Archiv des Autors: Sylvia Moessinger

Application possibilities for Mobile learning

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

Mobile Learning (mlearning) the solution for my problems? Those who read my blog on a regular basis know that I occasionally like to complain about the adverse conditions at my school regarding the insufficient technical equipment in general and access to computer labs in particular.  I would like to adopt Moodle and/or Mahara in school […] Weiterlesen

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Good bye #opco12 and welcome #opco13

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

Inspired by the above video, designed by Joachim Wedekind from and having just read about the ebook from Wesley Freyer “Playing with media” I thought about creating a video myself.
That’s what I came up with

Please … Weiterlesen

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#OPCO12 – Future e-Learning Trends

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

Here my future learning trends. The trends are based mainly on my theoretical, i.e. keeping myself up-to-date with reading blog, reports and articles in the web and personal experience as a learner, yet my teaching experience with students is very limited, due to my infrequent access to computer labs in our school. Tony Bates e.g. […] Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Horizon Report | Tags | Kommentar schreiben

#OPCO12 – Final report (Part 2)

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

In part 1 of my final report I presented some facts and figures about the course, complemented by Claudia Bremer, one of the moderators of the course, in a far more professional way. I just hope I do not belong to those who did not  apply for a confirmation of participation . I changed my […] Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Horizon Report | Tags | Kommentar schreiben

Gesture based computing in hospital

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

How often do I have to explain the new touchscreens? The position of the bedhead and the base is controlled by splaying/spreading your fingers. Utterly simple. As with the iPhone. Spreading as far as possible and you sit up straight. Image source: I simply could not resist when I found this on the c’t […] Weiterlesen

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#OPCO12 – Final report (Part 1)

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

We are coming to the end of the #opco12   and I thought it is time to start with my final report. First, I want to look at the MOOC in general and then look at the content in particular and classify my chosen topic(s) within the whole course. My initial blog post(s) (Stage of […] Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Horizon Report | Tags | Kommentar schreiben

Internet of things – IoT

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

Here some initial thoughts after reading the Horizon Report and watching the Online Event. What is the Internet of Things – IoT? Well for those who want some serious definitions might want to follow the link provided by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlef Krömker, from the  Goethe-Universität Frankfurt in his presentation (only in German available). Here some […] Weiterlesen

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Gesture based computing – Summary

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

Gesture based computing evoked almost unconditionally excitement and a lot of possible applications were suggested and described. Sure some of these ideas are still dreams of the future, but according to the horizon report gesture based computing it takes 3 to 5 years anyways to reach the mainstream. However, some applications are already applied in […] Weiterlesen

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“The moving classroom” – A short status report

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

Active moving classrooms exists and the sky’s the limit. However, it seems in countries like the USA the sky is higher up than in Germany. My 13-year-old American godson easily deals with active whiteboards when presenting the results of one of his project and designing a PowerPoint presentation is quite natural to him. Skills that […] Weiterlesen

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Follow-up of the ‘Gesture-based computing’ session

Veröffentlicht am von Sylvia Moessinger

In my previous blog post I asked whether science fiction finds one’s way into our classrooms. Well, it seems the University in Potsdam already achieved this goal. Todays online session was moderated by Claudia Bremer and the lecturer was Professor Ulrike Lucke from the University in Potsdam. Compliment and thanks to both – Great ‘women […] Weiterlesen

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