigen Kurzexposé zum geplanten Promotionsvorhaben bis zum 30. Mai 2016 (per E-Mail als PDF (max. 5MB) an Prinzipiell möchten wir Sie bitten eine Referenzperson anzugeben. Falls dies beim Einreichen der Bewerbung noch nicht möglich sein sollte, bitten wir Sie diese Angabe bei einer eventuellen Einladung zum Vorstellungsgespräch nachzureichen.

Studentische/n Mitarbeiter/in; Berlin
Deadline: 16.05.2016

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Die Europäische Akademie Berlin sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Studentische/n Mitarbeiter/in im Umfang von 80 Stunden im Monat, zunächst bis Ende des Jahres.


Die Europäische Akademie Berlin e. V. ( ist eine überparteiliche, unabhängige und gemeinnützige Einrichtung der Zivilgesellschaft. Seit ihrer Gründung 1963 ist die Europäische Akademie Berlin ein

  • Akteur der politischen Bildung,
  • Dienstleister/Partner im (inter)nationalen Bildungs-, Seminar- und Projektmanagement und
  • Ort der Begegnung und des Austausches.

Zum Portfolio der Akademie gehören verschiedene Diskussionsformate, Seminare, Workshops, Kompetenztrainings, Rollenspiele, Zukunftswerkstätten und Exkursionen. Als Durchführungs-partner von Ministerien, Stiftungen, Bildungseinrichtungen, staatlichen und europäischen Einrichtungen schneidet die Akademie die Formate und Programme auf die besonderen Präferenzen der Partner zu.

Für die Umsetzung unserer Bildungsangebote und Programme, schwerpunktmäßig die „Akademie für Gute Regierungsführung und Empowerment in Europa“ (AGREE), suchen wir zur Verstärkung unseres Teams eine/n studentische/n Mitarbeiter/in.

Aufgaben und Einsatzfelder

  • Unterstützung der Programmleitung bei der Planung und Organisation
  • Zuarbeit bei projektbezogenen administrativen Aufgaben
  • Korrespondenz in ukrainischer Sprache
  • Mitwirkung bei Terminkoordination/Einladungsmanagement/Reisemanagement
  • Aufbereitung von Dokumenten
  • projektbezogene Recherche


  • Immatrikulation an einer deutschen Hochschule bis mindestens Ende der angestrebten Beschäftigung
  • sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse und sehr gute Kenntnisse der ukrainischen Sprache
  • Organisationsgeschick und ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • erste Erfahrungen in der Projektorganisation oder im Veranstaltungsmanagement, z.B. durch einschlägige Praktika, sind von Vorteil

Die Vergütung beträgt 11,60 € (brutto) pro Stunde.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre elektronische Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, relevante Zeugnisse und gültige Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)mit dem Betreff „Bewerbung AGREE“ bis spätestens 16. Mai 2016 an:

Europäische Akademie Berlin
Claudia Rehrs

EU-Forschungsreferent/in; Berlin
Deadline: 27.05.2016

Zur Webseite des Angebots

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Aufgabenbeschreibung: Weitreichende Unterstützung der Projektleiter/innen bei der Beantragung und Durchführung von KIC-Aktivitäten und weiteren EU Aktivitäten. Informationen zur EU Forschungsförderung. Koordinierung der Aktivitäten um die Mitgliedschaft in den beiden KIC und Unterstützung der TU Leitung in KIC Angelegenheiten wie z. B. die Vorbereitung der Mitgliederversammlung. Qualitätssicherung bei der Planung der Projektkosten einschließlich der universitären Gegenfinanzierung. Überprüfung und Kontrolle der zu entwickelnden Business Pläne, in Abgleich mit den jährlichen Zuwendungsverträgen und den dort zugrunde gelegten Aktivitäten, sowie Vorbereitung und Begleitung der jährlichen Berichterstattung.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w), Demokratie und Demokratisierung; Berlin
Deadline: 31.05.2016

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Das Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) sucht für die Abteilung Demokratie und Demokratisierung (Direktor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkel) im Forschungsschwerpunkt Wandel politischer Systeme eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in. Die Anstellung erfolgt möglichst zum 1. September 2016 für die Dauer von dreieinhalb Jahren mit der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit von zzt. 39 Wochen­stunden. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach TVöD EG 14.


Research Fellow for Defence Economics; London
Deadline: 27.05.2016

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The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) is the world’s leading international think tank for the analysis of political–military issues.

We are seeking a Research Fellow who will be the primary IISS specialist in global defence economics, the defence industry and the arms trade. The successful candidate will join the IISS Defence and Military Analysis Programme, reporting to the programme director. The position is intended to be based in London, but the appointed candidate will interact regularly with IISS offices in Bahrain, Singapore and Washington DC.

Lecturer in International Relations; Plymouth
Deadline: 31.05.2016

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The School of Government (Faculty of Business) is looking for an exceptional individual to join the International Relations subject group and be part of the future in its research and teaching activities.

The role involves teaching of International Relations within the School of Government, including the design and preparation of teaching materials, course planning and delivery, and assessment, research, and scholarship by means of research publication and grant income generation that contributes to the School’s research programme.

You will be required to teach foreign policy analysis, international security and critical security studies

You will work as part of the International Relations team to provide high quality, innovative teaching, primarily in undergraduate and postgraduate International Relations/Politics programme. You should hold an advanced degree in International Relations or related area; have a broad knowledge of international relations and specialist knowledge of a substantive area within the discipline; knowledge of contemporary developments in teaching and learning; prior experience of teaching and assessment in higher education for international relations and politics and/or related disciplines.

PhD Scholarship: Securisation in Urban Policy Making; Leicester
Deadline: 01.06.2016

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A PhD research scholarship including stipend and tuition fee costs is offered within the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA)/Department of Politics and Public Policy in the School of Business and Law. It is available to UK or EU students who are suitably qualified and have outstanding potential as a researcher.

In offering this scholarship the University aims to further develop its proven research strengths in urban governance, austerity and crises. It is an excellent opportunity for a candidate of exceptional promise to contribute to a stimulating, world-class research environment.

Lectureship in International Politics (with a special focus on the international politics of the Middle East); Stirling
Deadline: 31.05.2016

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As part of a strategic initiative of growth in the field of International Politics, we seek to appoint to an open-ended Lectureship in International Politics (Grade 8) with a special focus on the international politics of the Middle East. The candidate’s research should relate to any aspect of that field, although our preference is for a candidate with expertise in peace-building and conflict resolution in that region.

At undergraduate level, the appointee would teach on relevant wide-ranging introductory courses and develop more specialist modules for advanced students as part of our programmes in Politics and International Politics. The successful candidate will also collaborate with colleagues in the supervision of undergraduate dissertations. S/he will also contribute to teaching in our Masters programme in International Conflict and Co-Operation and to our flagship professional doctorate in Diplomacy (DDipl).

PhD Studentship - Challenging Security Anew: Probing the Bases and Limits of Critical Security Studies; Oxford
Deadline: 25.05.2016

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Oxford Brookes University is pleased to offer a full-time PhD Studentship in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, starting in September 2016. Applications are invited for a PhD Studentship in Challenging Security Anew: Probing the Bases and Limits of Critical Security Studies. The supervisory team will be led by Dr Tina Managhan (International Relations) with Dr Doerthe Rosenow (International Relations). This proposed PhD project will explore the ontological and philosophical underpinnings of post-structuralist Critical Security Studies with the aim of furthering its critical ethos and politics. A full project description will be included in the application pack.
Lecturer in International Relations; Edinburgh
Deadline: 26.05.2016

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Politics and International Relations at the University of Edinburgh invites applications for two Lecturers in International Relations. While all sub-fields of International Relations will be considered, preference may be given to those with research and teaching specialisms in International Development, and particularly in international relations theory, international security, international political economy, and quantitative approaches to IR, and with regional specialisms in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. You will have a research record with publications of international significance appropriate to the stage of your career and must have a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching. With a research profile at the cutting edge of International Relations, you will further the School’s international reputation for research and its commitment to excellence in teaching, and administration.

These two full time, open ended positions are available from 1 August 2016. Consideration may be given to these posts being part time for not less than 0.8fte (28 hours per week).

Teaching Fellow in International Security; Coventry
Deadline: 22.05.2016

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Full-time, 2 year Fixed Term Contract from June 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.

You will be joining one of the UK’s leading Politics departments – in REF2014 PAIS ranked 1st for research environment and 4th overall on research intensity.

You will balance your time supporting Professor Nick Vaughan-Williams’ Philip Leverhulme Prize funded project, ‘Everyday Narratives of European Border Security and Insecurity’ (PLP-2015-081), and teaching modules in International Relations and Security. In addition, there will be an opportunity for you to develop your own research trajectory in the context of this role.

University Teacher/Lecturer - International Relations; Glasgow
Deadline: 15.05.2016

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Social and Political Sciences is one of the University’s largest and most diverse schools, undertaking internationally-leading research and knowledge exchange, and delivering world-class learning and teaching across five disciplinary areas.

To be appointed at University Teacher, you will undertake undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the area of International Relations, including programmes and courses delivered via the University of Glasgow/Nankai Joint Graduate School; to conduct scholarly activities related to the development of learning and teaching; and undertake management and administrative activities as required by the Head of School/Subject.

To be appointed at Lecturer, you will undertake high-quality research, actively contribute to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and to undertake administration as required by the Head of School.

Research Fellow in Conflict and Violence; Brighton
Deadline: 23.05.2016

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The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is a leading global institution for development research, teaching and learning, and impact and communications, based at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK.

The Conflict and Violence Cluster at the Institute of Development Studies has a well-established international reputation in shaping research agendas on the micro-level analysis of violent conflict. The Cluster is seeking to recruit up to two Research Fellows to extend the current research team.

Successful candidates will share our commitment to engaged excellence, and will have demonstrable ability to conduct cutting-edge research on the relationship between conflict, violence and development that will shape policy, inspire practice and advance knowledge.

Lecturer in Politics and International Relations; Winchester
Deadline: 16.05.2016

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The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is seeking a dynamic lecturer to join our growing Politics team and contribute to the future development of both our teaching and research. We currently offer programmes in Politics and Global Studies, Global History and Politics (with History) and from 2016 we will also offer a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, to which the successful candidate may contribute. We are also building our team with respect to research as we prepare for the next REF.

As our ideal candidate, you will have specialist knowledge in an area of International Relations, such as, but not exclusively, security and foreign policy, rising powers in global politics such as India, terrorism, globalisation, and the EU. In addition to contributing to teaching more broadly across the curriculum, you will have the opportunity to develop and teach new modules in your area of specialism.

You will have a doctorate in International Relations and an established/growing record of publication(s), capable of delivering sufficient 3* and 4* outputs for the Research Excellence Framework 2020. You will have experience of teaching in higher education. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively are also essential.

Applicants must be able to start on 1 September 2016.

Associate Lecturer A: War, Conflict and Development; Bloomsbury
Deadline: 30.05.2016

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We are looking for an Associate Lecturer A to deliver lectures and seminars for the module ‘War, Conflict and Development’ which is an option module for Postgraduate (MA, PG Dip, PG Cert) International Development students in the Department of Geography, Environmental and Development Studies.

The role is to deliver weekly lectures and lead seminars for one group of up to 20 for this option module in the spring terms. This will be 3 hours per week for 10 weeks and will include marking student assessments and to supervise and first mark students who choose war or conflict related topics in their dissertations.

Teaching Fellow in International Relations; London
Deadline: 25.05.2016

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The College wishes to appoint a Teaching Fellow in International Relations, hosted by the Department of European & International Studies (EIS). The post is tenable from 1 September 2016. The appointee will be an excellent teacher, able to enthuse, educate and support our undergraduate, postgraduate and research students. Apart from being able to teach generic International Relations modules at the Undergraduate level, the appointee must be able to conduct research-led teaching on European Union governance and/or European integration. The appointee will have published or have the potential to publish work of the highest quality with leading publishers, and be able to successfully attract funding to advance their own and collaborative research.

Essential requirements are a PhD (awarded or close to completion), research expertise in International Relations and the ability to conduct research-led teaching on European governance and/or European integration. For more details please consult the application pack.

PhD Research Fellowships on the Extreme Right, Hate Crime and Political Violence; Oslo
Deadline: 18.05.2016

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About the positions
The Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX) hereby announces two vacant positions as PhD Research Fellow. The appointment is for a period of three years. Both positions are open within the research fields of Center for Research on Extremism, but one of the positions is reserved research in Social Science.

The C-REX scope is interdisciplinary, has a Norwegian, Nordic and European focus and applicants may come from different fields of research within the Social Sciences, Humanities or Law. The candidates will be part of the PhD program of their field of research, and the work place will be at C-REX. Admission to the PhD program is a premise for taking up the position.

Lecturer in Politics/International Relations; Liverpool
Deadline: 19.05.2016

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We are seeking to appoint two Lecturers in Politics/International Relations. You should have a PhD in Politics, International Relations or a related subject and a record of publications of international excellence. The posts are open to any sub-field of Politics or International Relations, although we encourage applications from specialists in the following areas: comparative government and politics; conflict and security; parliaments and legislatures; EU politics; gender and politics; public policy; and political theory. Experience of teaching in Higher Education at undergraduate level is essential; experience of teaching at postgraduate level is desirable. You will be required to contribute core introductory modules, expected to develop new modules, provide assessment and feedback to students, and to set aside regular office hours. You will be expected to contribute to research and research-related activities of the School and to undertake administrative roles within the Department, the School and the University as appropriate.
Professor of International Relations; Glasgow
Deadline: 15.05.2016

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To provide exceptional academic leadership to develop, strengthen and lead the University of Glasgow's growing profile in the field of International Relations; to generate externally funded research grants; to undertake world-leading research and knowledge exchange, and; meet the University's objectives in relation to the delivery of excellent learning, teaching and student experience in the area of International Relations. This post is a key strategic investment for the School of Social and Political Sciences, located within the College of Social Science, and the post-holder will play a leading role in the successful delivery of our aims and ambitions in this area.

Applications are invited from candidates of international standing with an appropriate record of academic achievement in International Relations.

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