Stellenanzeigen August
Aktualisiert am 8. Sep. 2015
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An dieser Stelle wie immer akademische Stellenanzeigen aus den Bereichen Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik.
Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w); SWP, Berlin
Deadline: 30.09.2015
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Aufgabengebiet - Schwerpunkt Zentralasien:
- innenpolitische und innergesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in den postsowjetischen zentralasiatischen Staaten
- regionale politische und transnationale Beziehungen in Zentralasien, Rolle externer Akteure (Russland, China, EU, andere), Außenpolitik der postsowjetischen zentralasiatischen Staaten
Anforderungen an die zukünftige Stelleninhaberin/den zukünftigen Stelleninhaber:
- abgeschlossenes politik-, wirtschafts- oder sozialwissenschaftliches Studium mit Promotion
- vertieftes Wissen zum politischen, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen System bzw. der Außenpolitik mindestens eines post-sowjetischen zentralasiatischen Staates
- einschlägige Erfahrung in Regional- und Feldforschung
- einschlägige Publikationen in dem genannten Aufgabengebiet
- fließende Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch, Englisch und Russisch, andere Regionalsprachen von Vorteil
- sehr gute mündliche und schriftliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit
- Erfahrungen in der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung sind erwünscht
Juniorprofessur für Europäische Ethnologie; Berlin
Deadline: 01.10.2015
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An der Philosophischen Fakultät I, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, ist eine Juniorprofessur für Europäische Ethnologie mit dem
Schwerpunkt kulturanthropologische Geschlechterforschung zu sozial-kulturellen Räumen und Prozessen der Bildung zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen. Die Finanzierung erfolgt im Rahmen des Frauenförderprogramms der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin für W1/W2-Professuren.
In der Lehre ist ein intensives Engagement in der am Institut etablierten Ausbildungsform des forschenden Lernens (ein- (BA) bzw. zweisemestrige Studienprojekte (MA)), die Mitarbeit im Schwerpunktbereich "Geschlechterforschung" sowie die Bereitschaft gewünscht, Lehrveranstaltungen auch für Studierende des BA und MA Gender Studies anzubieten. Erwartet werden die Bereitschaft zur Betreuung von Promotionsvorhaben und die Beteiligung an der Einwerbung von Drittmittelprojekten im bezeichneten Forschungsfeld.
Erwartet wird eine herausragende Promotion im Bereich der Europäischen Ethnologie/ Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft/Kulturanthropologie oder benachbarter Disziplinen mit eindeutigem Schwerpunkt in ethnographischer Forschung. Vorausgesetzt werden zudem Kenntnisse geschlechtertheoretischer Ansätze und Diskussionen. Zudem werden die Bereitschaft zur breiten Auseinandersetzung mit Theorien und Konzepten der kulturanthropologischen Bildungsforschung und die Weiterentwicklung von ethnographischen Methodologien und Epistemologien in diesem Feld erwartet.
1 Postdoctoral and 2 PhD positions, Research Group "How Terrorists Learn"; Halle/Saale
Deadline: 31.10.2015
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This project will investigate tactical, strategic, and operational learning of terrorist groups. Learning occurs in context, not in a vacuum. Answering the questions of learning from what or learning from whom, the project is designed to systematically analyse the three kinds of terrorist learning on three contextual levels: the micro level, the meso level, and the macro level. On the micro level, terrorist organisations learn from their own experiences. Terrorists scrutinise their past mistakes and successes. On the meso level, terrorists learn from other terrorist groups. Terrorist groups compete with or emulate other groups’ tactics, their strategies, and their operational innovations. Hezbollah’s suicide operations, for example, have been studied by terrorist organisations around the globe. On the macro level, terrorist groups are entangled in a violent competition with the state or they emulate state sponsors epitomised for example by training in how to use weapons or how to spread propaganda.
While the terrorism literature lacks primary data, this project will build on qualitative field research in the Middle East, Western Europe, the United States, and Sri Lanka. It capitalises on the accessibility of former members of terrorists groups who have reintegrated into society as well as the accessibility of prisoners.
Essential Duties & Responsibilities
The postdoc and the doctoral students will conduct research and field work. Additionally, the postdoc will build and maintain close contacts with the academic and policy-making community in Europe and the United States.
We are looking for research proposals that will generate data that can be used for comparison. The applicants will be expected to share their data with other members of the team for joint analysis and publication.
Quantitative Researcher, Research Group "How Terrorists Learn"; Halle/Saale
Deadline: 31.10.2015
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Essential Duties & Responsibilities
The quantitative researcher will calculate statistics (i.e. of terrorist attacks) using and analysing data from the Global Terrorism Database ( The statistics will feed into the design of the questionnaires for subsequent qualitative field research.
Universitätsprofessur "Gender und Diversity in der Technik- und Produktentwicklung"; Berlin
Deadline: 01.10.2015
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Aufgabengebiet: Wahrnehmung von Forschung und Lehre im Fachgebiet "Gender und Diversity in der Technik- und Produktentwicklung". Die Ausrichtung auf gender- und diversityspezifische, anwendungsorientierte, empirische Forschung zu Wegen, Verfahren und Methoden in Forschung und Entwicklung hat einen Schwerpunkt im Bereich Material, Design und Manufacturing. Mit der Professur ist die Leitung des Fraunhofer "Center for Responsible Research and Innovation CeRRI" verbunden. Am Standort Berlin bearbeitet es Fragen des Innovationstransfers aus Nutzersicht, des gesellschaftlichen Impacts technologischer Trends und der Nutzung des Diversity-Potentials für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Allgemeine Verwaltung; Berlin
Deadline: 17.09.2015
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Der Fachbereich 3 beabsichtigt, einen neuen konsekutiven Masterstudiengang für den öffentlichen Sektor zu entwickeln und einzuführen. Die Position der/des wiss. Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters soll den Prozess der inhaltlichen und strukturellen Studiengangsentwicklung und -implementierung in Zusammenarbeit mit einer Arbeitsgruppe und unter fachlicher Leitung einer Hochschulprofessorin/eines Hochschulprofessors maßgeblich unterstützen und in Teilbereichen auch eigenständig ausführen. In der Konzeptionsphase werden u. a. empirische Bedarfsanalysen und Recherchen zu bestehenden Studienangeboten durchgeführt sowie Workshops mit Vertretern potentieller Arbeitgeber und Dienstherren organisiert. Die strategischen Ziele der Hochschule und des Fachbereichs sind dabei inhaltlich zu berücksichtigen sowie das vorhandene Studienangebot ggf. anzupassen. Die Konzeption mündet in die Entwicklung eines Curriculums und der Modulgestaltung, welche in einem Modulhandbuch, einer Studien- und einer Prüfungsordnung konkretisiert werden. Die gesamte Konzeption ist in einer Machbarkeitsstudie, welche in die relevanten Hochschulgremien als Entscheidungsgrundlage eingebracht wird, zu dokumentieren. In der Implementierungsphase sind vor allem organisatorische Aufgaben in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschul- und Fachbereichsverwaltung, einer Akkreditierungsagentur sowie den Hochschulgremien auszuführen.
Lecturer/Associate Professor in China’s International Politics; Suzhou
Deadline: 16.10.2015
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Successful applicants will have, or expect shortly to receive, a PhD, or be able to demonstrate appropriate professional experience (e.g. substantial teaching / industrial experience). Applicants should have good teaching experience and evidence of the ability to produce high quality research publications. Applicants are expected to have good language skills in both English and Chinese, and be able to teach in English, the language of instruction at the university. The successful appointee will be expected to teach PhD China Studies/International Relations/Politics.
Research Associate (The UK in a Changing Europe; Part Time); Cardiff
Deadline: 21.09.2015
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n the context of the ESRC’s major initiative ‘The UK in a Changing Europe’, to work on ESRC Senior Fellow Dr Jo Hunt’s project examining the legal implications for Wales, as a devolved administration, of any redefinition of the UK-EU relationship.
The post will involve undertaking independent research, leading to authored and co-authored written outputs, including policy briefs and guides for the public, as well as helping to organise and participate in public events.
Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs; Rome
Deadline: 31.10.2015
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John Cabot University, a four year, fully-accredited American liberal arts college in Rome, Italy, invites applications for a full-time faculty position in political science and international affairs at the assistant professor rank. We seek candidates with a Ph.D. in Political Science, demonstrated excellence in teaching and research, and commitment to academic service.
The ideal candidate will be expected to teach introductory and advanced undergraduate courses in international relations and global public policy with a load of three courses per semester. Ability to teach classes in American politics and foreign policy is an asset.
Sir Patrick Sheehy Professorship of International Relations; Cambridge
Deadline: 15.10.2015
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The Board of Electors to the Sir Patrick Sheehy Professorship of International Relations invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work falls within the general field of the Professorship to take up appointment on 1 October 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Candidates will have an outstanding research record of international stature in international relations and the vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm to build on current strengths in maintaining and developing a leading research presence. They will hold a PhD or equivalent postgraduate qualification.
Standard professorial duties include teaching and research, examining, supervision and administration. The Professor will be based in Cambridge. A competitive salary will be offered.
Assistant Professor in Global Studies; Singapore
Deadline: 13.11.2015
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The Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in the field of Global Studies broadly conceived. Applications from candidates working in one or more of the fields of Religion and Ethnicity, Colonialism and Post-Colonialism, and Population and Migration would be particularly welcome. Applications from outstanding candidates working in other areas and regions will also be considered. Successful applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline at the time of the appointment. Candidates should have demonstrated excellence or strong potential in research and strong theoretical interests. Candidates must be able to contribute to the teaching of core undergraduate modules in the interdisciplinary Global Studies programme at NUS including GL1101E Global Issues and be willing to propose new courses of their own. Details of course offerings are available at for details.
Lecturer in Politics & International Studies; Aberdeen
Deadline: 24.09.2015
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The Department of Politics and International Relations (PIR) seeks to appoint a Lecturer with knowledge and experience of Quantitative Methods. Research calibre potential is key with this post being open to candidates in any area of Politics/International Politics, but we wish to appoint a Lecturer with knowledge and experience of Quantitative Methods. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programme.
Research Fellow (Maritime Security Programme); Singapore
Deadline: 18.10.2015
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The successful applicant is expected to contribute significantly to the research agenda of the Programme on contemporary maritime security issues in the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean regions.
The successful candidate will develop, manage and provide direction in teaching and research on areas including but not limited to maritime developments in the region, naval policy and strategies, and particular threats and challenges in the maritime domain. Candidate is expected to contribute to the School’s research agenda, contribute to team research and policy-oriented projects, teach in short executive programmes, and organize conferences and seminars. Experience in policy-relevant research and publication would be useful.
Assistant Professorship in Indian/South Asian Studies; Aarhus
Deadline: 16.09.2015
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The School of Culture and Society, Department of Global Studies at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as assistant professor in Indian/South Asian Studies with a special focus on contemporary socio-economic trends in India/South Asia.
The assistant professorship is a full-time, three-year training position, and subject to appropriate funding a subsequent associate professorship will be announced in open competition. The assistant professorship is available from 1 January 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in International Relations; Wellington
Deadline: 14.09.2015
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We welcome applications from candidates with publication records in a broad range of subject areas in international relations or strategic studies. The successful applicant will be expected to teach three courses per year - central courses in international relations at the undergraduate level and postgraduate courses in International Relations or Strategic Studies - as well as providing postgraduate research supervision in these areas.
Senior Social/Political Scientists; Accra
Deadline: 04.10.2015
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The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Ghana's public policy centre, is seeking highly qualified and experienced Social/Political Scientists to consolidate and advance its flagship status as a leading research and policy advocacy centre in Ghana and the sub-region. The candidates must have significant experience in social/political science as well as the ability to provide intellectual vision for the organization. The disciplinary focus of the Centre's work cuts across political science, public policy, public administration and political economy. The centre's work also seeks to improve legislative reform, public sector accountability and transparency in managing Ghana's oil and gas revenue.
Lecturer in Strategic Studies; Tartu
Deadline: 02.10.2015
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Over the years the BALTDEFCOL has developed as a centre of excellence for senior-level military education in the Baltic States and contributes substantially to the continuing transformation of the defence institutions of NATO, the EU and their member states by educating a cadre of officers and civil servants able to understand and operate in today's complex security environment.
We are looking for one or more suitably qualified persons to Develop, plan, co-ordinate and deliver courses and modules taught at the Baltic Defence College in the area of Strategic Studies.
You will educate and support the professional development of officers and civil servants through high quality courses.
This is a full-time position and the successful applicant will receive a relocation allowance.
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor of International Relations and Peace Studies; Kyushu
Deadline: 30.09.2015
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Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) is located on Kyushu, Japan's traditional gateway to all of Asia. There are currently 80 countries and regions represented in our student body. APU is an innovative and global community educating future leaders in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. We are looking for faculty members excited about teaching in this multi-cultural setting.
University Academic Fellow in Gender and Security (Preventing sexual violence in conflict); Leeds
Deadline: 30.09.2015
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We are seeking an outstanding individual to take forward this unique opportunity to advance the research agenda on gender and security.
Supported by colleagues in the School of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) Intervention and International Security research centre (IIS), you will develop a research profile that will contribute to the University’s ambition to excel at REF2020, with a sustained record of internationally excellent publications and a strong record of presentations at national and international conferences. You will shape inter-disciplinary collaborations with colleagues from across the University interested in and working on gender and security, organise seminars with international speakers, engage with POLIS’s established international academic and NGO partners and networks and establish new networks nationally and internationally through conference attendance and other research activities. You will co-supervise PhDs and contribute to research-led teaching at undergraduate/postgraduate level as required. You will offer an additional strand of collaboration to the IIS centre’s Horizon2020 funding consortium, and help bring together gender-based researchers across the University and the White Rose Network to apply for at least £1million worth of grants from Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)/Department for International Development (DFID) funding.
You will have significant proven research experience within the field of gender and security, specific expertise on the prevention of sexual violence in conflict, the ability to teach at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, as well as a clear and compelling vision for personal academic development.
Associate Professorships in Political Science; Copenhagen
Deadline: 15.09.2015
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The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for one or more positions as Associate Professor in Political Science. We welcome applicants from any field of specialization within political science but, in particular, we are interested in applicants with a strong research and teaching profile in European Public Administration, Public Administration, experimental and quantitative Public Administration, Comparative Politics or IR (any specializations). The position(s) is/are available from January 1st, 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.