

Adventure/Survival (AS)
Adventure/Survival (AS)

Biography (Bi)
Biography (Bi)

Comics (Co)
Comics (Co)

Drama (Dr)
Drama (Dr)

Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)
Fantasy/Supernatural (FS)

Friendship (Fr)
Friendship (Fr)

Ghost and horror stories (GH)
Ghost and horror stories (GH)

Graphic novels (GN)
Graphic novels (GN)

Historical fiction (HF)
Historical fiction (HF)

Humor (Hu)
Humor (Hu)

Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)
Multi-/Inter-/Transcultural novels (Cu)

Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)
Mystery/Crime/Detective (My)

Picture books (PB)
Picture books (PB)

Poetry (P)
Poetry (P)

Problem novels (Pr)
Problem novels (Pr)

Short stories (ShS)
Short stories (ShS)

Superhero stories (Su)
Superhero stories (Su)

Mercy Watson Fights Crime
Mercy Watson Fights Crime

DiCamillo, Kate & Van Dusen, Chris Somerville: Candlewick Press 2010

Crime Fiction
Crime Fiction

Doyle, Arthur Conan; James, P.D. & Poe, Edgar Allan Stuttgart: Klett 2015

Houdini and the Five-Cent Circus
Houdini and the Five-Cent Circus

Gray, Keith Edinburgh: Barrington Stoke 2018

The Tiger on His Back
The Tiger on His Back

Ashley, Bernard Edinnurgh: Barrington Stoke 2018

Inside Out
Inside Out

Trueman, Terry Stuttgart: Klett 2009


Swindells, Robert Stuttgart: Klett 2005


Sachar, Louis Stuttgart: Klett 2002

The Girl who Couldn’t Remember (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #91)
The Girl who Couldn’t Remember (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #91)

Keene, Carolyn New York: Simon & Schuster 1989

The Ghost of Craven Cove (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #92)
The Ghost of Craven Cove (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #92)

Keene, Carolyn New York: Simon & Schuster 1989

Pigeon English
Pigeon English

Kelman, Stephen London: Bloomsbury 2012


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