Stellenanzeigen Juni 2/2

Now HiringDer zweite Teil unserer Sammlung an relevanten akademischen Stellenanzeigen der Bereiche Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik aus dem Juni 2013.


Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Lehrkraft (50%) am Institut für Politikwissenschaft; Essen
Deadline: 12.07.2013

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Ihre Aufgabenschwerpunkte:
Sie erbringen in den Studiengängen des Instituts der Politikwissenschaft (insbesondere BA Politikwissenschaft sowie BA Sozialwissenschaften) Aufgaben in der Lehre im Umfang von 6 SWS in den Teilbereichen internationale Beziehungen/ Entwicklungspolitik sowie Europäische Integration/Europapolitik.

Ihr Profil:
Vorausgesetzt wird ein überdurchschnittlicher Studienabschluss der Politikwissenschaft oder eines anderen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengangs mit politikwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt. Ein Forschungsschwerpunkt an der Schnittstelle von IB/Entwicklungsforschung und EU-Forschung ist erwünscht, z. B. im Bereich der EU-Außen- oder Entwicklungspolitik, der Rolle der EU im Globalen Regieren oder der vergleichenden Regionalismusforschung.

Sie drücken sich in deutscher und englischer Sprache sicher in Wort und Schrift aus, verfügen bereits über Erfahrungen in der universitären Lehre und haben Freude an der Arbeit mit Studierenden. Sie sind souverän in der Nutzung gängiger Software-Anwendungen und elektronischer Lern-Plattformen und bereit, sich bei Bedarf auch in weitere Programme einzuarbeiten. Sie arbeiten präzise, eigenständig und systematisch, haben Organisationstalent und sind teamorientiert.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen für die neu eingerichtete Projektgruppe "Politikfeld Internet"; Berlin
Deadline: 22.07.2013

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Das WZB sucht für die neu eingerichtete Projektgruppe „Politikfeld Internet“

zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen

mit zunächst 50% der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (z. Zt. 19,5 Wochenstunden). Ab dem zweiten Jahr kann die Arbeitszeit auf 65% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit (derzeit 25,35 Wochenstunden) aufgestockt werden. Die Anstellung erfolgt möglichst zum 1. Oktober 2013 für die Dauer von zwei Jahren.

Die Stelle ist in der von Frau Dr. Jeanette Hofmann geleiteten Projektgruppe "Politikfeld Internet" angesiedelt. Die Projektgruppe untersucht die Entstehung von Politikfeldern. Am Beispiel von Internetpolitik wird international vergleichend die institutionelle und diskursive Dimension in der Herausbildung von Politikfeldern erforscht. Gegenstand der Forschung sind Prozesse der Institutionalisierung internetpolitischer Kompetenzen in Ministerialverwaltungen und relevanten Verbänden sowie die Herausbildung von Semantiken und Diskursen, die internetpolitische Maßnahmen in einen spezifischen, teils nationalen, teils internationalen Sinnzusammenhang einbetten.

Juniorprofessur für "Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Politische Ökonomie (Global Economic Governance)"; Kaiserslautern
Deadline: 15.09.2013

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Die/Der künftige Stelleninhaber/-in soll das Fach Politikwissenschaft in Forschung und Lehre im Bereich Politische Ökonomie, insbesondere mit Schwerpunkten "Theorie und Empirie der Globalisierung" und "Global Economic Governance" vertreten. Zudem ist eine internationale Forschungsperspektive erwünscht, die die ökonomischen Globalisierungsprozesse, die Transformation von Macht- und Herrschaftsverhältnissen sowie Weltordnungskonflikte umfasst.

Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Schwerpunkten Innenpolitik/Vergleichende Regierungslehre und Internationale Beziehungen/Außenpolitik in der Lehrerausbildung (Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit) wird erwartet.

Die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sollten über eine einschlägige wissenschaftliche Qualifikation (in der Regel nachgewiesen durch eine Promotion im Fach Politikwissenschaft im Spitzenbereich) und über überdurchschnittliche didaktische Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen in der Lehre verfügen.

Die Besetzung der Stelle erfolgt im Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit für drei Jahre und kann nach positiver Evaluation um weitere drei Jahre verlängert werden.

Juniorprofessur für Internationale Organisationen; Mannheim
Deadline: 23.07.2013

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An der Universität Mannheim, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, ist eine
Juniorprofessur für Internationale Organisationen (W1)
zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen.

Der/Die zukünftige Stelleninhaber/in soll in Forschung und Lehre in dem Bereich „Internationale Organisationen“ international ausgewiesen sein und ein innovatives Forschungsprogramm verfolgen. Die Juniorprofessur soll Lehrveranstaltungen in den B.A. und M.A./Ph.D. Studiengängen in Politikwissenschaft anbieten.

Die Universität Mannheim strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Forschung und Lehre an und fordert daher entsprechend qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt eingestellt.
Ergänzende Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren, zu den Aufgaben und Einstellungsvoraussetzungen der zu besetzenden Stelle können unter abgerufen werden.

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (Politikwissenschaftlerinnen und Politikwissenschaftler mit Erfahrung in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Lehre); Siegen
Deadline: 20.07.2013

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Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Lehre in den sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen (BA und MA Sozialwissenschaften, Lehramt) mit Schwerpunkt auf Politischer Kommunikation/Politischer Kultur
  • Das Lehrdeputat beträgt 12 Semesterwochenstunden.

Es handelt sich um eine Stelle zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation. Hierzu wird im Rahmen der Dienstaufgaben Gelegenheit gegeben.

Wir erwarten von Ihnen:

  • ein sehr gut abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium (Diplom/Master) in Politikwissenschaft oder einem vergleichbaren Fach bzw. Studiengang
  • Erfahrung in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Lehre mit einem Schwerpunkt in Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der Politischen Kommunikations- bzw. Kulturforschung
  • einschlägige Promotion erwünscht

Die Universität Siegen strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an. Entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen werden um ihre Bewerbung gebeten. Die Universität Siegen bietet gute Möglichkeiten, Beruf und Familie zu vereinbaren.

Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter sind erwünscht.

Professur Politikwissenschaft, insb. internationale Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktforschung; Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Deadline: 09.08.2013

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Die künftige Stelleninhaberin bzw. der künftige Stelleninhaber soll in den Internationalen Beziehungen, insbesondere der Sicherheitspolitik und der Konfliktforschung, ausgewiesen sein. Sie/Er soll das Fach in Forschung und Lehre in den politikwissenschaftlichen Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie interdisziplinären Studienanteilen (ISA) vertreten.

Neben einer hervorragenden Befähigung zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, ausgewiesen durch einschlägige Publikationen, wird auf die didaktische Eignung besonderer Wert gelegt.

Die HSU/UniBw H bietet für Offizieranwärter/-innen und Offiziere ein wissenschaftliches Studium mit Bachelor- und Masterabschlüssen an, das mit verkürzten Regelstudienzeiten nach dem Trimestersystem durchgeführt und durch interdisziplinäre Studienanteile (ISA) ergänzt wird.

Es wird erwartet, dass der/die Stelleninhaber/-in die Studierenden auf berufliche Tätigkeiten innerhalb und außerhalb der Bundeswehr, die die Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und Methoden erfordern, vorbereitet und darüber hinaus Aufgaben auf dem Gebiet der Weiterbildung sowie Lehrangebote im Bereich ISA übernimmt.

Die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen und die dienstrechtliche Stellung von Professorinnen und Professoren richten sich nach dem Bundesbeamtengesetz. In das Beamtenverhältnis kann berufen werden, wer am Tag der Ernennung das 50. Lebensjahr noch nicht vollendet hat.

Jeder Dienstposten steht weiblichen und männlichen Bewerbern gleichermaßen offen. Die HSU/UniBw H hat sich die berufliche Förderung von Frauen zum Ziel gesetzt. Daher werden Bewerbungen von Frauen besonders begrüßt.

Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.


Postdoctoral Fellowships in Political Studies; Johannesburg
Deadline: Unknown

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Postdoctoral Fellowships in Political Studies, University of The Witwatersrand -Department of Political Studies

The Department of Political Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates to join our department as postdoctoral researchers. These postdoctoral fellowships are for one year in the first instance, with provisions for renewal for subsequent years. Successful applicants will receive a stipend of 154,000 ZAR per annum tax free, along with a relocation and health care package. Office space and assistance with conference travel will also be provided by the Department. International applicants are welcomed, and administrative support is available if visitor’s visas are required. The Department will also provide mentorship and other support for successful applicants.

The Department of Political Studies has long been recognized as one of the leading centres in Africa for the study of politics and governance, and its location in Johannesburg provides an excellent platform for research into South, Southern and/or sub-Saharan African politics. In keeping with the Departments established areas of research expertise, postdoctoral researchers are especially encouraged in one or more of the following thematic areas:

The Theory and Practice of Democracy, Liberty, and Justice, Governing South Africa: Regional, National and Local Perspectives Sexual Violence and Theories of GenderLaw, Custom and Everyday PoliticsSub-Saharan Politics and Post-Colonial Theories in Africa, Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Race, Gender and Constructions of Difference, Social Movements and Contentious Politics, Memory, Representations, and Reparations.

This list is by no means exhaustive. The Department would be interested in hearing from qualified applicants with any specialization relevant to Political Studies, broadly conceived. Postdoctoral researchers are expected to conduct independent research in accordance with a well formulated research plan, and to publish their findings in peer-reviewed outlets. Some modest teaching is also expected as part of the fellowship, but the primary focus is research.

Applicants should have completed a doctorate degree not more than five years before or should soon expect to receive a doctorate in political science or a cognate discipline. A formal application will require a research plan, references and other documentation, but in the first instance we are chiefly seeking general expressions of interest. For further information regarding these fellowships and associated application procedures, please contact either Dr Joel Quirk, Dr Julian Brown, For more information on the department, see our website.

Departmental Lecturership in Global Governance; Oxford
Deadline: 08.07.2013

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The Oxford Department of International Development seeks applications for a 1-year full-time Departmental Lecturership in Global Governance, primarily to serve the Master of Science in Global Governance and Diplomacy (MSc GGD). The Departmental Lecturer will provide teaching on global governance and international political economy for the MSc GGD and carry out related research. The postholder will be responsible to the Head of Department, Dr Nandini Gooptu. The post is tenable from 1 September 2013 (or as soon as possible thereafter) until 31 August 2014.

Applicants should have: a doctorate (or near completion) in International Relations or other related field; the expertise and/or capacity to provide substantive knowledge and theoretical background on the sources, mechanisms, processes and practices of global governance; the ability to teach specialist courses covering major topics in international political economy; an active research and publication record commensurate with the stage of career, especially in relation to global governance and international political economy; the ability to teach graduate students of a high calibre in a multidisciplinary environment, and to carry out student assessment, examination and course design; and the ability to contribute effectively to the administrative work of the MSc GGD and to work effectively with colleagues as part of an interdisciplinary team.

Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application.

Postdoctoral position in inter-regionalism and governance; Pretoria
Deadline: As soon as possible

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The Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) at the University of Pretoria is currently seeking to fill a 2-year postdoctoral position in inter-regionalism and security governance. The ideal candidate should have a PhD in the social sciences, with a research focus on supranational regionalism in Africa and/or in Europe and/or South-South cooperation. Desirable skills include data analysis, knowledge of SPSS or similar tools for statistical analysis. The UP postdoctoral salaries average between 150,000 and 240,000 ZAR per annum (tax free), depending on qualifications. Potential candidates should contact Prof. Lorenzo Fioramonti at as soon as possible.

International Relations Lecturer/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor; Medellin (Kolumbien)
Deadline: Unknown

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Universidad EAFIT, School of Business Administration, Department of International Business, Academic Area of International Relations Lecturer/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor

Universidad EAFIT was founded in 1960 as Colombia's first business school and since then it has grown into a university with more than 22,000 students pertaining to 21 undergraduate, 79 graduate (Masters and Graduate Diplomas) and 4 PhD programs. The Department of International Business offers Colombia's leading undergraduate International Business program with over 1,200 students. It also offers a Master in International Business (MIB), postgraduate diploma in International Business, and the IB department is a forerunner in International Business research in the country. To expand its international full-time staff, the Department is opening new academic positions about InternationalRelations Academic Area, starting in July/August 2013 Candidates should have received their Ph.D. or be near completion in an International Relations-related field and have a demonstrated track record of publications and teaching in the areas of international relations, political science, political studies
or related fields. Excellent English communication skills are a must and Spanish language abilities a plus.

The newly recruited academic is expected to teach international relations courses in English at the undergraduate and graduate levels and to undertake research in the same academic area. Publication in top-tier journals is expected and supported. Potential candidates should email a CV and letter of interest describing research and teaching interests, by July 12th 2013 at the latest, to:

Head of Department of International BusinessUniversidad EAFITCarrera 49
No. 7 Sur 50Medellin, Colombia (South America)Tel.: +574-2619500 ext.
9840Fax: +574-2664284Email:

Further information:
Maria Paola Podesta Correa:
Fernando Vargas-Alzate:

Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter für das Forschungsprojekt "Demokratie und Konflikt: Innovative Ideen aus einem multidisziplinären Bereich"; Bozen (Italien)
Deadline: Unbekannt

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University Teacher in International Relations; Liverpool
Deadline: 12.07.2013

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We are seeking to appoint a temporary University Teacher in International Relations. You will be required to teach modules on Global Governance and International Political Economy. You should have a PhD in a related field, relevant subject knowledge and teaching experience. Your teaching should reflect on current research in International Relations.

Fellow in Human Rights; London
Deadline: 24.07.2013

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The Department of Sociology is seeking a full time Fellow to provide teaching, as part of a team, on its highly successful Masters programme in Human Rights. The MSc Human Rights programme is based in the Centre for the Study of Human Rights at the LSE.

You will be required to cover core lecture and seminar teaching, provide dissertation workshops and individual dissertation supervision, undertake marking, provide appropriate pastoral care and participate fully in the academic life of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights.

The MSc Human Rights is an interdisciplinary programme and qualified applicants from sociological, legal, socio-legal, international relations, politics, philosophy or related disciplines are welcome to apply. You will have a completed or nearly completed PhD in a relevant Sociology or social science field.

You should be able to demonstrate familiarity with international human rights areas, including an appreciation of their legal or socio-legal dimensions. You should have a developing record of teaching and research that is relevant to human rights or related areas. You will also demonstrate a developing record of publications in refereed journals, as well as a commitment to academic research.

The other criteria that will be used when shortlisting for this post can be found on the person specification which is attached to this vacancy on the LSE’s online recruitment system.

University Teacher in British Politics; Liverpool
Deadline: 12.07.2013

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We are seeking to appoint a temporary University Teacher in British Politics. You will be required to teach modules on British Politics and Devolution. You should have a PhD in a related field, relevant subject knowledge and teaching experience. Your teaching should reflect on current research in Politics.

Three teaching assistantships (50%) in the areas of Politics, European Politics, Ethnic Relations and Social Research; Bristol
Deadline: 17.07.2013

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Successful candidates will have a PhD or be on course for completion of a PhD in either political science or sociology or closely cognate discipline and have proven ability to teach courses relevant to the respective areas advertised.

Existing teaching/lecturing experience will be an advantage as will proven ability to meet all the criteria outlined in the Further Particulars for each of these posts. Candidates must be able to start in the role by 1st September 2013.

Fellow in Politics and International Relations; Edinburgh
Deadline: 22.07.2013

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The School of Social and Political Science’s Chrystal Macmillan Fellowships provide career development opportunities for outstanding early career researchers. We seek an exceptional candidate, with a completed PhD in the Subject (or very close to the completion of such a PhD) and with at least one article already published. Although the successful candidate may be asked to do a limited amount of teaching, the primary role of the Fellow will be to turn her/his existing research into further publications and to develop new research in her or his area of interest.

Lecturer/Senior lecturer in International Relations; Norwich
Deadline: 26.07.2013

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As part of its continuing expansion, the School of Political, Social and International Studies is looking to make an appointment in International Relations. We welcome applications from candidates working from critical approaches in International Relations, including social constructivism, critical theory, feminist IR, historical sociology, or post structuralism. The successful candidate will have an active research agenda, provide research-led teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise research students, and contribute to engagement and enterprise within the School. He or she will be expected to be returned to REF 2014.

Professor of International Development; Melbourne
Deadline: 28.07.2013

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The School of Social & Political Sciences is at the forefront of teaching and research in the social sciences in Australia. We have a team of dedicated academic and professional staff in the disciplines of Political Science, Criminology and Sociology as well as our allied research centres providing a dynamic and rewarding environment. The School offers a wide range of courses and programs in areas including criminology, international studies, political science, public and social policy, socio-legal studies and sociology.

The School is currently seeking an experienced University Professor to fill the role of Professor of International Development. In this role you will provide leadership and foster excellence in research and teaching in the Master of Development Studies Program and in collaboration with other Schools and Faculties in the University. You will contribute to the senior academic leadership of the School of Social and Political Sciences and work collaboratively with the disciplines that constitute the School.

Winthrop Professor (International Security Studies); Crawley (Australia)
Deadline: 19.07.2013

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The University of Western Australia is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. Its highly successful Faculty of Arts invites internationally competitive scholars to apply for positions created through growth and external funding.

Applications are invited for a tenurable appointment as Winthrop Professor (Level E) in the field of International Security Studies,located in the discipline of Political Science and International Relations in the School of Social Sciences within the Faculty of Arts at The University of Western Australia.

This senior appointment in international security studies, broadly conceived, will lead a growing research concentration in this area at UWA, teach undergraduate and postgraduate subjects in relevant fields, and have the opportunity to work collaboratively with the new US-Asia Centre at UWA. The appointee will be an internationally recognised scholar in international security studies, a successful applicant for competitive research grants, an experienced supervisor of graduate research students and an outstanding academic leader.

University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International Business; Cambridge
Deadline: 19.07.2013

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The Strategy and International Business Group within Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge is pleased to invite applications to a University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International Business. While the position is in International Business, we are happy to consider candidates whose work lies in Strategy and/or Organization Theory. Candidates may have finished their PhDs or be very close to completion. We are looking for engaged scholars who have already started building a research pipeline.

Strategy and International Business is a small but intellectually vibrant group at Cambridge Judge Business School. Members have published in several leading journals including AMJ, AMR, SMJ, Organization Science, Organization Studies, JIBS and several others. The candidate will be expected to have the capability of teaching strategy courses to MBAs, Executive MBAs and Executives. S/he would be expected to carry out research that is not simply published in top journals but also has impact.

Cambridge Judge Business School, whose MBA programme is ranked 16th in the world by the Financial Times, lies at the heart of the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s leading universities. It is an integral part of and an important contributor to the vibrant intellectual environment that characterizes the university. The members of the school are cited and quoted daily in the world media.

Compensation will be internationally competitive. In addition, teaching loads will be limited to 70 hours a year (further discounted for fresh PhDs). The position also offers a chance to interact with business leaders as well as public policy makers. Faculty members at Cambridge Judge Business School work with some of the world's leading organisations whether through collaborative research or in an executive education capacity. Cambridge's location in close proximity to London and at the same time at the centre of 'Silicon Fen', Europe’s fastest growing technology-based industrial centre, gives unprecedented access to large multinationals and to hundreds of smaller entrepreneurial organisations in emerging industries.

Assistant Professor of International Relations; London
Deadline: 30.06.2013

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We are looking to recruit highly motivated faculty to play an important role in the development of teaching, research and related academic activities at a time of growth for the University.

Preference will be given to candidates with the ability to teach courses in one or more of the following areas: Security Studies, International Law, International Relations Theory, Theories of Development, Research Methods and, Politics of Latin America, Middle East and/or East Asia.

Applicants wishing to be considered for this position must hold a PhD, MBA or terminal qualification in a relevant subject area and be able to demonstrate ability in teaching at the undergraduate level and postgraduate level, together with evidence of an active research agenda.

This is a permanent position subject to satisfactory completion of a one-year, fixed-term probationary contract. Richmond is an equal opportunities employer. An enhanced level Disclosure and Barring Service check will be required for this position.

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