Mobile Learning (mlearning) the solution for my problems?
Those who read my blog on a regular basis know that I occasionally like to complain about the adverse conditions at my school regarding the insufficient technical equipment in general and access to computer labs in particular. I would like to adopt Moodle and/or Mahara in school , but how can I introduce this LMS in class without having access to a computer lab to teach students how to make us of and the actual implementation. You cannot simply tell students to start a learning blog or design an e-portfolio without having taught them how and why.
What should we do?
Give up and continue with traditional teaching? Well, that cannot be the solution. We cannot simply miss the bus to education 2.0 and remain static. We – I need a solution, because I believe that we could make a difference applying digital media and web 2.0 tools.
During a discussion with my boss at the VCRP about mobile learning, she asked my how I use mobile phones in my teaching. Well, my answer was pretty sobering.
I don’t use them in my teaching
However, after a short consideration, ignoring that the use of mobile phones is actually forbidden in my school, I came up that mobiles could be use to search the web for a particular task, which I allowed in some occasions. Continuing the brainstorming with my boss we came up with the following applications:
- Searching the web
- Viewing videos
- taking photos
- Information board e.g. via e-mail, QR Codes on spreadsheets and handouts to access further information
- Creating audio and/or video files
- Voting tool / poll
- mobile apps
- geotagging
I was actually amazed how much you could do with mobile phones and I came up with just a view applications. Have a look at the Wordle which I found at the Upside Learning blog reading the article ‘Not just Mobile Learning, Mobile Everywhere’ and you will see a lot more applications.

Wordle created by Judy Brown and the ADL mobile learning team
Armit Garg the author of the above article states:
“Mobiles devices today are extremely capable – working as a phone, camera, audio/video recorder, mp3 / video player, computer, internet device, GPS device, eBook readers, game console, bar code, QR code scanner, motion sensor and more.”
Hence, mLearning could be indeed the solution to at least some of my problems.
- No access to computer labs is required, which saves as well class time since no long ways and searching for a free computer lab is necessary
- BYOD (Bring your own device) – (almost) all students have their own devices
- Application possibilities are vast and varied
- new methods can be introduced into the classroom
- Higher order learning (Bloom’s taxonomy) can be achieved
- and …, and many more advantages which I cannot estimate right now.
The SWOT Analysis by Amit Gautmann, as well found at Upside Learning lists the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of mobile learning.
And of course, no blog post without an appropriate infografics

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mobile learning