

Adventure/Survival (AS)
Adventure/Survival (AS)

Biography (Bi)
Biography (Bi)

Comics (Co)
Comics (Co)

Drama (Dr)
Drama (Dr)

Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)
Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)

Friendship (Fr)
Friendship (Fr)

Ghost and horror stories (GH)
Ghost and horror stories (GH)

Graphic novels (GN)
Graphic novels (GN)

Historical fiction (HF)
Historical fiction (HF)

Humor (Hu)
Humor (Hu)

Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)
Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)

Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)
Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)

Picture books (PB)
Picture books (PB)

Poetry (P)
Poetry (P)

Problem novels (Pr)
Problem novels (Pr)

Short stories (ShS)
Short stories (ShS)

Superhero stories (Su)
Superhero stories (Su)

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates

Pichon, Liz Stuttgart: Klett 2018

Runaways. Pride and Joy
Runaways. Pride and Joy

Vaughan, Brian K. & Alphona, Adrian New York: Marvel 2009

Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Kinney, Jeff Stuttgart: Klett 2012


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