

Adventure/Survival (AS)
Adventure/Survival (AS)

Biography (Bi)
Biography (Bi)

Comics (Co)
Comics (Co)

Drama (Dr)
Drama (Dr)

Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)
Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)

Friendship (Fr)
Friendship (Fr)

Ghost and horror stories (GH)
Ghost and horror stories (GH)

Graphic novels (GN)
Graphic novels (GN)

Historical fiction (HF)
Historical fiction (HF)

Humor (Hu)
Humor (Hu)

Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)
Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)

Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)
Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)

Picture books (PB)
Picture books (PB)

Poetry (P)
Poetry (P)

Problem novels (Pr)
Problem novels (Pr)

Short stories (ShS)
Short stories (ShS)

Superhero stories (Su)
Superhero stories (Su)

The Adventures of Stuart Little
The Adventures of Stuart Little

Skinner, Daphne London: Penguin Books 2000

The Tiger on His Back
The Tiger on His Back

Ashley, Bernard Edinnurgh: Barrington Stoke 2018

American Born Chinese
American Born Chinese

Yang, Gene Luen New York: Roaring Brook Press 2006

Black Boy
Black Boy

Wright, Richard Stuttgart: Klett 2008

Runaways. Pride and Joy
Runaways. Pride and Joy

Vaughan, Brian K. & Alphona, Adrian New York: Marvel 2009


Telgemeier, Raina New York: Scholastic 2010

Inside Out
Inside Out

Trueman, Terry Stuttgart: Klett 2009


Swindells, Robert Stuttgart: Klett 2005

Give a Boy a Gun
Give a Boy a Gun

Strasser, Todd New York: Simon & Schuster 2002


Stoker, Bram New York: Bantam Books 1981


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