First Moodle MOOC starts 1 June MOOC are definitely addictive. Since I explored MOOCs around the world I would even need more time to join some more Open Online Courses. Yet, I decided on the Moodle MOOC starting tomorrow, 1 June. I gave priority to the Moodle MOOC, because we use Moodle in school and […] Weiterlesen
Monthly Archives: Mai 2013
Moodle MOOC
31. Mai 2013MOOC around the world – Our Global List of Open Online Classes, Part 3
31. Mai 2013The third part of MOOC around the world is out. My suitcase is full of badges now from all the countries I travelled to find global MOOC platforms. However, the journey it not over yet – I will soon explore the lesser-known American platforms and of course will explore Canada, the home country of Georg […] Weiterlesen
MOOC Around the World – Our Global List of Distance Learning Resources, Part 2
23. Mai 2013Ready to continue our MOOC journey? Image source: PublicDomainPicture – CC0 adapted by Sylvia After exploring MOOC platforms in Germany and the UK and Ireland in the first part, we now visiting several other European countries in the second part MOOC Around the World. You will be surprised how many MOOC platforms we have here […] Weiterlesen
MOOC Around the World – Our Global List of Distance Education Resources, Part 1
20. Mai 2013MOOCs where the trend of 2012, but 2013 MOOCs bubble over. We all know the American platforms – Coursea, Udacity and edX, but what do we know about MOOC platforms outside America? Well, before writing a threepart article, my knowledge was pretty limited. Together with the MOOC News & Reviews site I started my MOOC […] Weiterlesen
Mit Gamification große und kleine Lernerfolge feiern
12. Mai 2013Wenn Menschen mehr Sport trieben, weil sie damit Punkte in ihrer Diät-App sammeln, oder ihren Cappuccino immer im gleichen Café trinken, weil sie dort so zum “Bürgermeister” werden, sind das Erfolgsgeschichten von Gamification. Der Trick: Jeder noch so kleine Erfolg wird belohnt und motiviert so zum Weitermachen. Doch wie kann auch die betriebliche Weiterbildung vom […] Weiterlesen