CLIL vs Immersion

by Romina Dworschak & Anastasia Schneider

Pre-Viewing Questions

1. Can you name any different forms of bilingual education?

2. Have you ever experienced a bilingual lesson in your school years? Which challenges did you meet?

3. Please comment on the following statement: “Fluency is more important than accuracy.” Do you think bilingual education supports fluency more than usual language lessons? If yes, why? If no, why not?

4. Can you think of more possible advantages regarding bilingual learning?


Post-Viewing Questions

1. Can you explain the main idea behind CLIL and Immersion?

2. Do you think the concepts of CLIL and Immersion should be fostered more in the current German school system?

3. After hearing the positive effects of Immersion, could you also imagine some difficulties in an Immersion setting?

4. One difference to the Immersion approach is that in CLIL lessons you mostly have non-native speaking teachers. Do you think this is an obstacle that can prevent teachers from teaching bilingually?

5. Can you imagine to be a bilingual teacher? If yes, how could you implement it to your classroom? If no, why not?