Stellenanzeigen Mai 2/2

Now HiringDer zweite Teil unserer Sammlung an relevanten akademischen Stellenanzeigen der Bereiche Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik aus dem Mai 2013.


Deutschland/ Österreich/ Schweiz:

2 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen an der HSFK; Frankfurt am Main
Deadline: 06.06.2013

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Zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen im Programmbereich "Private Akteure im transnationalen Raum" gesucht

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt für die Dauer von drei Jahren im Programmbereich III "Private Akteure im transnationalen Raum"

(Leitung: Prof. Dr. Klaus Dieter Wolf)

einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w)

(65% nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-H)

Die Stelle ist in dem von der DFG geförderten Forschungsprojekt "Religiöse NGOs in den Vereinten Nationen: Vermittler oder
Polarisierer?" (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Klaus Dieter Wolf, Dr. Claudia Baumgart-Ochse) angesiedelt. Das Projekt untersucht die Positionierung religiöser Nichtregierungsorganisationen in ausgewählten Politikfeldern im Kontext von Global Governance. Von der/dem Stelleninhaberin/Stelleninhaber wird konzeptionelle Mitarbeit und die Übernahme von Fallstudien erwartet. Es besteht die Möglichkeit zur Weiterqualifizierung (Promotion) im Rahmen der Projektthematik.

Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein zur Promotion berechtigender Hochschulabschluss in Politikwissenschaft. Kenntnisse in
Religionswissenschaft oder Soziologie sind vorteilhaft.

Von allen Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern erwarten wir außerdem

  • Interesse an der Bedeutung nichtstaatlicher Akteure für "Just Peace Governance"
  • verhandlungssicheres Englisch in Wort und Schrift
  • hohe Kompetenz und Bereitschaft zur Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit im Team
  • Teilnahme am Promotionskolloquium der HSFK


zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ebenfalls im Programmbereich III

einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w)

(Vollzeit, 13 TV-H)

Das Arbeitsverhältnis ist zunächst auf drei Jahre befristet. Eine Verlängerung um weitere drei Jahre ist möglich. Der/die
Stelleninhaber/in sollte einen Arbeitsschwerpunkt im Bereich "Nichtstaatliche Gewaltakteure im transnationalen Raum" aufweisen und sich für deren Bedeutung im Rahmen des HSFK-Forschungsprogramms "Just Peace Governance" interessieren. Von der/dem Stelleninhaberin/Stelleninhaber werden konzeptionelle Mitarbeit im Programmbereich, die Übernahme von Projektleitungsaufgaben sowie die Mitwirkung an allgemeinen Aufgaben des Instituts erwartet. Es besteht die Möglichkeit zur Weiterqualifizierung (z.B. Habilitation).

Von allen Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern erwarten wir außerdem

  • qualifizierte Promotion im Fach Politikwissenschaft
  • Forschungsprofil und wissenschaftliche Publikationen im künftigen Arbeitsfeld
  • Erfahrung mit der Einwerbung und dem Management von Drittmittelprojekten
  • sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen und englischen Sprache
  • hohe Kommunikationskompetenz und gute Teamfähigkeit

Die HSFK ist Trägerin des Total-E-Quality Prädikats. Qualifizierte Kandidatinnen werden daher ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgerufen. Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungskosten können leider nicht übernommen werden.

Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen senden Sie bitte bis zum 06.06.2013 bevorzugt per E-Mail an die:

Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
Baseler Str. 27-31
60329 Frankfurt am Main


Mitarbeiterin/wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte; Duisburg-Essen

Deadline: 26.05.2013

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Das Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) der Universität Duisburg-Essen (Standort Campus Duisburg) sucht zum 1. Juli 2013 befristet bis 31. Dezember 2014 (Ende der Projektlaufzeit) eine/n wissenschaftliche
Mitarbeiterin/wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter an Universitäten (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 50 %) zur Mitarbeit in einem vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) geförderten Forschungsprojekt zur Umsetzung der UN-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.

Hauptamtliche Vizepräsidentin/ hauptamtlicher Vizepräsident für Studium und Lehre; Darmstadt
Deadline: 15.06.2013

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Die TU Darmstadt hat derzeit ca. 25.000 Studierende und etwa 4.500 Bedienstete, davon 285 Professorinnen und Professoren und deckt mit 13 Fachbereichen, 4 Studienbereichen und einer Reihe von Forschungszentren, Forschungsclustern und Forschungsschwerpunkten ein breites Fächerspektrum ab.

Die Vizepräsidentin oder der Vizepräsident ist Mitglied des Präsidiums und ist dort verantwortlich für das Ressort Studium und Lehre. Die Geschäftsverteilung im Einzelnen wird gem. § 7 Abs. 3 des TU Darmstadt- Gesetzes durch den Präsidenten bzw. die Präsidentin festgelegt.

Die Vizepräsidentin/der Vizepräsident sollte über eine mehrjährige Erfahrung als Hochschullehrer/in verfügen und bereit sein, an der strategischen Entwicklung der autonomen Universität, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet von Studium und Lehre, engagiert mitzuwirken. Erwartet werden Führungskompetenz, Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Verhandlungsgeschick unter Berücksichtigung der Interessen von Studierenden und Lehrenden.

Die Vizepräsidentin oder der Vizepräsident wird auf Vorschlag des Präsidenten der Technischen Universität Darmstadt von der Universitätsversammlung gewählt. Sie oder er wird für 3 Jahre durch den Präsidenten in ein zeitlich befristetes Beamtenverhältnis berufen. Eine Wiederwahl ist möglich. Die Besoldung erfolgt auf Grundlage von W L2 der Besoldungsordnung W des Hessischen Professorenbesoldungsgesetzes.

Die Technische Universität Darmstadt strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils der Frauen am Personal an und fordert deshalb besonders Frauen auf, sich zu bewerben. Bewerberinnen oder Bewerber mit einem Grad der Behinderung von mindestens 50 oder diesen Gleichgestellte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt.

Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis zum 15. Juni 2013 als vertrauliche Personalsache an den Präsidenten der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Herrn Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Prömel, Karolinenplatz 5, 64289 Darmstadt, zu senden.

Universitätsprofessur für Sozialkunde und Politikdidaktik; Berlin
Deadline: 13.06.2013

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Aufgabengebiet: Vertretung des o. g. Faches in Forschung und Lehre.

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen: Gem. § 100 BerlHG.

Weitere Anforderungen:
Promotion in Politikdidaktik sowie Nachweis dreijähriger Schulpraxis (§ 100 Absatz 3 BerlHG); umfassende Erfahrungen in der universitären Lehre zur Ausbildung von Lehrern/-innen; hervorragende Erfahrungen in der Betreuung von Unterrichtspraktika; Internationale Lehrerfahrung und exzellente Forschungsaktivitäten; Erfahrung in der Einwerbung und Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten.

Erwartungen an die künftige Tätigkeit:
Bereitschaft zu enger interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit innerhalb des Fachbereichs Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie mit Einrichtungen der Lehrerbildung anderer Fachbereiche und des Zentrums für Lehrerbildung der Freien Universität Berlin; Engagement in der fachwissenschaftlichen und fachdidaktischen Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrern/-innen in den Fächern der politischen Bildung; Mitwirkung in Forschung und Lehre im Bereich politischer Bildung für Lernende mit Migrationshintergrund. Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Urkunden, Schriftenverzeichnis, Liste der betreuten Lehrveranstaltungen inkl. Nachweisen zur pädagogischen Eignung, Angaben zu derzeitigen oder geplanten Forschungsvorhaben, Forschungskooperationen und Drittmittelprojekten, ggf. Angaben zu Industriekooperationen, Erfindungen/Patenten sowie Ausgründungen) sind bis zum 13.06.2013 unter Angabe der Kennung W2 Sozialkunde zu richten an die Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften, Frau Mrozek, Ihnestraße 21, 14195 Berlin (Dahlem).

Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Die Freie Universität Berlin fordert Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, die die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen erfüllen, sind ausdrücklich erwünscht.

Scientific Researcher, Helmholtz-Zentrum; Geesthacht
Deadline: 03.06.2013

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The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, near Hamburg, and in Teltow, near Berlin, conducts materials and coastal research. You can find more information at

The Climate Service Center in Hamburg of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, invites applications for a Research Associate Position (m/f). The position is limited to 14 months (starting as soon as possible) within the European Joint Programming Initiative – Climate.

The aims of JPI-Climate are to contribute to a coordinated knowledge development by improving the scientific expertise on climate change and connecting that knowledge to decision-making and link it to eminent political and practical concerns, such as climate risks and adaptation options in climate-vulnerable sectors, mitigation policies or investment strategies and technological innovation.

We are looking for an individual with an academic degree in one of the following academic subject areas qualifying the holder to carry out the above-mentioned responsibilities: geography, social sciences, political science, environmental sciences or similar. You should be an independent thinker with research experience on questionnaire techniques and data collection. You should be familiar with European climate legislation, policies and institutions. With the ability to work collaboratively as a member of an interdisciplinary team, to conduct research, with basic course work in research methods and statistical applications completed, good communication skills, good writing and public speaking abilities in German and English. We expect you to be proficient in English. You should have the will to publish in international journals.

Area(s) of Responsibility:
The position will focus on independent, self-governed research on climate knowledge and on climate service providers and purveyors in Germany and in the JPI-Climate countries. The opportunity to write a PhD thesis is given.

We offer an appropriate salary related to TV-AVH as well as the usual public sector social benefits. The advancement of equality at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht goes without saying; in particular, we are striving to increase the percentage of women in the science sector. Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be considered preferentially within the framework of legal requirements.

Qualified applicants should send application dossiers indicating the respective theme including CV summarizing qualifications, degree certificate(s), a statement of interest, an outline of the intended research focus and possibly the name and address of a reference in a single pdf file application letter with the job offer code-no. 2013/CSC 1 to the e-mail-address: Closing date for application is June 3rd, 2013.


Summer School "Countering Terrorism in post-9/11 world"; The Hague (Netherlands)
Deadline: Unknown

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26 - 30 August 2013 in The Hague, The Netherlands

Organisers: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague; T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Target audience: professionals with an academic background in areas such as law, security studies, international relations, conflict studies or other related fields who want to expand their knowledge on counter-terrorism. The programme is also open for advanced graduate students who wish to pursue a career in counter-terrorism.

What: Building on the success of the past two summer programmes, this course will be delivered by a team of international and national leading experts working in the field of counter-terrorism. The objective of this unique Programme is to provide participants with answers to these fundamental and more practical questions and to give them a deepened understanding of:· The phenomena of violent radicalisation and terrorism;· The contemporary methods to counter radicalisation and terrorism;· The role of civil society, judicial bodies and international organisations in countering terrorism;· The applicable international and domestic legal frameworks.

Advocacy Liaison Officer to the United Nations; New York
Deadline: 24.05.2013

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The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, (GPPAC), and the World Federalist Movement / Institute for Global Policy, (WFM-IGP), are looking for an Advocacy Liaison Officer to the United Nations.

Starting date: August 1st, 2013
Location: WFM-IGP Office in New York
*Deadline for applications: May 24th 2013*

The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is a worldwide network of civil society organizations working on the prevention of violent conflict. The GPPAC Foundation in The Hague fulfills the task of Global Secretariat for GPPAC.

GPPAC was established in 2003 in response to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's 2001 report on the Prevention of Armed Conflict, in which he urged civil society to organize its role in this field. GPPAC builds on decades of prevention, conflict resolution and peacebuilding work throughout the world and is organized through fifteen regional networks, each of which has developed an agenda to reflect regional principles and priorities, feeding into an overall Global Action Agenda and supported by a Strategic Plan for 2011-2015.

GPPAC is currently pursuing thematic work in the field of Preventive Action, Human Security, Dialogue & Mediation and Peace Education and has programs on Policy and Advocacy, Public Outreach and Network Strengthening. For more information see: or

GPPAC is developing an international advocacy infrastructure aimed at closely monitoring the work of key international organizations, follow up relevant debates and identify entry points to provide the inputs of civil society in the development of conflict prevention and peacebuilding policies. GPPAC has established an advocacy presence in New York thanks to its collaboration with the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP).

GPPAC and WFM-IGP are currently looking for and Advocacy Liaison Officer to the United Nations. The position is based in New York. Under overall supervision of GPPAC Program Manager for Policy and Advocacy and WFM-IGP Director of Programs, the Liaison officer responsibilities include:

*Advocacy Support*

  • Participate as necessary in lobbying efforts; Represent GPPAC as needed in meetings with other civil society groups, UN officials, Member States and other stakeholders. Work on the monitoring of the UN Peacebuilding architecture, including a
    joint project on the UN Peacebuilding Commission, as well as other GPPAC/WFM-IGP project activities on a daily basis.
  • Provide a key stable contact for GPPAC in New York/UN Headquarters;
  • Provide policy and other analysis of developments at UN Headquarters, related to peacebuilding, conflict prevention, gender and other related matters, as needed.

*Communications and media support*

  • Maintain the Together for a Better Peace project website ( and regularly contribute to the GPPAC website and Portal.
  • Contribute to the drafting of articles, opinion pieces and other media related products.
  • Keep staff, partners, and other constituencies informed of activities, including a weekly update of the liaison's activities and issues being monitored at the UN.
  • Prepare and distribute communications-related materials, as needed.

*Logistical/Planning Support*

  • GPPAC visits: Support in planning and arranging logistics, note-taking and report/minutes drafting;
  • Meetings, conference calls for GPPAC and other related groups: support planning, work on agenda setting, arrange meetings, note-taking and report/minutes drafting.

*Administrative support*

  • Contribute to donor reporting.
  • Maintain related files as needed.
  • Any other administrative tasks as needed.

*Applicant Profile*: Strategic thinker with previous experience in advocacy and lobbying, sensitive to practitioners' needs while able to deal with the complexity of the UN system. Good analytical and communication skills (written and oral), comfortable in working across different cultures and committed to the values of conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

*Education*: University Bachelor's degree (Masters degree preferred) in the field of international relations, public policy, conflict prevention, peace, development studies or similar.

*Work Experience*: Two to five years of relevant work experience, including experience in a civil society environment, ideally with experience in civil society networking, preferably work experience in a conflict area.

*Languages*: Fluent in English and preferably also other languages (French and Arabic will be specially valued).

*Skills*: outstanding communication and listening skills within complex organizational and cross-cultural environments, able to maintain a professional network of appropriate contacts, shows initiative, accurate, proven writing and editing skills, strong project management skills, knowledge of the UN system and how UN policies are developed.

Full-Time, with benefits; Compensation is commensurate with experience and salary history ($45K to $55K).

*How to Apply*:
Interested candidates should send:

  • A Curriculum Vitae;
  • A Cover Letter stating your interest in this position, GPPAC and WFM-IGP;
  • Three references (name, title, affiliation and phone number);
  • Information on authorization to work in the United States (citizen, permanent resident, Practical Training, etc.).
  • •

Email your complete application to Ms. Jelena Pia-Comella,

Please label the subject line according to this structure: GPPAC UN Liaison, last name, first name.
Deadline: May 24, 2013.

WFM-IGP and GPPAC are equal opportunity employers, strongly committed to hiring and retaining a diverse and internationally representative staff. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

3 postdoctoral positions; Copenhagen
Deadline: 24.06.2013

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Three postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Copenhagen

‘EuroChallenge’ Interdisciplinary Research Programme

Department of Political Science, Facuty of Law, Faculty of Humanities

EuroChallenge’ is a major new interdisciplinary project, financed by the University’s 2016 strategic funding initiative. It addresses key questions about the place of Europe in the context of a rapidly and radically changing global order. The project is a collaborative venture, involving three faculties (Social Science, Law and Humanities), under the directorship of Professor Ben Rosamond of the Department of Political Science and three co-PIs: Professors Mikael Rask Madsen (Law) Hans-Jörg Trenz (Humanities), and Marlene Wind (Political Science). It is organized into three work packages. In this first round of appointments one postdoctoral fellow will be recruited to each work package as follows:

Position 1
3-year Assistant Professorship, Department of Political Science, affiliated to work package 1: ‘The European market space and the new global economy: constructions, paradigms and policies.’

Position 2
3-year postdoctoral fellowship hosted by the iCourts Centre of Excellence in the Faculty of Law, affiliated to work package 2: ‘The European legal-political space in a new global order? The global challenge to European markets, human rights and constitutionalized democracy’

Position 3
2-year postdoctoral fellowship (with the possibility of up to one year’s extension), hosted by Centre for Modern European Studies in the Faculty of Humanities, affiliated to work package 3: ‘Complex diversity: the social and cultural interpretations of changing European and global order’

Senior Lecturer in War Studies; Stockholm
Deadline: 07.06.2013

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General job description:
The successful applicant will contribute to teaching and research, particularly in the field of military strategy within the subject of War Studies. The interaction between the political and the highest military level and direction of military operations are studied within the military strategy field. The position may also include teaching and research in political science with a specialization in security policy and strategy. This will be made in close collaboration with other subjects represented in the Department, in particular international law and leadership under stressful conditions. Research and teaching will also be made in close coordination with the separate subject area of operations and tactics.

The successful applicant will also be expected to conduct administrative tasks, for example applying for direct government funding for research, as well as contribute to subject and course development at the College.

The position
The position is a post with conditional tenure (full-time) beginning as per agreement. Salary is negotiated on an individual basis. The Swedish National Defence College supports diversity and equality in all of the college’s employment categories. Therefore we encourage applicants with different backgrounds and experiences. In the employment category to which this position belongs, most employees are men. Consequently we particularly hope to receive applications from women.

Teaching Fellow in British Politics and Foreign Policy; Leeds
Deadline: 03.06.2013

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Fixed term 10 months, from 1 September 2013 to 30 June 2014

Part time 50% of full time equivalent

You will have expertise in British Politics and Foreign Policy and will provide teaching cover whilst a permanent member of staff is on maternity leave.

You will deliver a third level specialist module on British Foreign Policy covering seminar groups and some lecture slots on a Level one core British Politics module. In addition, there may be some third level/MA dissertation supervision.

You will have a first degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification or PhD in politics or a related discipline and experience of contributing to the effective delivery of British politics/foreign policy teaching at undergraduate level. You will also have a high level of interpersonal and communication skills, including writing skills and the ability to communicate effectively to an academic audience and other stakeholders.

Research Officer - Terrorism expertise in practice; Bath
Deadline: 09.06.2013

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University of Bath -Social & Policy Sciences

(Part-time, fixed-term post)

Salary: Starting from £33,230 (pro rata £16,615) per annum
Closing Date: Sunday 09 June 2013
Interview Date: Thursday 11 July 2013
Reference: CC1685

This post is intended to lead on and manage Knowledge Exchange (KE) activities in an ESRC funded Global Uncertainties Leadership Fellowship project on understanding and explaining terrorism expertise. You will manage KE events, sandpits and retreats, website and social media strategy and develop research proposals. The post holder will also have a strong role in the writing of grant applications and project publications and lead on those orientated to KE and programme dissemination activities.

Candidates should hold a PhD in a relevant subject related to the research project. Knowledge of digital research methods, data scraping, crunching and visualisation would be an advantage.

Senior Teaching Fellow in Migration and Development; London
Deadline: 17.06.2013

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SOAS, University of London -Department of Development Studies

0.8 FTE – Fixed Term for 1 year

£32,558 - £38,432 pro rata p.a. inclusive of London Allowance

Vacancy No: 000522

The Department is seeking a specialist in Migration and Development, if possible with a Southeast Asian expertise, with effect from 2 September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

You must be capable of teaching introductory Development Studies as well as contributing to lectures at postgraduate level, particularly on migration/development issues. You will offer courses that complement the Department's offerings and are consistent with the Department's orientation and profile, as well as contribute to existing courses.

Prospective candidates seeking further information may contact the Head of Department, Professor Christopher Cramer (

To apply for this vacancy or download a job description, please visit No agencies.

Interviews are provisionally scheduled for week commencing 8 July 2013

Master’s Scholarships; Norwich
Deadline: 03.06.2013

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The School of International Development at the University of East Anglia are offering scholarships for UK/EU and International Master’s applicants looking to start their studies in September 2013.

The School of International Development at the University of East Anglia is a globally renowned department for teaching, research and consultancy on international development. The School is committed to making a difference and are involved in advising on policy for major global challenges such as poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. With students from over 40 countries, it is a friendly, thriving and cosmopolitan department. The School was recently awarded the prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for research on global development in recognition of four decades of work in some of the world’s poorest countries.

The University of East Anglia is located on a distinctive and attractive campus that provides top quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 15,000 students. The University has been ranked in the top one per cent of universities in the world and has a tradition of producing creative and innovative research both within and across disciplines.

Master’s Courses
Our Master’s courses are offered on a one-year full-time or part-time over two-years:

  • MA Agriculture and Rural Development
  • MSc Climate Change and International Development
  • MSc Environment and International Development
  • MA International Development
  • MRes International Development
  • MSc Water Security and International Development
Lecturer in Politics; Swansea
Deadline: 17.06.2013

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Applicants are invited for the position of Lecturer in Politics within the College of Arts and Humanities, reference AC00479.

The successful candidate will support and extend the continued development of teaching, postgraduate supervision and research in Politics at Swansea. It is expected that he/she will be able to offer expertise in governance and/or comparative government and/or public policy and will contribute modules to undergraduate programmes in politics and international relations, generic political science teaching across MA programmes and specialist postgraduate teaching for the specific MA programmes in politics and/or public policy. He/she will join the politics and international studies REF unit, based in the Department of Political and Cultural Studies, and be able to develop their research in the context of a number of research centres and units organised under the Research Institute Arts and Humanities (RIAH) and Research Institute of Applied Social Sciences (RIASS).

Senior Lecturer in Refugee Studies and International ; London
Deadline: 13.06.2013

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The University of East London is a dynamic and rapidly expanding university at the heart of Europe’s largest regeneration area and immediately adjacent to the site of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. UEL is in the top ten of modern universities for research in the 2008 RAE exercise.

UEL’s School of Law and Social Sciences (LSS) offers a wide range of interdisciplinary programmes and research interests, drawing upon the law and social sciences, to create a vibrant academic and intellectual environment.

We are seeking a new colleague to design and deliver postgraduate and undergraduate teaching and learning in Refugee/Conflict/Forced Migration Studies and Development and to undertake high-quality academic research.

You will have a PhD in Forced Migration and Development or a related specialisation and experience of teaching at HE level in a diverse, multicultural environment. You will have a proven ability to undertake course management and student support counselling. Applicants are particularly welcome from those with a background in Refugee Studies, Islam and Development. Experience of undergraduate and masters’ dissertation supervision is desirable.

Associate Research Fellow (Politics); Exeter
Deadline: 16.06.2013

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University of Exeter -College of Social Sciences and International Studies

The College wishes to recruit an Associate Research Fellow to support the work of Jeffrey Karp and other collaborators on the ESRC-funded project "Comparative Cross-National Electoral Research” (CCNER). This post is available on a fixed term basis from 1 July 2013 for up to one year.

The CCNER project aims to facilitate training and research in the analysis of cross-national data. The Associate Research Fellow will oversee the administration of the project and contribute to the planning and organisation of workshops and conferences for CCNER; collect macro data and link to existing cross national survey datasets; produce instructional materials using cross-national datasets, and assist in the preparation of progress reports to the funding agency. The Research Fellow will also be expected to develop and pursue a research agenda associated with the project and disseminate the findings through research publications.

The position offers an excellent opportunity to join a major international research programme focusing on the study of electoral democracy undertaking original research and contributing to group research projects.

The successful applicant will have an advanced degree in political science or a related area of study (a PhD is highly desirable), and the ability to work with large datasets. She or he will also demonstrate sufficient knowledge in political science and of research methods and statistical techniques appropriate for the analysis of public opinion and electoral behaviour.

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