Stellenanzeigen Oktober 2/2

Now HiringAn dieser Stelle wie immer akademische Stellenanzeigen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik, für die zweite Oktoberhälfte.



Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

Projekwissenschaftler (m/w) zu Climate Engineering gesucht; Potsdam
Deadline: 14.11.2014

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Das IASS ist gemeinsam mit dem Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) und der Universität Hamburg Projektpartner des Projektes CEMICS (Climate Engineering im Kontext von Emissionsminderungsstrategien: Illusion, Komplement oder Substitut?), das im Rahmen des DFG Schwerpunktprogramms 1689 zum Thema "Climate Engineering: Risks, Challenges, Opportunities?" gefördert wird. Eine entscheidende Frage in diesem Projekt ist es, unter welchen ethisch-entscheidungstheoretischen Vorbedingungen verschiedene CE-Optionen Eingang in ein Portfolio von Handlungsoptionen finden sollten.
Zur Verstärkung der Forschungsgruppe zu Climate Engineering am IASS sowie für die weitere Durchführung des CEMICS Projekts suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zunächst für zwei Jahre befristet (voraussichtlich mit der Möglichkeit zur Verlängerung) eine/n: Projektwissenschaftler/-in zum Thema „Climate Engineering“

(Referenz: CEMICS_01)


  • Durchführung und Koordination des CEMICS Projekts für das IASS
  • Zusammenarbeit mit den Projektpartnern bei der Entwicklung von Kriterien und Analysewerkzeugen für Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit im Rahmen des CEMICS Projekts
  • Durchführung von eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten im Rahmen der inter- und transdisziplinären Aktivitäten der Forschungsgruppe zu Climate Engineering
  • Veranstaltungsvorbereitung, -durchführung und -nachbereitung
  • (Mehr finden Sie im Link zur Ausschreibung)

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w) im Hauptstadtbüro der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.; Berlin
Deadline: 12.11.2014

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Die Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V., eine internationaltätige Institution der politischen Erwachsenenbildung, sucht für das Büro in Berlin zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zunächst für die Dauer von zwei Jahren befristet eine/n Wissenschaftliche/nMitarbeiter/in.

Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören:
- Korrespondenzmit in-und ausländischen Multiplikatoren aus Staat, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft nach den Vorgaben und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Leiter des Büros

- Unterstützung bei der Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von nationalen und internationalen Diskussionsforen, Expertentagungen, Werkstattgesprächen mit hohen repräsentativen Anforderungen

- Ausarbeitungvon Besucherprogrammen

- Betreuungvon Delegationen

- Mitarbeitbei der Erstellung und Ausarbeitung von Berichten über die Ergebnisse der Veranstaltungen und Analysen über das politische Umfeld vor Ort

Als ideale/rBewerber/in verfügen Sie über ein abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudiummit einschlägiger Ausrichtung (mindestens Bachelor, Diplom). Weiterhin setzenwir voraus:

- sehr gute Allgemeinbildung und politisches Interesse

- einwandfreiesDeutsch und gute Englischkenntnisse mit gewandter Ausdrucksweise in Wort und Schrift, gerne auch in einer weiteren Fremdsprache

- interkulturelleKompetenz

- Erfahrung in der Planung und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen

- souveräne Beherrschung der klassischen MS-Office-Tools

- ausgeprägtes kommunikatives und organisatorisches Geschick

- selbstständige wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweise und die Befähigung zur Analyse und Darstellung komplexer Themenstellungen

- Diskretion und Verantwortungsbewusstsein

- Engagement, Flexibilitätund Belastbarkeit

- sehr gute Umgangsformen

Berufserfahrungim politischen, politiknahen Bereich (Bundestag, Ministerien, Parteien,politische Stiftungen, Verbände) sowie im internationalen Bereich ist von Vorteil. Die Identifikation mit den Zielen der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung setzen wir voraus. Wir bieten Ihnen eine interessante und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem engagierten Team mit leistungsgerechter Bezahlung nach TvöD, betrieblicher Altersversorgungund Gleitzeit in der 39-Stunden-Woche (oder Teilzeit nach Vereinbarung). Sollten wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, richten Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagenbis 12.11.2014 an die Hanns-Seidel-Stiftunge.V.Personalreferat,Lazarettstraße 33, 80636 München

Leiter/in des Landesbüros Myanmar, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung; Yangon
Deadline: 20.11.2014

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Die Stelle ist an die Dauer der Projektlaufzeit gebunden, derzeitig zunächst bis 31.12.2017 Vollzeit, Vergütung: Auslandsvergütungsgruppe 6

Die Aufgaben umfassen die Leitung des Landesbüros mit den folgenden Schwerpunkten:

  • Verantwortliche Leitung des Auslandbüros und Vertretung der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V. in Myanmar
  • Personalmanagement und Finanzverantwortung
  • Förderung des politischen und fachlichen Dialogs zwischen Myanmar, der Region und Deutschland / der EU und der regionalen Vernetzung der Partner/innen der Stiftung
  • Beobachtung, Auswertung und Darstellung der gesellschaftlichen, politi­schen und kulturellen Entwicklung
  • Kontaktpflege mit poli­tischem Umfeld und Institutionen vor Ort und in Deutschland
  • Beratung und Unterstützung von Partner/innen der Stiftung in Myanmar
  • Planung, Steuerung und Implementierung der Projektarbeit sowie kon­zeptionelle Weiterentwicklung der Stiftungsarbeit in Myanmar in Abstim­mung mit dem Regionalreferat in Berlin unter Berücksichtigung der Gen­derorientierten Programmplanung (GOPP)
  • Verantwortliche Leitung des Auslandsbüros inkl. regelmäßiger Qualitäts- und Erfolgskontrolle von Prozessen und Ergebnissen
  • Finanzverantwortung für die vom Büro abgewickelten Projekte und Pro­gramme: Planen, Steuern und Verantworten des Haushalts des Büros, insbesondere in zuwendungsrechtlicher und steuerrechtlicher Hinsicht
  • Verantworten des Einhaltens der gesetzlichen Regelungen, inklusive der Landesgesetze und des Einhaltens des Regelwerks der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung im Auslandsbüro
  • Verantwortung für die Umsetzung der Gemeinschaftsaufgaben Gender und Diversity
Research Assistant (project on sexual violence / political science, 2 months), GIGA; Hamburg
Deadline: 10.11.2014

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You are a political scientist, anthropoligst or psychologist and interested in conflict-related sexual violence? In this 2-month RA position you will assist in the collection and analysis of literature and data on the causes and consequences of sexual violence in civil wars.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w) Team GESIS Panel; Mannheim
Deadline: 16.11.2014

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Ihre Aufgabengebiete werden sein:

  • Erstellung von Archivierungsdokumenten mit Stata und LaTex
  • Archivierung von Paneldaten in Kooperation mit dem GESIS Datenarchiv
  • Unterstützung bei der Datenaufbereitung komplexer Paneldatensätze
  • Weiterentwicklung der semi-automatisierten Codebucherstellung im GESIS Panel durch die Anbindung einer Metadatenbank
  • Auswertungsarbeiten anhand von GESIS Panel Daten und Mitarbeit bei der Erstellung von englischsprachigen Publikationen (z.B. Multilevel-Modellierungen von Längsschnittdaten)
Research assistant/doctoral fellowship (50%) in the field of Energy Governance; St. Gallen
Deadline: 15.11.2014

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The intersection of energy and environmental protection has long shaped and been shaped by international politics and institutions. Understanding issues such as the (geo)politics of natural gas markets, effective policies for promoting renewable energies and international competition in the race for clean energy economies will be essential to anticipating and addressing the challenges of the energy transition. The energy transition is closely interlinked with the emergence of climate politics. Over the past two decades, the international community has been grappling with establishing effective national and international institutions to limit greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon markets. In addition, new governance mechanisms such as public-private partnerships have entered the arena, though their role and contribution remain to be examined. These developments raise critical questions as to the level of cooperation and competition in the governance of conventional and unconventional energy sources. In addition, it brings attention to issues of the effective governance of energy markets, including the design of policies for the deployment of renewable energies and carbon pricing. With Germany and Switzerland transforming their energy markets as part of the nuclear phase-out, many of these questions are directly relevant to ongoing political processes. Moreover, those countries are not immune to the geopolitical implications of changes in energy markets. The political geography and security of electrical grids, gas pipelines and sea lanes of transportation cannot be ignored by countries dependent on external sources of energy.

In the context of a series of publically funded projects, you will contribute to research activities and support the project team in organizational matters as well as in the communication of research findings.

In addition to your project-related work, you will be expected to pursue your own doctoral research in the area of global energy governance and politics and/or the role of Switzerland therein.

Post-doc Researcher in Integration/Reparation Policy of Refugees; Bonn
Deadline: 15.11.2014

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As an independent, non-profit organization, BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion) deals with a wide range of global topics in the field of peace and conflict research centering on Conversion Studies. Our vision is a more peaceful world. Our mission is to conduct critical, problem-oriented, policy relevant research in response to the problems posed by organized violence.

To strengthen our conceptual work we are seeking a Post-doctoral Researcher in Integration/Repatriation Policy of Refugees.

Full-time position / Initial contract period: 3 years / Subject to funding /Starting date: 1 January 2015

Key responsibilities:
Research at BICC builds on personal responsibility and provides the framework for researchers to pursue own research ideas. The researcher will be actively involved in a team carrying out a three years research project on durable solutions to protracted refugee crises funded by the BMZ. The tasks of the researcher will include several phases of field research and the writing of academic and policy papers. The regional focus will be on the Middle East, Afghanistan/Pakistan, Western Africa as well as the Great Lakes Region. BICC aims to establish a long-term research focus on refugees.


INTERREG IVC / INTERREG EUROPE - Recruitment of a Project Finance Officer; Lille
Start: ASAP, preferably 1.1.2015

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For the implementation of this programme as well it s successor programme INTERREG EUROPE (2014-2020), a Joint Secretariat (JS) has been set up in Lille (France). The JS is looking for a Project Finance Officer to assist applicants and Lead Partners on the development and implementation of their project especially with regards to financial and control matters and to contribute to a successful programme’s simple mentation.

Assistant or Associate Professor of International Development; Coventry
Deadline: 01.12.2014

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Applications are invited for a new Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of International Development in the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS). The successful candidate will be an outstanding scholar with an international reputation. The role is open to those with expertise in International Development, broadly defined, although research interest and publications in the fields of environment, democratisation, health and poverty would be particularly welcome. The post holder would be required to deliver high quality publications to complement PAIS’s existing research profile and to enhance its REF submission. The successful applicant will promote and teach on the Department’s successful MA in International Development, actively apply for research grant income and have a demonstrated ability or potential to engage with wider international development policy and practitioner communities.
Visiting Lecturer in Grant Writing for INGOs; London
Deadline: 13.11.2014

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We are recruiting for a Visiting Lecturer to teach a module in Grant Writing for INGOs at postgraduate level. The INGO programme is preparing students for work in the third sector. Most of the funds financing the activity of INGOs come through grants and this module provides students with the necessary skills to be successful in writing grant applications for INGOs. The module will be taught on Mondays from 17.30 to 21.30. The Visiting Lecturer will be expected to provide a full syllabus with learning outcomes, book list and assessment points, as well as grade all assignments in accordance with the syllabus.

You will need a post-graduate level qualification in International Relations, Political Science or a related discipline. Experience of teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level is essential, along with experience of teaching within the American curriculum and extensive experience in grant writing for INGOs. You will need to be able to successfully combine the theory and practice of grant writing and be confident working with international students.

University Lecturer in African Politics; Cambridge
Deadline: 19.12.2014

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The Department of Politics and International Studies and Trinity Hall are seeking to appoint to a University Lectureship in African Politics from 1st September 2015.

The successful candidate will have, or be expected to develop, a record of world-class research commensurate with the international reputation and top-rank research rating of the University of Cambridge. Teaching responsibilities will include contributing to the development, delivery and supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

The post carries with it election to a Staff Fellowship at Trinity Hall where the postholder will have some college duties. Candidates should demonstrate a willingness and ability to contribute to the continued growth of the Department, including the Centre of African Studies.

PhD project "The European Union as Crisis Manager:
An Institutional Perspective"; Leiden

Deadline: 01.12.2014

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We live in a “global risk society” that challenges the traditional capacities of nation states to deal with a wide variety of adversity. Whether we speak of climate change, suicidal terrorism, cyber wars or terrifying epidemics, these crises increasingly outstrip the response capacity of national bureaucracies. Nation states must cooperate to build international crisis management capacity.

The European Union is increasingly becoming a platform for European states to accomplish such cooperation (Boin, Ekengren and Rhinard, 2013). The EU offers a wide variety of policies, mechanisms and institutions that can, and often do, facilitate a coordinated response of member states to both crises and disasters, emanating from within and outside the Union.

The wider project team of which this PhD will be part, analyzes the EU’s growing crisis and disaster management capacities. It assesses those capacities in light of the EU’s unique system of supranational governance. Moreover, it aims to identify institutional pathways towards the efficient and legitimate development of EU crisis management capacity.

The PhD position is a four-year AIO position within the Department of Political Science at Leiden University. The project will be supervised by Prof. dr. Arjen Boin. The project is financed jointly by the Swedish National Defence College and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. the PhD candidate is expected to participate actively in joint activities with Swedish partners Dr Magnus Ekengren (Swedish National Defence College) and Dr Mark Rhinard (Stockholm University). The candidate is based in Leiden and expected to take on a modest teaching load there.

Lecturer in European Public Policy (80%); Maastricht
Deadline: 23.11.2014

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Job description
You contribute to teaching and research in the field of European Studies. Teaching duties include courses in the BA and MA programmes in European Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

While your teaching activities will take 70% of your time, research will be 30% of your employment time. The research time can be extended through external fundraising.

The candidate has a PhD degree in Political Science or European Studies.

The candidate should be capable of triggering student learning and participation in group discussions. (S)he is an inspiring and stimulating supervisor. As the language of instruction is English, your command of English (oral and writing) should be excellent. Previous experience in working with innovative, interdisciplinary learning approaches and problem-based teaching methods are highly welcomed.

Experience with teaching international classrooms would be preferable. All members of staff are expected to share our emphasis on high quality teaching, reflected in our system of small-scale problem based learning.

Your research experience and publications demonstrate your expertise in the field of European public policy analysis. Expertise in the field of political economy or European monetary policies is an asset. You have published internationally and in peer-reviewed journals, or are willing to develop in this direction. You have evidence of or potential for international excellence in published research.

You are a team player.

Lecturer in International Relations (80%); Maastricht
Deadline: 23.11.2014

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Job description
You contribute to teaching and research in the field of International Relations and European Studies. Teaching duties include courses in the BA and MA programmes in European Studies and in the Master Globalisation and Development Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

While your teaching activities will take 70% of your time, research will be 30% of your employment time. The research time can be extended through external fundraising.

The candidate has a PhD degree in International Relations.

The candidate should be capable of triggering student learning and participation in group discussions. (S)he is an inspiring and stimulating supervisor. As the language of instruction is English, your command of English (oral and writing) should be excellent. Previous experience in working with innovative, interdisciplinary learning approaches and problem-based teaching methods are highly welcomed.

Experience with teaching international classrooms would be preferable. All members of staff are expected to share our emphasis on high quality teaching, reflected in our system of small-scale problem based learning.

Your research experience and publications demonstrate your expertise in the field of International Relations and EU external action. Expertise in the field of development policy is an asset. You have published internationally and in peer-reviewed journals, or are willing to develop in this direction. You have evidence of or potential for international excellence in published research.

You are a team player.

Research Associate - Shifting Economic Power and Global Governance; Sheffield
Deadline: 26.11.2014

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One of SPERI's key research areas is the impact of shifting economic power within the current global order. Often, this is simplified as either the decline of the West or the rise of the BRICS. Neither phrase captures the full complexity of a process of change in the global political economy that is still unfolding and far from fully understood, but we know enough to know that something important is shifting in the seismic plates of the global order. At the same time the institutions and organising structures of global governance remain much as they were set up in the immediate post-1945 period. Some adjustments have been made over time and new bodies, such as the G20, have appeared on the scene. But, overall, global governance does not look as if it has yet caught up adequately with the new world it is supposed to be governing. A critical disjuncture exists which this research programme aims to explore further.

In an increasingly interdependent world, we also know also how important the global level of economic and political decision-making has become. Reformist or radical forms of political economy at the local and/or national level can be squeezed, sometimes almost out of existence, by unpropitious, unsupportive global conditions and pressures. Indeed, several analysts have identified reduced policy space for non-orthodox experiments and programmes of government as one of the characteristics of the rise and continuing dominance of neoliberalism in the global political economy. But, equally, at least in theory, global governance could perhaps work to give greater policy space to such projects of change. It is perhaps that we do not yet know what adjustments to global governance need to be made to facilitate greater pluralism in the practice of political economy around the world. For its part, the rise in economic strength of the BRICS does not seem as yet to have translated into a different mode of global governance. Old institutions continue to operate as if a Western world was still the sole or main source of power in the global order.

You will have a relevant PhD (or equivalent experience) and an excellent record of high quality publications. You will be expected to design a programme of research that explores important aspects of the agenda set out above. You will have previous doctoral experience of working on these kinds of issues. You will design and undertake a research project in conjunction with the Directors of SPERI and also work closely with the existing SPERI team, writing research and academic papers, but also policy interventions, debate pieces and blogs.

Teaching Fellow in Feminist Challenges to Political Theory (30%); Leeds
Deadline: 13.11.2014

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You will provide teaching cover while a permanent member of staff is on leave. You will have expertise in Feminist Political Theory to deliver a third level specialist module on Feminist Challenges to Political Theory (enrolment of the order of 35-45 students).

You will have a first degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification or PhD in politics or a related discipline and experience of contributing to the effective delivery of political theory teaching at undergraduate level. You will also have a high level of interpersonal and communication skills, including writing skills and the ability to communicate effectively to an academic audience and other stakeholders as appropriate.

ESRC PhD Studentship in Politics & International Relations; Nottingham
Deadline: 20.02.2014

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The DTC is one of just 21 centres to receive accreditation by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the national body funding research and training in social and economic issues. It will therefore play a key role in helping to produce the next generation of world-class researchers.

Nottingham was chosen due to its excellent track record of fostering multidisciplinary research, bringing together social sciences, science, engineering, medicine and the arts; its coherent vision and strategy for the promotion of social sciences; and the clear relevance of its global perspective on issues covered by social science research.

The DTC receives significant ESRC backing, together with additional funding provided by partners in industry, non-governmental organisations and the University itself, making it one of the largest postgraduate social science doctoral training centres in Europe. The Centre will provide financial and research support to around 200 students undertaking cutting-edge interdisciplinary research covering 13 major thematic areas including Politics and International Relations.

Associate Professors/ Professors in Political Science; Al Shorouk City
Deadline: 21.12.2014

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BUE is a recently (2005) established Egyptian university 35 kms east of Cairo delivering a British style of education, based on the UK QAA model and with a strong emphasis on research. It aims to be a leading research and teaching university in Egypt and the region, providing quality British Higher Education. It has an undergraduate population of some 5000 students in seven faculties, with plans for substantial growth.

The Political Science programme is validated currently by London South Bank University and the Egyptian Supreme Council, successful graduates receiving both a British and a BUE degree.

The Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science is seeking to appoint Associate Professors / Professors from across the discipline.

The posts are intended to cover teaching, research and administrative and related duties, including supervision of undergraduate dissertations. The working language of the University is English.

Successful candidates will have a PhD in Political Science and relevant experience to convene and to teach undergraduate core modules. A record of research and publication is important as is recent experience of British Higher Education. Experience of living and working in the Middle East will be an advantage.

The posts, which offer an attractive remuneration package, will commence on 1stFebruary, 2015, depending on the availability of the successful candidates.

Human Rights Watch Associate, Europe And Central Asia Division; New York

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Human Rights Watch (“HRW”) is seeking an Associate to provide administrative assistance to its Europe and Central Asia (“ECA”) Division. This position reports to the Deputy Director of the ECA Division and also supports other members of the division.


1. Maintain communication among HRW’s domestic and international offices and provide substantive, logistical and administrative assistance to ECA staff located in multiple offices;

2. Prepare, draft, edit, format and distribute documents such as news releases, reports, tables, charts, briefing papers, meeting requests, op‑eds, publications and web content;

3. Assist with research, electronic clipping, wires and translations;

4. Assist with advisory committee matters and special events;

5. Retrieve and respond to requests for information;

6. Schedule, make travel arrangements and prepare for and take minutes at meetings;

7. Create and maintain extensive filing and archiving systems;

8. Recruit and coordinate interns;

9. Record departmental finances;

10. Word processing; photocopying; filing; faxing; answering phones; processing incoming mail; and

11. Carry out other duties as required.

Short Term Consultant (STC) - Impact Evaluation Coordinator; Kigali

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Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) is a global program housed in the World Bank's Development Research Group (DECRG). Its purpose is to increase the use of impact evaluation (IE) in the design and implementation of public policy and increase institutional capacity and motivation for evidence-based policy.

DIME seeks a consultant to manage a growing program of impact evaluation work with the Ministry of Agriculture in (MINAGRI). The DIME/MINAGRI collaboration takes a sector-wide approach and includes a variety of impact evaluations designed to understand the constraints farmers face. We are testing innovations to extension services (farmer feedback tools; e-extension services) and rural finance (commitment savings and insurance), pilots of remote imaging technology for agricultural data, and evaluation of large-scale infrastructural investments in irrigation and feeder roads. The position offers the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with policymakers at MINAGRI to generate and incorporate evidence in policy decisions, and be directly involved with scaling up "what works".

GIZ: Berater (m/w) Zugang und gerechter Vorteilsausgleich genetischer Ressourcen in Zentralamerika; San Salvador
Deadline: 13.11.2014

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Die GIZ führt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) das Projekt „Förderung der Wirtschaftspotenziale der Biodiversität in gerechter und nachhaltiger Weise zur Umsetzung des Nagoya Protokolls in Mittelamerika (Access and Benefit Sharing - ABS)“ durch. Das GIZ-Projekt hat zum Ziel, dass die Mitgliedsländer des Zentralamerikanischen Integrationssystems SICA erste Maßnahmen zum fairen und gerechten Ausgleich der Vorteile, die sich aus der nachhaltigen Nutzung genetischer Ressourcen und des damit verbundenen traditionellen Wissens ergeben, umsetzen. Das Vorhaben wird in drei Handlungsfeldern arbeiten: (i) Kapazitätenaufbau zum Thema ABS, (ii) Umsetzung des politischen, strategischen und rechtlichen Rahmens in El Salvador, Guatemala und Costa Rica und (iii) Inwertsetzung von Produkten genetischer Ressourcen/Biodiversität oder kommerzielle Bioprospektion arbeiten. Der politische Partner ist die Zentralamerikanische Umweltkommission CCAD.

Ihre Aufgaben

Als Berater/in unterstützen Sie die Projektleitung bei der inhaltlichen, fachlichen und organisatorischen Durchführung des Projekts sowie bei der Fachberatung der Partner. Sie arbeiten in einem internationalen Team von Fachkräften und bringen Ihre Kompetenzen in der Beratung der regionalen, nationalen und lokalen Partnerorganisationen ein.

(Die volle Stellenbeschreibung können Sie unter dem Link einsehen)

PhD Studentship at the Institute for German Studies, "(Not) Made in Germany: Imagining Germany from the Outside"; Birmingham

Deadline: 14.12.2014

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The Institute for German Studies (IGS) at the University of Birmingham is seeking to support a three-year PhD Studentship in the context of the DAAD-funded project: ‘(Not) Made in Germany: Imagining Germany from the Outside’.

The successful candidate will complete a doctoral thesis on a topic related to the project and will provide administrative and research support to the project team. Opportunities to teach may become available in the second and final years of the doctoral studentship. The stipend attached to the studentship will be at the level determined by the UK Research Councils (currently a maintenance allowance of £14,921 per annum, plus UK/EU fees of £4,301 per annum). Supervision will be provided by the most appropriate member(s) of the project research team. The studentship will commence on 1st March 2015 and continue for three years.

The successful candidate will hold an MA or equivalent in a relevant discipline. Fluency in German would be an asset.

Prospective candidates should send a CV and research outline (no more than 2 sides of A4) indicating their fit with the project to: Dr Nicholas Martin ( The deadline for applications is 15th December 2014. Informal enquiries prior to full applications are welcome. For further information on the Institute for German Studies, see

‘(Not) Made in Germany: Imagining Germany from the Outside’

Through this project – which will begin in January 2015 – the IGS will continue to consolidate and expand its role as a primary hub for the support and inspiration of German Studies in the UK as well as its reputation as a leading global research centre. Funding has been awarded by the DAAD to establish a high-profile academic network: (Not) Made in Germany: Imagining Germany from the Outside. This interdisciplinary research network will focus on views of Germany from abroad. Specifically, it will seek to analyse how images of contemporary Germany are constructed “from the outside” in the areas of economics, politics, education, history and culture. The network will bring staff and postgraduate students from German universities and the worldwide DAAD German Studies Centres to the IGS in a series of research visits focused around these five core strands.

Particular research questions to be addressed by the network include:

• To what extent do Germany’s self-perceptions of its political standing differ from the perceptions of Germany’s reputation, power and influence held by its European neighbours and the wider world?
• What roles do governments, the press, and museums outside Germany play in mediating and shaping processes of commemoration and of rethinking German history?
• What are the benefits of the ‘outsider’s’ perspective and what impact do these have on self-images and on policy-making decisions in Germany?

The project research assistant will write a PhD thesis on the topic of imagining Germany from the outside with a focus on one or more of the core research strands (economics, politics, education, history, and culture). S/he will be supervised by appropriate members of the core research group, depending on the precise focus of the research thesis, and s/he will also benefit from interaction and engagement with the international group of experts involved in the network.

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